Star Wars: The Clone Wars Episode 65-66 Reaction

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  1. numbervase90661
    10 days

    The wookies and trandosians planets are actually very close aka the closest star system. Wookies and trandosians canonically hate each other (which will come into play later) and have many (in seans voice) RACE WARS. as of which they did have many skinned wookies in the background when ashoka was fighting the trandosian captain. 

  2. Morgan
    10 days

    Chewie was actually in the Episode III movie w/ Yoda if you remember, on his home planet. He was still part of the military then. It's post the end of the Clone Wars, when Palpatine takes over that things got bad for him. Wookies have a LONG life span. If I remember correctly, Chewie is like in his 200s in the original trilogy which is why its possible to see him here and not Han Solo cuz he's way younger. I won't tell you more since it may be spoiler-ish if you'll be watching Bad Batch, the Solo movie, and/or the Rebels cartoon, but there's more Wookie content in those as well as more about how Chewie got to be a smuggler w/ Han. But if you want some silly Chewie content, way back when, they did The Life Day Special, which Life Day is like Star Wars' version of a Christmas special and that has Chewie in it w/ his fam XD

  3. Dr.
    12 days

    something I never noticed until now but at about 41:20 one of the trophies at the back is a Mandalorian neo-crusader helmet, meaning this particular hunting band has been working for a LONG time.

  4. idacarrot115
    12 days

    The last season is 100% my favorite, but S4 is where shit gets real

  5. Kaleigh
    12 days

    I’m begging you to watch the extras that come with the dvds!If you had you would’ve seen the Indiana Jones reference at 41:22!

  6. Obsidianfox
    12 days

    Look Imma beg here a little, PLEASE play the star wars force unleashed games. They re straight up yalls alley. The story is so good and was a groundbreaking game for destructive environments.

    1 replies
    1. idziman
      12 days

      oh my god I am begging I'm on my knees please Sorta Stupid please play Star Wars: The Force Unleashed 1&2 it is literally everything you've ever wanted from a Star Wars game and it is right there waiting for you

  7. Petrichor12
    13 days

    Don't let Viktor Nation hear you calling (I am assuming) Viktor, Jayce's assistant, lol... but also ignoring the irony of the name "Jinx", that kid was actually voiced by Sunil Malhotra, who voices Gilmore in The Legend of Vox Machina. Didn't know that. Learn something new everyday. 

  8. delta3064
    13 days

    Han isnt born until the year before revenge of the sith, you won't see him for awhile

  9. wolf354
    13 days

    They cant ues the gun they tok from trandoshan, because that have been shut down so even if got the hand of a trandoshan that would not work. The sport hunting is a sport that involves seeking, pursuing and killing that what the sport the trandoshan is doing. you think of it as battle, the trandoshan is not here to fight they are here to hunt. Ahsoka was the only padawan there those 3 were not padawan.

  10. Andre
    13 days

    I know people have said this before in the comments, but Jedi kill all the time. There’s absolutely nothing against killing when it’s necessary. They wouldn’t kill an unarmed individual that is no longer a threat, but anyone who is actively threatening bodily harm to them or others is fair game. That’s why it was perfectly fine for Ahsoka to kill the Prison Warden. She did what was necessary to stop the threat. But that also doesn’t mean they can just brutally kill someone. If you’re going to kill make it clean and quick without hatred. 

  11. Aspen
    13 days

    you guys are past the point that the lego star wars the clone wars game covers, so that and republic commandoes could be some fun ones

  12. Aspen
    13 days

    nearing some of my favorite arcs, i'm so hype!

  13. Matthew
    13 days

    Idk why it’s so hard for people to understand when it’s ok for a Jedi to kill. 

  14. PKKite
    13 days

    Chewie was in the 3rd movie during the wookie planet War vs the Druids he and the wookie leader with the hat here helped yoda escape that planet during order 66 to then go back to face the Emporer

    1 replies
    1. PKKite
      13 days


  15. sombra_hacker09
    13 days

    Han and chewie don't meet till after the clone wars 

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