Star Wars: The Clone Wars Episode 53-54 Reaction

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  1. Eli
    13 days

    When I took my girlfriend through Star Wars for the first time we went chronologically as it’s how Lucas said one should watch for the first time (just about the first 6 movies) but adding in everything else made the movies feel like grand events in a full universe. Anakin becoming Vader took on the significance as a twist/reveal after watching all of clone wars that finding out Vader is Luke’s father has for most fans. 

  2. Cobalt
    1 month

    The Separatists are technically right. The Republic is controlled by the Sith, but so are the Separatists. A lot of Separatists joined the Rebellion after the rise of the Empire

  3. david
    1 month

    Next episodes are going to be fun. The nightsisters episode

  4. Black
    1 month

    Bail organa is played by phil lamar (static shock)

  5. Culper
    1 month

    It's episodes like that make me not only love Clone Wars, but also make me appreciative that I watched the movies first before CW. In the movies, we got political aspects, more in some movies than others, but it was never truly fleshed out like this. Also, when you know the beginning and the end, the middle becomes even more meaningful by comparison. We already know what happens to Anakin, the Republic, and so many other key aspects, which adds weight to moments like these; it is more tragic because the audience can't stop it.

  6. SD
    1 month

    And also, yes, you absolutely MUST do a rewatch of at least Revenge of the Sith, BEFORE you watch the final 4 Episodes of Clone Wars preferably, that’s generally the recommended way of doing it.

  7. SD
    1 month

    Mas Amedda (the blue guy) IS one of the very few people who knew who Palpatine actually was, yes. 

  8. deus._.deorum
    1 month

    I remember first playing BBS i was like :O "ITS SPOCK" then realising "ITS LUKE SKYWALKER!" xD i yearn for me KH 

  9. Taz
    1 month

    RTTV Watched Star Wars in chronological order, probably the best revenge of the sith reaction I've ever seen because they watched clone wars 1st lol

  10. hakairyu
    1 month

    Palpatine's reveal is weird, because it was easy to figure out for most people and especially old fans (iirc George revealed the Emperor's name after the movies at some point), but for a lot of us who saw it as kids (myself included) it was actually still a twist and we got to be surprised the first time we watched episode 3.

  11. BlueFanfictionInc
    1 month

    A big reason for the change in outfits is 1. To show the time passed and 2. The show got bigger budget and were able to do more. 

    The switch from armor and less detailed wear to the jedi cloaks was because animating armor was cheaper. Now that they had more to play around with, more details and designs were added. The show begins looking alot better from here.

  12. _Crimson_Fkr_
    1 month

    Yes Mas Amedda the horned blue guy knew Palps was Darth Sidious.

  13. bbenzo.
    1 month

    I find it hilarious that Boom is constantly reminding the others that Bail Organa is Leis Organa’s father.

  14. Grant
    1 month

    Swear that intro I thought the THX logo was gonna pop up lmao

  15. CiscoAlmighty
    1 month

    nice  clone wars roar at the beginning, Gumball billy still  the best tho :)  

  16. amazingworldofgumballstan
    1 month

    Ok for Clone Wars, the first 5 seasons aired on Cartoon network from 2008-2013. Then Disney bought Lucasfilm in late 2012, and Disney didn't want one of their properties being aired on a competitor studio, company, and channel. So to show Dave Filoni some good will, Disney let him and his team make S6 and allowed to be on Netflix, in 2014, where it and the rest of the show remained until mid 2019, when Disney announced the creation of Disney plus. In 2018, with help of #saveclonewars and other outside factors, Disney allowed Gilobi to create S7, with some trailers releasing in 2019, and being released to the public in early 2020, just before the pandemic. But to Ruff’s point, there was actually supposed to be 8 seasons. Many of the remaining arcs and scripts made before the Lucasfilm  purchase were turned into comics, have rough models showing a complete arc which I'll leave a link to, and other media. I can put it in the discord if anyone needs

  17. Fulcrum
    1 month

    Please feel free to skip any and all future lux epsiodes and spare yourselves the cringe. We understand

    4 replies
    1. imrightoverhere
      1 month

      not when one of his episodes include saw gerrera

    2. Tobito
      1 month

      Are you crazy? That'd mean skipping one of the most insane moments when TCW was pushing the limits of its PG-13 rating.

    3. Culper
      1 month

      Don't include myself in this "we" you speak of. 

      1 replies
      1. Fulcrum
        1 month

        Do you actually think lux is a good character?

        1 replies
        1. Culper
          1 month

          I do and not just because it is good for Ahsoka's development. He is the newest generation of separatists and it is important to see stories through his lens, albeit probably different than most separatist points of view (no spoilers here, but you know what I speak of).

          1 replies
          1. Fulcrum
            1 month

            Okay but hes also a perverted douche who ditched ahsoka for someone else after almost getting her killed by terrorists

    4. bbenzo.
      1 month

      W name.

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