The Wild Robot Reaction

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  1. Daniel
    1 month

    This movie threw me through such a fucking loop! I legit thought this movie was gonna be just ok, and I was gonna skip it. But I heard it was good, so I checked it out. And I absolutely loved it! I'm so glad you guys checked it out too!

  2. Kaila
    2 months

    i really hope they watch daisy or the little vampire

  3. Alex
    2 months

    I managed to see this film while it was still in theaters on literally like the last day it was in 3D!It was so good and so worth it! Made me cry like 3 times!!

    1 replies
    1. Alex
      27 days

      Also, If Bree was watching this with the guys, it would have broken her.

  4. zackscroggins
    2 months

    I hadn't heard anything about this movie until it showed up here so I was gonna give it a pass, but my coworkers were talking about it today so I figured, what the hell I watch it... holy shit... It's 2:00am and I am SOBBING! Shout out to the music crew by the way, the score for this was incredible. 

  5. Andre
    2 months

    I actually found this movie through YouTube shorts clips

  6. snakegoddess
    2 months

    that gave me real how to train your dragon vibes and I was so right. I knew about it because I saw Inside Out 2 in theaters and i saw the trailer.

  7. rabi
    3 months

    Should see "where are the wild things are "

  8. shantheman99
    3 months

    You guys need to react to the iron giant

  9. shantheman99
    3 months

    I think a big reason for movies going unnoticed is we've moved to streaming. In the theater, there's previews before the movie so you can see other stuff coming out. You don't get those with streaming.

  10. Mason
    3 months

    You guys should react to a Netflix movie called next gen. It's a movie about a robot similar to this. I don't think it's on the same level as this, but I think it's underrated and didn't get any attention when it came out. Probably because of its bad marketing and all. Anyways, I think it's worth the watch, and no other reactor I found has reacted to it.

  11. Em
    3 months

    Guys, remind me- did they ever watch The Sea Beast on Netflix? Because if you like this movie and How To Train Your Dragon, The Sea Beast is a must watch!

    1 replies
    1. Piña
      3 months

      Oh man they would love the humor in that one, plus it’s got beautiful animation and character designs

  12. pugprotectslove
    3 months

    I go to the movies a lot because I love having movie theater popcorn and this movie's trailer has been playing for over a year and I was so excited for when it was coming out! Seeing it in theater was amazing!! I saw the trailer for Transformers One too and I was interested in seeing it in theaters, unfortunately at the time it came out I did not have enough money to go, but thankfully I am subbed to your guys' patreon so I still got to experience it with you guys.

  13. Dylan
    3 months

    Just watched this in theaters last night, absolutely phenomenal movie. Didn't make me cry much but I did start tearing up a little bit by the end.

  14. Lauryn
    3 months

    Please watch kubo and the two strings!! It has nothing to do with this but it is also a sad yet incredible story and they just put it back on Netflix 

    4 replies
    1. Luca!!
      2 months

      Definitely agree!! Amazing move they would love it <3 

    2. themania.
      3 months

      that would be cool

    3. Dylan
      3 months

      Yes please, fantastic movie from an equally fantastic studio. Replying so they hopefully see this

    4. BonnieBunny89009
      3 months

      YEESSS I second this! It's stop motion too, beautiful animation and story. I absolutely love it! I hope they react to it :)

  15. Jose
    3 months

    What a great movie 

  16. Obsidianfox
    3 months

    Got to watch this last night and theaters and now watching it on my phone with yalls reaction it still made me cry. Such a beautiful movie. 

  17. kikko78
    3 months

    This is the BEST book adaption ever! Im so ready for sequel 2 and 3

  18. Yamiko
    3 months

    I loved this movie! made my whole family cry xD I heard it's going to be a trilogy actually and that they are working on the second one already! I cant wait!

    2 replies
    1. imrightoverhere
      3 months

      yeah, I've only read the first one so I'm not sure; but since the last book was only released in 2023, it might not be *just* a trilogy.

    2. kikko78
      3 months

      Yea i love the books

  19. KaiserKnight217
    3 months

    can you guys react to Shadow The Hedgehog Loreso that way you learn about Shadow The Hedgehog

  20. imrightoverhere
    3 months

    This movie has been my ADHD hyper fixation for the past 3 weeks, I think it's my favorite movie ever at this point. i've watched it in theaters 4 times, and I still consider that number low lmao. luckily/unluckily, where i live there's a discount on theater tickets for people like me.

  21. Etta
    3 months

     I love this movie so much. If guys haven’t yet, i highly recommend watching the recent Planet of the Apes movies! 

  22. bans4ee
    3 months

    this movie just reminds me of the cinematic for the character trailer for one of the heroes for overwatch.

  23. iKirbeeburgr
    3 months

    6:42 PLAGG?!?!?!??!

  24. Petrichor12
    3 months

    This was so cute! 😭🐣🤖

  25. RecklessRush
    3 months

    I need you guys to finish the MIB Trilogy. MIB3 is one of my favorite movies of all time.

  26. DeadHubris
    3 months

    First time I did a first time watch with you guys and I regret it because I missed like 90% of the commentary because I was bawling like a little bitch. 

