Teen Titans Episode 9-10 REACTION

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  1. Fun fact even in the comics the true identity of red X is never revealed and the very few times it is revealed it’s either someone who we already knew or that person dies and a new red X comes into play

  2. I think the chess board part is in relation to English mod culture and the Jamaican ska music movement who have that famous chess checkered print on their guitars, ties and socks. I also love that Japanese ska montage at the end.

  3. Teen Titan’s Slade is probably the scariest iteration of the character. He is a more of a one dimensional evil guy than he is in in the comics but in the ‘force of nature’ evil kind of way which makes him scary.

  4. Didn’t have any audio issues on my end.
    Aw man, Red X and Mad Mod were always 2 of my fav episodes! Mod’s World is just so creative (and deadly lol)!

    1. On the one hand, it’s been fixed. On the other…I kind of liked seeing the mellow “pre-recording” Ruff. Seeing him calmly (and kind of tired sounding) countdown to the start of the video was refreshing…and very relatable. Oh well, just a benefit of being too early, I suppose.

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