Star Wars: The Clone Wars Episode 39-40 Reaction

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  1. Captain
    4 days

    One of my fav moments in the series of amazingly awesome things. Anakin just mercing the senator. "What? he was going to blow up the ship." And the little vader theme too. Its so fucking good.

  2. Anthony
    5 days

    React to the prince of egypt 

  3. Rey
    5 days

    “When the Jedi had personality and weren’t so corporate” you’re actually not wrong 

  4. crowdedcrouton
    12 days

    "WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT, I WANT THAT" that is the best reaction to the dark saber.

  5. Stridency
    23 days

    In universe, I believe the blade shape and length is dictated by the beam emitter. The Darksaber, unlike most other lightsabers, has a rectangular hilt, which likely indicates the emitter is a similar shape, unlike the round ones more typically used.

  6. ntolson7
    23 days

    i cant wait til you guys get to season 4

    1 replies
    1. kitrembo
      5 days

      Are they on S3 now or? I kinda lost where they are lol

  7. Mr_H0mer
    25 days

    Finally, the darksaber

  8. idziman
    25 days

    nah Obi-Wan's still way cooler

  9. Jacob
    25 days

    Funnily enough,  Pre Viszla, the main mandalorian bad guy you see here is voiced by Jon Favreau, the man who worked with Dave Filoni from this show to make The Mandalorian years later

  10. Wulves
    26 days

    (No Spoiler - aka: Not Calling It by the real Name) You won't learn more about the "Black" Lightsaber until future episodes and shows.

    1 replies
    1. A.M
      25 days

      I mean calling it by the name doesmt seem like that big a spoiler

  11. Wulves
    26 days

    Please react to all Vader moments in Clone Wars! It's a great focus on Vader's rise during the Clone Wars.

  12. Toa
    26 days

    After these episodes, the whole concept of Mandalore got so popular as it continually featured in Clone Wars and its sequel series, Rebels, that they had to show what happened to the Mandalorians after the Empire fell. Thus, The Mandalorian was made.

    I'm so hype. The story of Mandalore in Clone Wars and Rebels is one of the best parts of both series

    1 replies
    1. Stridency
      23 days

      To be fair, Mandalorians had already been a HUGE topic in Star Wars EU lore, well before they were featured here in The Clone Wars.

  13. Aaron
    26 days

    The Dark Saber, a one of a kind weapon forged by the first Mandalorian jedi iirc. Probably one of the most iconic items in the Star Wars franchise.

    1 replies
    1. Stridency
      23 days

      Fucking Mandalorian Excalibur--hell yeah it is. Even amongst lightstabers it's unique.

  14. pugprotectslove
    26 days

    Satine and Obi-Wan episodes are some of my favorites because they literally act like an old married couple. Their back-and-forths are the best out of any pair in this entire series, and I think that includes Anakin and Ahsoka.

  15. SD
    26 days

    Don’t worry, you’ll see plenty more of the Darksaber, and not just in Clone Wars.

  16. Brandon
    26 days

    You'll learn more about the Darksaber later. Production -wise it was originally going to be a Vibroblade, likely based on the their primary melee weapon from the comics and Knights of The Old Republic games. But George wanted to change that since he didn't believe that a Vibroblade should be strong enough to stand against a Lightsaber, and thus the Darksaber was born. As Pre Vizsla pointed out, it was made long ago and was taken from the Jedi Temples during the fall of the Old Republic, which was approximately 1000-ish years before Phantom Menace, after Darth Bane, who created the Rule of Two, died.

  17. JessieG99
    26 days

    We'll see if your still on Vader's side when you get to Rebels

  18. Tobito
    26 days

    "Had you said the word, I would've left the Jedi order." The weight behind those words.Despite his love for Padmé, not even Anakin was willing to give up being a Jedi for her.

  19. wolf354
    26 days

    They can watch the obi wan kenobi show, since they have watch star wars Revenge of the sith.

  20. Petrichor12
    26 days

    Satine, Mandalore, and Darksaber. Not the end you've heard of these three things.

  21. amazingworldofgumballstan
    26 days

    Information about the black lightsaber in bullet points• its official name is the Darksaber

    •it was crafted by Tarre Vizsla, the first ever Mandalorian ever inducted into the Jedi Order over 1,000 years ago

    •it was created black in the beginning, it doesn't matter how many kills you get with it

    •when Vizsla died, the blade was kept safe in the Jedi vaults

    •during the fall of the old republic, Mandalorians stole it from the Jedi Temple

    • it was passed down through the generations, but there is a way to have the Darksaber for yourself. According to ancient Mandalorian customs, if someone challenges the wielder of the Darksaber and wins, they are allowed to keep it until they fall to another challenge

    •youll see it a lot more from here on out, not just in Clone Wars

  22. Fulcrum
    26 days

    Dont worry youll see the darksaber again

  23. sguy90
    26 days

    The Darksaber was first introduced in this episode so this would be the reason why you never seen it before. In terms of history it was the lightsaber of a mandalorion who became a Jedi. The saber was later stolen by mandalorions long after his passing 

  24. sombra_hacker09
    26 days

    The darksaber was made by the first mandalorian jedi tar vizla over 1000 years ago during the old republic when the sith attack corosaunt the mandolorains stole it from the temple now it's a sign of who rules mandalore 

    1 replies
    1. Icy
      26 days

      Well no the current Madlore is whoever has the First Madnlore's Helmet 

  25. Icy
    26 days

    Mandolortians and such stuff is my favorite part of Star Wars. I might no read Legends but I have taken time to learn about Mandalore

    1 replies
    1. Icy
      26 days

      I could go on for an hour about Mandalorians

  26. Icy
    26 days

    Oh yeah I love this lightsaber look 

  27. Jesse
    26 days

    obiwan is actually asexual  it was confirmed in a canon novel called padawan  though that doesnt mean he doesnt flirt or have relationships  satine is his padme  and there was a girl in the jedi order named siri tachi that he loved .  he also has a weird flriting thing with ventress .  

    1 replies
    1. Taz
      26 days

      Dude dont bring that BS news article here, that novel is barely canon and even then he dont even confirm it he just mentioned something that led to a goofy journalist making that up.

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