  27. devontetheenigma
    3 months

    What's next? The Astro boy movie?The Croods? Or maybe Superman vs the elite

    1 replies
    1. devontetheenigma
      3 months

      Or what about meet the Robinsons or bolt

  28. Joseph
    3 months

    this and transformers one best movies of the year. the director/writer also wrote lilo and stitch

    1 replies
    1. Joseph
      3 months

      i should say he created and directed lilo and stitch

      1 replies
      1. imrightoverhere
        3 months

        And How To Train Your Dragon, though both were adaptations* of preexisting books. 

  29. The
    3 months

    The first Puss in Boots movie is the other DreamWorks film you guys haven't react to yet

  30. ttdynimite
    3 months

    id love to see the movies bolt and spirit stallion of the cimarron those would be a fun chill watch also loved this movie.

    1 replies
    1. Brian
      3 months

      Finally, another person that remembers Bolt. 

  31. bertzieblu
    3 months

    yes!! so excited for this :D The story and animation is great for sure, but for me, the sound does the most. Kit's voice acting was amazing, and I love how they mix the animal sounds with actual dialogues. Not to mention the soundtrack was also amazing and adds up to the emotional impact by a ton. Can't forget how it felt the first time watching this on the big screen.. I hope Dreamworks will adapt more original stories like this in the future!

  32. Honey
    3 months

    Fun fact for Boom, the voice behind Brightbill is the actor that plays Nick from Heartstopper! 

  33. imrightoverhere
    3 months

    Speaking of new releases you guys have missed, are yall still planning to do the Hunger Games movie from last year?

  34. Total
    3 months

    I’m only gonna suggest this once. I checked your catalog and seen that you haven’t reacted to The Lorax by Illumination yet. I recommend you watch it, I think it’s an interesting story

  35. LaLa
    3 months

    I'm surprised Boom didn't say anything at the end when Kit Connor's name came up since he's reacting to Heartstopper. 

  36. Poet
    3 months

    holy hell this might be my new favorite animated movie before it was Kubo and the two strings 

  37. Mr.Maple
    3 months

    I loved this movie so much. 

  38. LeaDKKB
    3 months

    if you loved this you'll love Ultraman:Rising on netflix

  39. LeaDKKB
    3 months

    this was amazing omg tears all throughout 

  40. ThanatosHero
    3 months

    This was great!!! Now that the new venom Is out, yall should consider watching those as well

    1 replies
    1. imrightoverhere
      3 months

      I can't understate how much I love this movie, I've watched it in theaters 4 times, because it's my adhd hyperfixation. thank god I get a discount because of it too lol. Also, sidenote regarding the movies you guys have missed, yall still havent watched the Hunger Games movie

  41. imrightoverhere
    3 months

    one of my favorite details I noticed is Fink said that if you love someone you should probably tell them, then Roz asked what to do if it was too late, and he said he wouldn't know; then at the end when she's telling them that she's migrating he says, "what if I have to tell you something and you're not there?" so he still doesn't know. 

  42. Kayla
    3 months

    Two other movies with amazing animation that I would love for you guys to react to: Wolfwalkers and The Mitchells Vs The Machines

    3 replies
    1. Petrichor12
      3 months

      Have they NOT reacted to The Mitchells Vs The Machines??? How have we let this happen!?!?

    2. imrightoverhere
      3 months

      Honestly, they should watch the entire Cartoon Saloon catalogue, probably would take a long time though, considering they haven't finished the Pixar catalogue and aren't focused on animated movies 

    3. Miles
      3 months

      i love wolfwalkers

  43. kikko78
    3 months

    the hunchback of notre dame

  44. Joshua
    3 months

    Yall should watch Planet of the Apes trilogy. Its amazing story telling

  45. Radar
    3 months

    I saw this in the cinema, and omg. It was so good, and it looked visually amazing

  46. cherrysue
    3 months

    I'm so happy yall watching this! I seen it in cinema and it was so good 

  47. kid.dyn0mite
    3 months

    Wait. I can’t remember have yall watched the How to Train your Dragon trilogy for the cahnnel?? Bc if not that’s absolutely something you should do

    1 replies
    1. Kayla
      3 months

      They have watched the trilogy!

  48. LaLa
    3 months

    If you guys are going to get into the DreamWorks movies you missed you have to watch their old school 2D movies! All of them goated! 

  49. theater_grandpa
    3 months

    Such a great movie

  50. imrightoverhere
    3 months

    In preparation for this reaction, i started reading the original book because this quickly catapulted inti my favorite animated movie of all time and I was hoping to finish it before I watched the reaction, and I easily could have since it's such a short book, but I'm only on chapter 61 (some chapters are literally just one page) That said, it's been awesome. *spoilers* I knew Chris Sanders other adaptation, How To Train Your Dragon, was very different from the books, so I went in expecting a lot of changes and even though there were, they all made a strong story. Also, sidenote, they also cut out and merged a lot of characters, but the only one that they cut out that makes me sad is Chitchat, Brightbill's squirrel best friend who is pretty endearing. 

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