Star Wars: The Clone Wars Episode 37-38 Reaction

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  1. countershock3032986
    28 days

    I think the biggest reason the recaps are confusing especially on a new arc is because they use clips from episodes that were later in your timeline for things like bounty hunters

  2. kitrembo
    2 months

    Master Sinube is awesome! Hes about 420 years old, having been born in 428 BBY, which puts about 420 in 9BBY which is where we are now

    1 replies
    1. ChaosApple18
      2 months

      Close. It's 20 or 19 bbyLuke isn't even born yet. He wasn't 9 during the battle of Yavin.

  3. TEG
    3 months

    You were so focused on the fact that Sinube had a cane-sword, that you didn't even notice, that he is the only known Jedi so far who wields a white colored light saber. 

    1 replies
    1. kitrembo
      2 months

      heard things that people say its supposed to be super light blue which....sureeee lol

      1 replies
      1. Quin
        2 months

        It was very blue. In some scenes more than others, but the glow around the blade has a blue tint regardless of the shot. But, I do also have a pretty color accurate monitor, so maybe it's less noticeable on other screens.

  4. xav98
    3 months

    I do feel bad Shawn died before he could see this episode 

  5. xav98
    3 months

    Ohh the guys are gonna be ABSOLUTELY PISSED when they realize the recording problem 

    1 replies
    1. xav98
      3 months

      Edit it was a problem on my side my b

  6. SD
    3 months

    I love this first episode, for a lot of people it’s often the first time they’ve really given thought to the fact that the Clone Army is literally a slave army.

  7. Mikala
    3 months

    Rex is my all-time favorite Star Wars character, I love him so much. He's such a complex character and I always want more Rex content. I would watch an entire show of just Rex and the Clones.

  8. Zeptier
    3 months

    So it's funny that you bring up the show's popularity and something about the quality of the show because it was popular, but it began to slowly become less popular because it was seen as too much of a kid's show, that's when you get some of the darker seasons later on. Also, the budget for any 1 episode of Clone Wars was at LEAST 1 MILLION DOLLARS. Hence why the show looks good. George Lucas wanted this show to succeed 

    1 replies
    1. Loki
      3 months

      Yeah, George pumped so much of his own money into the show, so much dwarfed what Cartoon Network gave them budget wise

    3 months

    yes please please please watch sweeney todd 

  10. Petrichor12
    3 months

    One of the perks of this show is all these really cool side characters!

  11. Ramba_Ya
    3 months

    Disney only did season 7

  12. amazingworldofgumballstan
    3 months

    If you guys are excited for lightsabers now, wait till next week. You won’t be disappointed 

  13. striker
    3 months

    Make sure to use the Lazarus pit to bring Sean back

  14. amazingworldofgumballstan
    3 months

    Just letting u know when they show clips in the intro you haven’t seen, most of those events happened in previous episodes in release order, not chronological order. Plus the reason it’s even like this was to make it more of a Saturday morning cartoon, you can watch any episode in any order and it gives you context on what ur watching in that specific episode

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