Star Wars: The Clone Wars Episode 67-68 Reaction

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  1. xav98
    4 hours

    @6:48 ohh i know exactly what you’re referring to i have oldschool southern grandparents and i also remember don’t get in grown folks business or this for grown folks,children are meant to be seen not heard. You too young for this etc. Good times.

  2. jbstew96
    9 hours

    Fellas the animation/graphics just keep getting better. Wait until season 7, CRAZY good it feels like a movie.

  3. yostme
    10 hours

    Captain Ackbar is later promoted to Admiral Ackbar and is in Return of The Jedi. "It's a trap!" That's him.

  4. darthdarkrai
    11 hours

    So Fun Fact, The Voice Of Prince Lee-Char, Adam McArthur, He's The Voice Of Marco Diaz From Star VS. The Forces Of Evil, And Is The English Dub Voice Of Yuji Itadori In Jujutsu Kaisen. :)

  5. sguy90
    13 hours

    From now on each season is fully structured and you won't be jumping around as much as back then. In fact this and season season 6 are in order already. Also going forward there  are probably no stand alone episodes. Just to let you know in advance I I know you usually 2 episodes a week but when you get to season 6 you should probably pick an episode to watch alone or pick 3 episodes to watch together that way season 7 can go smoothly 

  6. Barbara
    15 hours

    it's different than the kinds of shows you guys usually watch, but I think you guys would really enjoy The Good Place- and I imagine we'd get some great discussion and moments of Eric questioning everything- especially the first season lol

  7. delta3064
    16 hours

    Funfact the mon cala buildings later are turned into warships that the rebellion use against the empire. Because they are built for the pressure of the deep they are incredibly durable

  8. Red
    16 hours

    Unfortunately they are gonna go through some of the boring episodes of TCW..But they at least get to watch the Umbara Arc..Then sadly it's back to some boring ones until they get to the actual good episodes..As much as I love TCW I can't wait until they get to Rebels. TCW has so many episodes that are just boring and honestly they could skip a few and not miss anything. 

    2 replies
    1. Ramba_Ya
      16 hours

      your  dumb

    2. Ramba_Ya
      16 hours


  9. Marcel
    16 hours

    need more episodes per week... :)

    1 replies
    1. Red
      16 hours

      Right they'll watch multiple episodes of Doctor Who but not Clone Wars I just want them to get past the boring parts faster😂

  10. Cadent
    17 hours

    Something something episodes 73-76 watch in one sitting pretty please. You've heard this already. I'll stop now. You're probably close to recording em. Lol.

    1 replies
    1. Fulcrum
      15 hours

      They wont

  11. Brandon
    18 hours

    Congrats on making it to one of my favorite seasons. From here on out the show really picks up!

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