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4 months
Anakin quoting Qui Gon to Ashoka is always such a great scene
5 months
So I think when making season 1, they were just making tight-knit story arcs that lasted 3-5 episodes not know if they'd be picked up, so they wrote out of order cuz it was just whatever stories, worlds, and characters sounded cool, kinda like it was "Tales from The Clone Wars" as appose to a show of continuity. Season 3 got picked up, and thus a more coherent timeline was setup. This movie itself was even merely a backdoor pilot/proof of concept where you can see how telling multiple main characters povs across several planets, plots and the galaxy as a whole.
5 months
When Jabba met Luke in Return of the Jedi, I wonder if he knew this was the son of the guy who pulled a lightsaber on him
5 months
Please do clone wars month that would be so awesome
5 months
This is not connected to the acolyte at all. But there is an Ashoka show
5 months
FINALLY my fave reactors get to watch my favorite show. If you like this, your mind is gonna be blown by season 4 and on.
5 months
funny thing is this has a game,its just a crappy movie game though
6 months
ahsoka is an awesome character, hope yall get to her series
6 months
Dammit Sean! Why did that Hemingway joke hit me so hard! Great videos as always guys.
Halcyon Days
6 months
You boys are in for a HELL OF A RIDE w the Clone Wars series I'm so excited -- the nostalgia I felt hearing the theme again omg.
6 months
Picture this: You love the avatar franchise right? I'm talking about "Avatar the last air-bender" and "Legend of Korra". When M. Night Shyamalan made that live action movie, it sucked, but you watched it all the way through to thoroughly judge it cause you love the franchise. People are allowed to watch and criticise shows they hate in a franchise they love. You can have your own opinion on it and assess it for yourselves, but don’t just completely ride off the idea that the show might actually be bad, and people hate it for being bad, rather than stuff like "hate watching".
2 replies
5 months
there is a difference between sitting through a movie you don't like and waiting eagerly for 7 weeks to watch the new episode of a show you didn't like after the first 2 episodes.
6 months
This seems like the excuse a hate watcher would use. Honestly hate watching is pretty big and the Star Wars community and it's funny that you think otherwise
1 replies
6 months
“Invalid criticisms” are a big thing in the Star Wars community. But they often get piled with the valid ones. again, just like the references that I gave, you’re allowed to watch and critique a bad show in a franchise you love. Does that statement apply to all those people and does it mean there aren’t assholes out there? No. Don’t be so close minded to think that Disney Star Wars productions are above failure or criticism.
6 months
Fun fact, Jabba the Hutt’s species name is Hutt, and the language Huttese is named after the species itself.
1 replies
6 months
lol yeah commented on this a bit early 😂
6 months
The Battle Droids have no business being the comedic relief of the Clone Wars, but at the same time I can’t imagine a better fit
6 months
If you dive into the Clone Wars show, be aware, the episodes are out of order. This was done on purpose
1 replies
6 months
They already know, they're doing chronological order and have already watched the first two episodes chronologically before this movie.
6 months
Ashoka has some of the best character development in all of Star Wars. She may be a little grating the first few seasons, but watching her grow into what she becomes is one of the best things about this show.
6 months
After clone wars you guys got to watch rebles it's the second best show behind clone wars
6 months
I’ve always loved this movie since I was a little kid, I love how it added a shit ton of personality to both the clones and the droids, but I’ve also forgotten how “strange” some of the music is in some of this, sounds like a early 2000’s action movie at points more than Star Wars lmao, I’m so glad y’all are enjoying everything y’all watch,
6 months
so im pretty sure anyone can use a lightsaber its just that its a weapon thats just as dangerous for the user so unless you have some extra ability like force sensitivity or insane reflexes you're better off just using a blaster, plus a lot of the techniques are probably kept secret for just jedi or sith so anyone else would have to find a rogue jedi to train them.
6 months
I know we're only in the beginning of TCW, but I'm already getting hyped for that final season, Rebels, and Bad Batch!
