DBZ Abridged Episode 57-58 REACTION

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  1. I think A LOT of people missed the foreshadowing of Gohan when he said “then you’re going to have a really hard time keeping up when they get serious.” He truly thinks Cell and Goku are holding back, not realizing that he’s the ONLY one who has been able to keep up with their fight the whole way through. That’s why Trunks gives that awkward “…yeah” response to Krillin after he says, “Saiyans, amirite?”

  2. OMG I forgot you can see the disciples of Mr. Satan still present at the ring while Abridged Cell supposedly blew the heli with them up end of episode 57!
    (in you guys reaction 17:40)

  3. You can really see how much team four star likes Mr Satan as a character because of how ridiculous he is as a person. They’ve had conversations about how they hated him when they first watched the show but they grew to like him after realizing how funny he is.

  4. if you liked the music playing when cell used the multiform technique against goku, you should listen to the song its we are number one from lazy town

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