Ben 10 Alien Force S3 Episode 14-15 REACTION

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  1. I find it funny that their jokes nearly predict Canon each time. But just to clear things up

    1: the watch samples aren’t souls or sentient, they’re more like… Blood samples. Primus is basically a big sperm bank. Ghost freak is special because his species have their minds within their DNA for some reason, so taking his dna was like making a clone of him that was trapped there.

    2: I think chromastone is fucking dead

  2. So I know they’ve moved onto more episodes but just to try and clarify, I’m pretty sure Primus doesn’t house all the DNA for the Omnitrix to essentially connect to like a Wi-Fi. Over 1 million as stated by Azmuth DNA samples are still stored in the Omnitrix, it’s just that Ben could get more or replace any samples lost, from Primus sorta like a back up hard drive. This whole episode was just so unnecessary and needlessly complicated how the Omnitrix supposedly works.

  3. Nobody gonna point out Seeohknee calls Primus a planet before anything of the sort is mentioned? Only the name was mentioned, not what it is or if it even is an it.
    Preeeeewatcher xD

  4. Both these episodes are dope imo evil ben would be insanely terrifying also its a harsh test tbf because what plumber is doing anything to ben if hes serious

  5. No the reason why Omnitrix keeps giving Ben the wrong alien is because it’s broken so it sends the wrong signal to the planet which in turn gives it the wrong alien.

  6. much like the busy box twist, I love how they foreshadow ben just testing them. he always stays as one alien instead of quick changing, never becomes anyone with a drastic size advantage until they are all working together, always goes for the stagger as opposed to the kill, all the footage with max cutting out before ben needs to do anything bad to him, is sure to give them enough time to strategize in between attacks, using aliens that require a second person to truly defeat (echo echo needs to be spread thin, goop needs a second person to grab the UFO, Rath needs to be tag teamed and Big chill needs to focus on being intangible), etc.

  7. I like how the last episode shows that Ben is WAY more competent than he usually lets on. It also shows that if Ben were to ever be evil, nobody could stop him.

    1. I genuinely wish we got more of that than “cocky Ben”. Dude is totally relatable teenager, who just happens to also be the one of the strongest, if not the strongest, being in the universe.

      1. don’t know if its a spoiler to say future series expand on that aspect more. honestly i think you guys will like ultimate alien and omniverse more for character arcs.

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