6 months
I'm so excited for this series. Yall are gonna lose your minds in the later seasons
6 months
Btw that Pink R2 droid is called R2-KT. IRL the founder of the Star Wars cosplay group and fan club, “the 501st legion”, had a daughter named Katie who was terminally ill with brain cancer, the R2D2 builders club made her a real droid like R2D2 but pink instead of blue and named it after her. The 501st legion is THE biggest fan club and while touring for Revenge of the Sith in JAPAN, George Lucas was informed of Katie Johnsons condition by the japanese garrison of the 501st. As a result R2-KT was immortalized in star wars canon and the fan club the father was a part of was officially put into canon as the legion that serves under Anakin Skywalker “the 501st legion” most of the clones you see with blue markings are 501st clones, though rn most of them are plain white like any other clone. So any time you see a 501st clone or R2-KT in star wars you can be reminded of the side of the fanbase that is kind and supportive of eachother
6 months
Glad they are getting to Ahsoka's character not gonna lie she does get annoying at first but her character does get better as the series goes on.
6 months
I think you confused the Acolyte with the show Ashoka. The Acolyte takes place around 100 years before episode 3. But some things this movie was the introduction of this version of The Clone Wars. Introducing new Characters Ashoka and Captain Rex for the first time.
6 months
Yea you guys should try Battlefront 2. I recommend the game modes Heroes vs Villians, Capital Supremacy, and Galactic Assault.
6 months
Yeah!!! The introduction of the two greatest characters!! Rex and Ahsoka. It's so crazy to remember how much she was hated in the beginning, so if you guys do, just give it time. This show is a masterclass in character building and story. The way you feel about some people at the beginning will completely change by the time you finish the series.
6 months
i'd rather master of disguise over this
1 replies
6 months
A worst take has never been given
6 months
While I am a lifelong Star Wars fan I had to watch the original saga on vhs and dvd, THIS is the first Star Wars movie I was able to see in the theater so it holds a special place in my heart. Plus it features the debut of two of my favorite characters, being Rex and Ahsoka
6 months
6 months
Idk if you guys were told this already, but important context: this was not intended to be a movie when it was made, it was supposed to be a multi-episode arc of the show, that George Lucas thought was so good, it should be a movie. Then when it was done, he decided it should also be theatrically released, in part because it was good, and in part as a commercial for the upcoming show.
6 months
So tip if you wanna play the Battlefront games, you want to hunt down a copy of the original Battlefront 2 on the PS2. DO NOT BUY THE NEW COLLECTION! It's a bad remake of the games that also cuts out a decent chunk of story content. You're better off just getting the original copy and a console to go with it, if you don't have one already.
1 replies
6 months
Steam version also works, so long as you make sure it isnt the re-release
6 months
In this movie dooku was still played my Christopher Lee before the clone wars VA took over and windu was Samuel Jackson before kratos took over
Anakin quoting Qui Gon to Ashoka is always such a great scene
So I think when making season 1, they were just making tight-knit story arcs that lasted 3-5 episodes not know if they'd be picked up, so they wrote out of order cuz it was just whatever stories, worlds, and characters sounded cool, kinda like it was "Tales from The Clone Wars" as appose to a show of continuity. Season 3 got picked up, and thus a more coherent timeline was setup. This movie itself was even merely a backdoor pilot/proof of concept where you can see how telling multiple main characters povs across several planets, plots and the galaxy as a whole.
When Jabba met Luke in Return of the Jedi, I wonder if he knew this was the son of the guy who pulled a lightsaber on him
Please do clone wars month that would be so awesome
This is not connected to the acolyte at all. But there is an Ashoka show
FINALLY my fave reactors get to watch my favorite show. If you like this, your mind is gonna be blown by season 4 and on.
funny thing is this has a game,its just a crappy movie game though
ahsoka is an awesome character, hope yall get to her series
Dammit Sean! Why did that Hemingway joke hit me so hard! Great videos as always guys.
You boys are in for a HELL OF A RIDE w the Clone Wars series I'm so excited -- the nostalgia I felt hearing the theme again omg.
Picture this: You love the avatar franchise right? I'm talking about "Avatar the last air-bender" and "Legend of Korra". When M. Night Shyamalan made that live action movie, it sucked, but you watched it all the way through to thoroughly judge it cause you love the franchise. People are allowed to watch and criticise shows they hate in a franchise they love. You can have your own opinion on it and assess it for yourselves, but don’t just completely ride off the idea that the show might actually be bad, and people hate it for being bad, rather than stuff like "hate watching".
there is a difference between sitting through a movie you don't like and waiting eagerly for 7 weeks to watch the new episode of a show you didn't like after the first 2 episodes.
