Star Wars: The Clone Wars Episode 51-52 Reaction

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  1. Shay-Thelogicaldreamer
    1 month

    Ziro was introduced in the movie, so he was in the very first thing we saw of clone wars 

  2. austinbritt1997
    1 month

    George Lucas was part of the production and he would come in and say hey remember the episode such and such well let’s do a prequel to it and then and arc related to that. So yeah George Lucas most of the reason I mean he did his first movies 4,5, and 6.

  3. panda_wanwan
    1 month

    From now on is another level of Clone Wars!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. Kaleigh
    2 months

    Since you guys have the dvds I highly recommend watching all the little extra clips on each disc. They show how they made certain decisions and so much more!I remember one of them really dives into the making of Cad Bane!

  5. Andre
    2 months

    Do you guys remember the Blue female Jedi from season 1 where the gang crashed on the lemur planet? This guy Vos was her master

  6. amazingworldofgumballstan
    2 months

    Petition for u guys to watch at least one arc completely each week. Or ast least 4 episodes a week. Just so u can experience some of the god tier arcs coming up without having to take a break between them. Especially starting in S4, the 4 ep arcs are almost all god tier, or at least have “THA DUDE” in them

  7. Red
    2 months

    I really do wish they would do more than two episodes😂😂just so they can get to the better episodes. 

  8. Swordfish
    2 months

    I assumed that this Clone Wars was done similar to the original animated, in that it was just suppose to be a series of random short stories, some only an episode, some a 3-part arch, and never knowing it would get a second, third, fourth season etc. I watched in release order and they were just stories. Later seasons must have wanted to return to old, unfinished story lines, and then release order was made.

  9. Aaron
    2 months

    Twi Lek are generally slaves across the entire galaxy, that's why they're seen in such roles often.

  10. idziman
    2 months

    If the order of this series is so confusing, then never watch Pulp Fiction

  11. idziman
    2 months

    On the one hand, it's great to see Palpatine sweating and in a position he couldn't anticipate. On the other hand, Bane is scum and I want nothing more than for him to meet a violent and cowardly end

  12. Fulcrum
    2 months

    Dont worry. You will see a lot more of bane

  13. Andre
    2 months

    So one of the reasons it bounced around was because the first season was essentially a test. But the other reason is that this show is an anthology, so they do jump around from arc to arc and from character to character. I remember when season 3 aired they called it the “Secrets Revealed” season, basically going back to one off episodes from season 1 to tie them up. 

  14. Tobito
    2 months

    Love that Ruff immediately made the connection between Quinlan Vos and Cal Kestis' force psychometry ability.It's one of my favorite more unique force abilities and I'm glad the Star Wars Jedi games brought it out into the spotlight more.

  15. JoPeRo
    2 months

    The'res several reasons that the show jumps around so much in the first 3 seasons.

    But one of the reasons is season 1 was mostly a test, alot of what they were doing expecially on the technical side was experimental, they didn't really have a clear plot goal or direction George just wanted to tell a collection of stories based during the Clone Wars. Then by season 2 and 3 they'd gotten in the flow of things both writting wise and production wise and George basically gave them the freedom to go for it, a writter, Filonni or even George himself would just come in and pitch a prequel or sequel to an old episode they'd made and they'd go from there even making entire arcs out of it like they did with this Zero arc. This freedom also allowed them not to be constrained by the 3 year timeframe of the clone wars, if they wanted to go back and tell a story that was supposed to have happened before something they had already done they could.

    They mostly stopped doing this from season 4 onwards as they did more and more arcs, and changed alot of the assets with improved ones they'd developed so couldn't really go back anymore but you'll notice that when you get there.

  16. Nicholas
    2 months

    Vos is also aayla (the blue twilek Jedi) master 

  17. delta3064
    2 months

    Clone wars is an anthology series, that's why it's shuffled around, they told their stories in bite sized chunks

  18. Taz
    2 months

    Booms right Vos and Obi Wan were friends in their early years. No romantic situation though, Kenobi i believe in legends comics had a love interest with Siri Tachi but she died. I don't believe Obi Wan has had any romances with any males sadly.

  19. TEG
    2 months

    Just so you know, the first of the two episodes in this one is actually the first time Cad Bane was introduced. 

    Also Ziro was introduced in the very first thing that was released in The Clone Wars, that being the movie. 

  20. amazingworldofgumballstan
    2 months

    Just letting u know that the random robot at 9:54 is actually a sex boy. Some senator was banging an AI 

    1 replies
    1. amazingworldofgumballstan
      2 months


  21. sombra_hacker09
    2 months

    Fun fact if you go back and watch the phantom menace and where jar jar gets sabulba angry on tattooine you can actually see quinlin vos in the back ground who was confirmed to be on an under cover mission 

    1 replies
    1. Petrichor12
      2 months

      Also Aura Sing (antenna lady) was watching the podrace Anakin was in too. 

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