Ben 10 Alien Force S3 Episode 13 REACTION

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  1. weirdly high-quality animation in this episode out of like…every Ben 10 episode, so far? to top it off, even more happy to see argit’s a part of it. can’t wait for ultimate alien

  2. ok, so there are 2 main theories as to why the Tiffin unlocked Rath. in Omniverse it is revealed that Apoplexians and Lewodan have a sort of history so either
    A. the omnitrix scanned a little bit of Appoplexian off of the tiffin
    B. the Appoplexian DNA noticed the Lewodan and got so pissed off that it unlocked itself out of spite

  3. You guys would love Link Click. I hope you put it on a poll soon! Its a mystery time travel anime(donghua) from China which is actually awesome. Its got 2 seasons so far.

  4. Idk if they’ve been reading comments about the management of AF, but their take on season 3 vs season 1 saddens me because this season is the least control the writers had due to cn’s constant involvement. So storylines didn’t get the proper polish they should’ve had. Alot of their questions will have to be answered in future series.

    Hope they don’t write off the idea of a serious Ben 10 arcs and characterization because those are some of the best moments of the franchise, especially future installments. I respect their opinions,
    I just want to clear up the misinformation involving the writers…they got dumped with a lot to manage as the franchise continued getting tampered with.

    1. We don’t write off the idea of serious Ben 10 arcs. We like what they tried with the Highbreeds, we just didn’t feel like it stuck the landing for us all that much, even though a lot of fans see it as the pinnacle of the series. But I’d be lying if I said we didn’t enjoy Ben 10 more when it’s just fun scifi adventures. We know that’ll make Reddit hate us, but it’s a show we like vibing with now instead of taking it too serious. Which is funny, because we took it kind of seriously at first and people told us to chill lol

  5. This is not actually the season 3 finale, your streaming service probably messed it up, the “season 4” there its actually part of season 3, you can look at the wiki

  6. Rath is absolutely goated I also don’t see why people hate s3 so much it isn’t even bad the middle is kinda slow ig but it starts and ends strong cant wait for ultimate alien too

  7. I skipped straight to this one because the best character ever made has arrived. Rath is hands down my FAVORITE character in all of Ben 10 and I think one of the creators also said he was his favorite alien.

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