DBZ Abridged Episode 43-44 REACTION

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  1. Cell pretty much traumatized me as a kid. I didn’t watch DBZ a lot, but what I had watched involved this episode and the finale, and those memories popped into my brain at random for like 10 years until I got older and rewatched all the series.

  2. Ruff – I know you mentioned you no longer interested in Dragon Ball, but I suggest watching it from Tienshinhan saga onwards, so last 3 saga. Because it´s straight fighting, drama and ki techniques from that saga onwards, all questions about Piccolo and Kami answered and closest feel towards DBZ.

    So Tien Shinhan saga, King Piccolo saga, Piccolo Jr. saga. Skip the bit afterwards of Goku travelling with ChiChi which is filler.

  3. LOL and so begins Ruff having to skip thru the readout and intro again because spoilers XD Also I knew u guys would love the Goku dream part its hilarious cause Piccolo is in there as Zoro when the real life VA voices both characters, and yes that is 10000% where the Vegeta “I am the HYPE” meme comes from. Lastly, imo pretty much every episode from here on out is gold so ENJOY BOYS

  4. The guy’s head is censored because the YouTube algorithm thought it was a dick and kept flagging the episode for inappropriate content 🙂

    1. Actually the top of the guys head was shaped like a glans(slit and all) so a censor to be expected. Just look up ” Battle Ball Team DBZ¨. I don´t get why they designed it like that in the first place.

  5. Actually DBZA didn’t make cell scary, he was actually scary in the anime and manga and the episode he’s first introduced literally feels like a horror movie and the music being eeries and depressing further amplified that amazing scary feeling cell had when he was introduced.

  6. Definetly no way I could wait for these Cell throught DBZA is hands down my favorite character in the series. also the frame in the solar flare is two Flys fucking.

  7. Don’t know if anyone has told you yet, but the VA for Cell in the Abridged, also does the voices of Nappa, Super Kami Guru, Dende, and Bardock in the Abridged as well; quite the range he’s got, lol

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