Star Wars: The Clone Wars Episode 45-46 Reaction

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  1. Unstablebeast
    9 hours

    24:32 a jedi without their saber is still highly educated, very well trained physically and in combat, and can still use the force to move things, sense intentions, sense the future, mind manipulate and enhance their own body to be faster and stronger through the force. they are still far more capable both physically and mentally than most people

  2. Unstablebeast
    10 hours

    Now this is where you start to see why the chronological order is important, in seasons 1 and 2 we had multiple episodes about domino squad, but not until season 3 episode 1 did they show them in basic training, it felt so weird back in the day watching them as they came out, the very first domino squad episode in release order has heavy, cutup and the last guy all die, then 2 seasons later we get an episode that endears us to them but its way too late, with chronological order you got to already meet them before they died 

  3. Swordfish
    10 hours

    Answer for Boom: The Mandalorians have been bitter,  eternal rivals since the Old Republic. Purposely making armor to counter light sabers, combat tactics to counter their martial arts and the force, and even training the mind to counter the Mind Trick.

  4. striker
    14 hours

    Ah yes the ep that basically confirmed that Obi-Wan did indeed Fuck.

  5. SD
    19 hours

    Can’t wait for next week, this season is where the show really starts to pick up.

  6. sombra_hacker09
    1 day

    Ah yes the epsiode that introduced satines "nephew" who definitely doesn't look like the child of obi wan 

    4 replies
    1. Swordfish
      10 hours

      it's such a coincidence that his birth year and the end of the Mandalorian Civil War are the same, when Obi-Wan and Satine parted ways...nawww, can't be right? ;)

    2. TEG
      19 hours

      Half ginger hair and a British accent. That's definitely Obi-Wan's child.

    3. Matthew
      20 hours

      And we all know he’s not Bo’s kid

    4. Fulcrum
      23 hours

      100% obiwans kid

  7. myboi
    1 day

    Clone Wars Billy! my favorite time of the week!!

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