Shrek 4 Ever After REACTION

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  1. I love this movie. 1 – 3 is also my favorite. I love this movie because is enjoyable and funny 🤣😁 as shit. I’m 35 and the movie came out when I was 21. So yeah I would rewatch it. Nickelodeon airs on their network and I would watch it every time they Air it. So this movie I give A+, 💯🔥. And of course I would rewatch the hell out of Shrek 1 – 4. 4 is my favorite because of Rumpelstiltskin is by far my favorite character and in my opinion the best villain. The Geese 🪿 is the funniest character. Haters Gonna Hate. (As TS would say). I can’t believe you guys and lady didn’t notice the song that they played at the end of the movie is the same song at the end of Shrek 1. NE wayz I’m gonna end this on a good note. U guys and lady reaction is awesome. Love hearing your feedback and opinions of the movie 🍿🎥. 👍❤️

  2. I love this movie and it’s a good end to the series. But one thing I have to point out. In the original movie it took Shrek and donkey like 3 days to get from dulac to the dragons castle. Granted it also took a long while for them to go from shreks house to far far away. So I can only assume the witch brooms are incredibly fast and they used that to travel most of the way

  3. I would actually love to hear ya’ll do som hardcore analysis! But I also watch four-hour video essays lol. I do like the focus on fun though! tbh I’m just happy watching ‘with ya’ll.’

  4. I think the reason people really like this movie is because we get to see other ogres for the first time, other than that i don’t get why people think shrek was valid, I can understand him being frustrated at people not taking him seriously but at the same time his wish in the first movie was for people to not be prejudice against him, he takes his anger out on fiona because she was the closest person to his proximity, essentially says that he wishes she was still locked up in a tower, and doesn’t even flinch when realizing what he just said, he walks away and decides to escape his life, all on his kids first birthday, then at the end he just takes it back?? it’s fair to say shrek was a lot more bitter in the other movies but in this one he’s just a creepy asshole and i think they could’ve done more if they brought him back to after he said it so that he can go back, apologize, and face the consequences.

  5. Dude, shrek in the beginning felt like someone having a sensory overload meltdown, and I super vibe with that. The thing I take issue with is how fast the “falling in love again” happened and how forced. He tried forcefully kissing her several times, like, she would’ve only had a bad reaction to him afterwards; either panic, or aggression because he was a legitimate threat to her and her physical/emotional safety (his actions were bordering on assault in places). I loved the message *he* took away from everything, but like, she 1000% deserved to have had a full REAL conversation with; like they could’ve gone outside and explained everything or showed him telling her later that night in their ending montage. Also, I’m super glad they found more ogres, but I wish they had gone more in depth about how little shrek knew about being an ogre. And touched on his backstory. Like his parents dumped his ass at like 7 or 8 and fully abandoned him. But you’d never know unless you watch Shrek the Musical. Anyway, like, between 3D uncanny valley, and a premise that really misses looking back at it (bc 2010 was a fucking different era, sadly) this one and the third tie for me, for last place, albeit bc of very different reasons. I am and will always be biased towards shrek 2 as best movie, but the first is dear to me as well; I blame them for my love of twisting fairytales to new angles

  6. This is a perfect finale for Shrek. Some people don’t like this one because it’s not nearly as funny as 1 & 2. But I don’t think that’s a bad thing. Honestly the last story for Shrek should be more darker. And hey Shrek 2 had a deep storyline too!

    This movie is probably my second favorite of the franchise. I was a late comer of this movie. I didn’t know it even existed because like a lot of people I checked out after Shrek the Third.

  7. Most people dislike this movie for not being as funny and being more serious and plot-based. I personally dig this movie a lot; I like how the movie is very meta in the fact that Shrek is tired of being a green joke because that’s what happened with Shrek in real life. He became one of the biggest memes on the internet, and that made people just treat the Shrek franchise as a meme franchise, distracting the public from the fact that the movies have very compelling narratives and well-written character development (especially the first two movies). So what they tried to do in this movie is lean more on the plot and give a very dramatic movie as a result, which is the reason why so many people say it’s trash.

  8. Oh hell no. I now know what needs to be on the list for reactions. Sean makes a perfectly timed “The Greater Good” reference and none of them batted an eye? Add The Cornetto Trilogy to the list.

  9. Not defending Shrek for what he said to Fiona but he didn’t willingly give up his family, he thought he was just giving up a worthless day. He’s dumb for trusting Rumpelstiltskin for sure though.

  10. I saw this movie as a child and even then I disliked it. Not because of the gaslighting and manipulation. I wouldn’t have understood that. But because of the time travel. I had seen that story already multiple times. Also the love story that I already watched in a little movie called Shrek. Also even as a kid Rumpelstiltskin looking different than he did in the third movie was jarring.

    Now in reference to what you were saying about how they could have found another fairy tale character to be the villain, I will give one thing to this movie: Rumpelstiltskin is the perfect villain for this type of story. In the original Fairy Tale he’s a deal maker who is kind of implied to be the devil.

    1. Would you be able to help explain what the vibe is meant to be? Personally my takeaway from the movie was Shrek was having a literal midlife crisis and because he’s an ogre, his are more extreme so he says and does stuff that a normal person going through a midlife crisis probably wouldn’t do like smash their kids’ cake and tell their spouse they wish they never rescued them. As messed up as that is that Shrek did and said that, I like to believe that Fiona knows he didn’t mean it and that he only said it in a fit of stress. Granted it is a pet peeve of mine when people take their frustrations out on others but I know it’s a normal thing that people do.

  11. Shrek 2 is one of my favorite movies in general tbh. I 10000% agree with the rank order you guys give, it is 2, 1, 3, then 4. This movie is fun but as someone able to understand plot and character, it is not very good.

  12. To be honest, I’m actually kind of surprised that they preferred the third one better than this one. I understand it’s not as great as Shrek 2 but I think it’s better than the third one. Plus, I don’t really see the problem with the animation, it might be slightly outdated but I don’t think it’s that bad. I get that what Shrek did was wrong for saying he wished he never saved Fiona and went back to being just an ogre, but he was going through a mid-life crisis. He said something he didn’t really mean, he didn’t expect that he would lose everything when he signed the contract and it was one of these moments of “be careful what you wish for”.

    1. I will say the beginning of the movie sucks, but honestly Shrek was pretty in character in all movies since his choices in the beginning of film tracks with his flaws.
      He’s stubborn, somewhat petty and he always try to run away from his problems in Shrek 1 he convinced himself he liked being alone when in truth he hated being alone, in Shrek 2 he changed himself into a human to impress Fiona’s parents and in Shrek 3 he was given the title of King, but went to another country to grab someone else to be king and did manipulate him into thinking they wanted him specifically. And in Shrek 4 he has a mid life crisis pretty much running away from a life he didn’t know he had until it was to late.

  13. Why’s it even harder to log in with Patreon. Normally it would be under the video now I have to go to my profile. Why can’t I just be logged in constantly

  14. Ngl I’m actually of the opinion that this is worst of the 4. I would rewatch The Third more than Forever After. This is still a really enjoyable movie.

  15. I actually really like this one, sure it’s not nearly as good imo as the first 2 but it’s certainly better than 3. It just a really good movie in general tho

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