This seems like the excuse a hate watcher would use. Honestly hate watching is pretty big and the Star Wars community and it's funny that you think otherwise
“Invalid criticisms” are a big thing in the Star Wars community. But they often get piled with the valid ones. again, just like the references that I gave, you’re allowed to watch and critique a bad show in a franchise you love. Does that statement apply to all those people and does it mean there aren’t assholes out there? No. Don’t be so close minded to think that Disney Star Wars productions are above failure or criticism.
Fun fact, Jabba the Hutt’s species name is Hutt, and the language Huttese is named after the species itself.
lol yeah commented on this a bit early 😂
The Battle Droids have no business being the comedic relief of the Clone Wars, but at the same time I can’t imagine a better fit
If you dive into the Clone Wars show, be aware, the episodes are out of order. This was done on purpose
They already know, they're doing chronological order and have already watched the first two episodes chronologically before this movie.
Ashoka has some of the best character development in all of Star Wars. She may be a little grating the first few seasons, but watching her grow into what she becomes is one of the best things about this show.
After clone wars you guys got to watch rebles it's the second best show behind clone wars
I’ve always loved this movie since I was a little kid, I love how it added a shit ton of personality to both the clones and the droids, but I’ve also forgotten how “strange” some of the music is in some of this, sounds like a early 2000’s action movie at points more than Star Wars lmao, I’m so glad y’all are enjoying everything y’all watch,
so im pretty sure anyone can use a lightsaber its just that its a weapon thats just as dangerous for the user so unless you have some extra ability like force sensitivity or insane reflexes you're better off just using a blaster, plus a lot of the techniques are probably kept secret for just jedi or sith so anyone else would have to find a rogue jedi to train them.
I know we're only in the beginning of TCW, but I'm already getting hyped for that final season, Rebels, and Bad Batch!
I'm so excited for this series. Yall are gonna lose your minds in the later seasons
Btw that Pink R2 droid is called R2-KT. IRL the founder of the Star Wars cosplay group and fan club, “the 501st legion”, had a daughter named Katie who was terminally ill with brain cancer, the R2D2 builders club made her a real droid like R2D2 but pink instead of blue and named it after her. The 501st legion is THE biggest fan club and while touring for Revenge of the Sith in JAPAN, George Lucas was informed of Katie Johnsons condition by the japanese garrison of the 501st. As a result R2-KT was immortalized in star wars canon and the fan club the father was a part of was officially put into canon as the legion that serves under Anakin Skywalker “the 501st legion” most of the clones you see with blue markings are 501st clones, though rn most of them are plain white like any other clone. So any time you see a 501st clone or R2-KT in star wars you can be reminded of the side of the fanbase that is kind and supportive of eachother
Glad they are getting to Ahsoka's character not gonna lie she does get annoying at first but her character does get better as the series goes on.
I think you confused the Acolyte with the show Ashoka. The Acolyte takes place around 100 years before episode 3. But some things this movie was the introduction of this version of The Clone Wars. Introducing new Characters Ashoka and Captain Rex for the first time.
Yea you guys should try Battlefront 2. I recommend the game modes Heroes vs Villians, Capital Supremacy, and Galactic Assault.
Yeah!!! The introduction of the two greatest characters!! Rex and Ahsoka. It's so crazy to remember how much she was hated in the beginning, so if you guys do, just give it time. This show is a masterclass in character building and story. The way you feel about some people at the beginning will completely change by the time you finish the series.
i'd rather master of disguise over this
A worst take has never been given
While I am a lifelong Star Wars fan I had to watch the original saga on vhs and dvd, THIS is the first Star Wars movie I was able to see in the theater so it holds a special place in my heart. Plus it features the debut of two of my favorite characters, being Rex and Ahsoka
Idk if you guys were told this already, but important context: this was not intended to be a movie when it was made, it was supposed to be a multi-episode arc of the show, that George Lucas thought was so good, it should be a movie. Then when it was done, he decided it should also be theatrically released, in part because it was good, and in part as a commercial for the upcoming show.
So tip if you wanna play the Battlefront games, you want to hunt down a copy of the original Battlefront 2 on the PS2. DO NOT BUY THE NEW COLLECTION! It's a bad remake of the games that also cuts out a decent chunk of story content. You're better off just getting the original copy and a console to go with it, if you don't have one already.
Steam version also works, so long as you make sure it isnt the re-release
In this movie dooku was still played my Christopher Lee before the clone wars VA took over and windu was Samuel Jackson before kratos took over