DBZ Abridged Episode 51-52 REACTION

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  1. So should we mention that DBZA is coming back to do the Buu arc… sort of. It’s a recent announcement but from what I heard they will not do the full season just parts of it. I don’t know when exactly but it should be soon. This is just what I heard so correct me if I am wrong.

  2. I might be the only one on this hill, but I am willlng to die on it. Final Fantasy 7 Machinabridged is very good, and should be watched more. It’s only had like 3 channels react to it, and that seems a bit unfair considering how much work was put into it

  3. After you guys finish this, you should check out One Piece Abridged. It’s called None Piece by PurpleEyeswtf. It’s pretty short too, it only goes up to Baratie.

  4. To be fair if Cell didn’t dodge the final flash at the last second I think he would’ve died. Though Vegeta even getting the chance to put Cell in a position where has to dodge was entirely because of Cell letting him in the first place.

  5. I forgot to say this yesterday, but fun fact: the music that plays when Krillin is arguing with himself about blowing up 18 is the Theme of Lapis Lazuli from Steven Universe, since 18’s actual name is Lazuli.

  6. Well when you finish DBZA, there’s shorts and then a spin-off series they made called HFIL. It’s still being made and has 9 episodes (I think) plus a Christmas special.

  7. bbf, toriyama planned on making Gohan the main mc after the cell saga, but fans loved Goku so much, they petitioned him not to change anything in regards to Goku.

  8. It really hurts my heart that they didn’t get to Buu Saga. Could you imagine Goten and Kid Trunks as Gotenks alone? It could’ve been great ?

    1. They are! in TotallyNotMarks video at the end they show they are doing Buu (kinda, specifically they are going to have bits of buu abridged instead of a full season)

    1. no way, imagine being the most pathetic guy in existence and yet still standing up for someone you love against a demon bug monster who can turn your insides into liquid

    2. Yall should definitely check out Hellsing Ultimate Abridged by Team Four Star and Sword Art Online Abridged by Something Witty Entertainment

    3. I think it’s an alright match. At the least there’s feelings there which makes a lot more sense than Goku only agreeing to marry Chichi because he thought she was talking about food

    4. Nah, more she doesn’t deserve krillen, even toyotaro trying to make him worse in the super manga doesn’t diminish that krillen no matter how outclassed is always on the frontlines when possible.

      1. I know right. Toyotaro seems to hate Krillin and constantly gives him the short end of the stick. But yeah, 18 really didn’t deserve Krillin in actual DBZ. However, I am happy they got together. They are one of the healthiest couples in the series

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