Shark Tale Reaction

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  1. FryLord
    15 days

    Starting to think chainsaw man took inspiration from this lol

  2. trolle6
    24 days

    what about other movies from this era, like Chicken little..?

    1 replies
    1. FryLord
      15 days

      Legit movies from this time I only played the games, Sharktale, Chicken Little, Over the Hedge, Arthur and the Invisibles, Ant Bully, all of them...I still haven't seen any of them, which makes this my first time seeing this one lol 

  3. JM
    1 month

    Dragonheart did the fake monster slayer thing better because it was a dragon and also Sean Connery. 

  4. Damon
    1 month

    Lenny dressing as a dolphin during the meeting was really smart since dolphins actually scare sharks.

    Also, when you mention earlier that the scenes looked like video game cutscenes reminded me that there was a video game of this movie. It looked worse though, IIRC. And wasn't exactly the best, either.

  5. pugprotectslove
    1 month

    Hoodwinked is a CLASSIC, not Hoodwinked 2, do NOT watch Hoodwinked 2. But yes! Definitely PLEASE Check out Hoodwinked!! On of the main producers went to college with my parents and even makes a cameo voice in the movie. It is great!

    1 replies
    1. Damon
      1 month

      I loved the first movie, as well. never saw the second, though. Heard it was awful.

  6. M
    1 month

    It's true I did love this movie as a kid and I remember being so shocked people hated it lol

  7. LikeThat
    1 month

    This is the first time I've seen them actually not like a super hated movie. Cause I remember they liked Cars 2 and Ralph Breaks the Internet and those 2 movies were hated, this is interesting to see. As for me, I never hated this movie, I still kinda like it, but it was a lot better to me as a kid, than as an adult now, but it's still a fun little blast from the past for me. I feel like all the tropes in this movie were better executed in other movies from DreamWorks and also other studios.

    2 replies
    1. Aidan
      1 month

      They weren't fans of Scooby-Doo and the Cyber Chase either.

    2. Atticus
      1 month

      I think the biggest difference is that Cars 2 and Ralph 2 both have likable main characters. Oscar is just such a douchebag that you can't even root for him.

  8. Atticus
    1 month

    This movie is the epitome of 2004.

  9. ntolson7
    1 month

    Hoodwinked is really good too

    1 replies
    1. pugprotectslove
      1 month

      This! Please!!

  10. ntolson7
    1 month

    Please Please Please watch the ip man movies with donnie yen...please

  11. Mr.Maple
    1 month

    The adventures of Will Smith fish and Jack Black fish.

  12. thedeathrow
    1 month

    The Biggest "NO WAAAY" with a smile on my face when I saw this coming back home from work!! xD

  13. Amantè
    1 month

    I don't remember this movie being this cheesy, I can't lie lmao

    I am hoping that yall will eventually watch Kingsman the Secret Service if yall haven't in your off time already

  14. DeadHubris
    1 month

    I wouldn’t be surprised if someone requested this but I’m choosing to believe the infinitely funnier idea that you guys just chose to watch it yourselves. Also to answer the question if memes came out of this movie: yes they did, mostly about the Martin Scorsese fish. Granted not as many as something like the bee movie but still, it had its fair share. 

  15. DeadHubris
    1 month

    Do you think Martin Scorcese considers this movie cinema. 

  16. idziman
    1 month

    I need you all to watch The Room, it's a rite of passage

  17. capkyros
    1 month

    That sounds like Ruff. Someday I hope to gain his approval. I hoped the same with my dad but I think I have a better chance with Ruff. 

  18. Michael
    1 month

    You guys should watch rise of the guardians 

  19. Trystin
    1 month

    Wow I cant believe Ruff said that. You think you know a guy.

    1 replies
    1. idziman
      1 month

      I can

  20. Havoc
    1 month

    Fuck it. Watch bee movie. Same vibes, better in all ways. Infinite memes.

  21. Dk_music
    1 month

    You guys should totally watch Nacho Libra and TMNT 2007 movie please!

  22. _Crimson_Fkr_
    1 month

    So... Ruff dodged a bullet.

  23. Taz
    1 month

    Twilight and Sharktale back to back is insane, watch some good movies I'm begging.  Like love yall, but we spending money here lol



    The Croods.

    Rocky Movies.

    Roadhouse 2024 remake.

    TMNT 2007.

    Toby Spider-Man movies.

    Mad Max movies.

    Despicable Me 2.

    Planet Hulk.

    Hulk vs Wolverine.

    Over The Hedge.

    The Iron Giant.

    Ice Age Movies.

    Fox and The Hound.

    Grown Ups.

    Happy Gilmore.

    3 replies
    1. M
      1 month

      I mean if you don't like those movies why does that matter lol. Other people enjoyed them, I don't expect every upload to cater to everyone. Look at their schedule and decide when to "spend money" lol 

    2. LikeThat
      1 month

      I was with you until you said "We're paying money here". While that may be true, it's not like they're forcing you to pay extra for Patreon, you could have just waited for their stuff to be released on YouTube for free and you wouldn't even have to worry about paying money. 

