Teen Titans Episode 7-8 REACTION

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  1. We kinda get an explanation of why Robin leaves Batman in Batman The Animated Series. In that he becomes Nightwing only 2 years later, whereas in the comics he forms the Titans and becomes Nightwing years after that.

  2. Episodes like episode 7 are part of the reason I compare any team or friend group in a story to this version of the Titans. The show does a good job not just showing that they’re good friends as a whole but also dives into their individual dynamic with each other.

  3. I’ve some places list the last few episodes out of order so please watch the 2 parter last, they were originally aired as the finale and I’m not sure why some places put a random episode after it. I really love the 2 parter and I can’t wait to see you guys react to it!

  4. I’ve never actually seen every single episode of Teen Titans, just most of them. So I’m not sure if there is a full Raven backstory, I’m sure they tell you a lot more than you know now, but in the comics her backstory/early life is pretty dark. I was honesty a little surprised that the 80s comic went there in a few moments. Marv Wolfman (the writer of the NTT comics) was a big believer in traumatic origins, so all of their backstories have sad or serious elements, but some with darker implications than others (Starfire and Raven specifically, which is why I think they did this episode tbh).

    1. Aqualad is not aquaman’s son. Neither versions of aqualad have been his son. The other version of aqualad is black manta’s son which you may be thinking of?

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