    3. goldcrusty
      1 month

      Dude I don't know if it was a joke but schedules get's announced earlier so you are kind of paying knowingly most of the time. And watching Boom suffer a bad movie is a tradition around here that is why he has seen both of those that you mentioned and Holiday Touchdown. 

  24. CJ
    1 month

    This is probably the first time I've seen y'all pause a movie and talk about how you're not liking it lol. 

    This film while it is a bit of a guilty pleasure was and still is considered to be one of DreamWorks worst as every trope they became infamous for is present throughout this. Such as: the bad puns, overused on A-list celebrities, and making pop-cultural references just for the sake of it etc.

  25. Diamond
    1 month

    I know you guys have a million and 1 recommendations but please consider the show Once Upon a Time. I don't wanna give anything away in case you haven't heard of it but you can find it on Disney+. Like adult version of classic fairytales.

  26. Lauryn
    1 month

    Please watch kubo and the two strings!! 

    2 replies
    1. Sydney
      1 month

      Yes yes yes. Actual stop motion cinema. Kubo And The Two Strings is highly recommended.

    2. Lauryn
      1 month

      It’s on Netflix right now

  27. Kay
    1 month

    I watched this show as a kid so this movie is more nostalgia to me than a peak storyline.  I'll always enjoy rewatching it cuz of that but I can definitely understand having opinions about it overall.

  28. Sly
    1 month

    I do remember liking this movie alot when it came out. In 04 i would have been 8 years old. So for that demo, it lands. Over The Hedge is better then Shark Tale though. It has just as star studded a cast as Shark Tale too. Steve Carell, Bruce Willis, Avril Lavigne, William Shatner, and more.

  29. Brye
    1 month

    I loved this movie as a kid and I enjoy watching a reaction to it now but I would never put this movie on the TV lol. There are so many great jokes and the cast all did great voice acting, the story is just rough tho. There are points where it tries to be serious without being serious and there is a strange mixture of things being both completely cartoony and oddly realistic. It makes the movie end up just having a plot that needs massive conveniences and events that don't make much real sense, as well as a strange feeling that makes the world unrelatable because you cant tell what will be realistic or not. 

  30. Juju’sWrld
    1 month

    there is a video game it pretty cool and love hows its stupid lmao 

    1 replies
    1. Brye
      1 month

      The game was so great in my memory (probably because it was one of only like 4 games I had) but it was also a dumb movie game so I'm sure its actually horrible lol

  31. igormd
    1 month

    where is WICKED uaaaaaar

  32. Coral
    1 month

    Yall should watch wolf of wall street

  33. Andrew
    1 month

    As someone who watched this as a kid a ton, watching it now requires a lot of marijuanas to even sit through it.

  34. Andrew
    1 month

    There are a lot of instances of Disney/Pixar and Dreamworks releasing similar movies quite close to each other and this is probably the worst example. They were just trying to do their own Finding Nemo but just with story cliches that were old even in 2004 and almost all of the humor being "It's like our world BUT WITH FISH!" 

    1 replies
    1. Lauryn
      1 month

      This movie is a completely different plot than Nemo lol I think they just wanted to make a funny fish movie, not every kid movie needs some big meaning behind it

      1 replies
      1. Andrew
        1 month

        I just meant that they wanted to do their own "kid's fish movie" just a year after Finding Nemo came out and was such a juggernaut. 

  35. LaLa
    1 month

    So fun fact about the themes you pointed out in this movie: _

    The American Family Association (a SUPER conservative Christian group) boycotted this movie for 'promoting the acceptance of gay rights to children' because of they also believed that Lenny was 'an allegory for gay men and their struggles with homosexuality'.


    The Anti-Italian Defamation League boycotted it even after the filmmakers apparently made some changes to the movie to appeal to them.


    Yo, this movie might be a mid cult classic but it did some hella heavy lifting. 😂

  36. korrasrightbicep
    1 month

    Boom pausing the movie to confirm that it sucks KILLED ME 😭

  37. amazingworldofgumballstan
    1 month

    Fun fact: this movie, which came out the same year as Shrek 2, is a victim of how Shrek worked in the first place, without understanding that a good script is needed for all those elements that Shrek had and used. Like star power, pop culture references, crude humor, and pop music. This movie imo isn't that good but hopefully u convince me that its at least good garbage

  38. Ameena
    1 month

    Please react to mummy 2 next 

  39. kwarantine_kween
    1 month

    glad yall get to witness how bad and insane this movie is, it’s my childhood haha

  40. LaLa
    1 month

    Dang... you guys love us more than Ruff. Note taken... fuck me I guess. 

  41. Kaelin
    1 month

    Cult classic time! 

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