Star Wars: The Clone Wars Episode 33-34 Reaction

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  1. Kaleigh
    12 days

    What’s crazy is, when this came out very little was known about Ahsoka and her fateI was only 8 when the show came out and we honestly didn’t know too much about what happened to her until a later show

    We had no idea if she was going to make it to the end of the series 

  2. Skeletor
    1 month

    Jedi didnt make the clones or droids the republic did meaning the senate and so in that its  the people who never fight the wars that was never took care off and Jedi and Sith are pawns like Clones and Droids too

  3. Imaginebreaker7
    1 month

    There’s a zombie book about zombie stormtroopers it’s really fun. It’s called Deathtroopers.

  4. Argo
    1 month

    Obi-wan wanted to study the parasites to find counters to them.  Also, even if the Republic reverse-engineered these things, i highly doubt they could use the mind control against an army that is mostly droids.

  5. Vort3x
    1 month

    Another thing about Darth Vaders suit is that it was intentionally made with flaws, so that it always caused him pain and was slow enough. Palpatine did it to help control him in case he ever rebels

  6. austinbritt1997
    1 month

    Just a tidbit Cody isn’t gonna die he’s the only clone that’s in the movie revenge of the sith

    1 replies
    1. Skeletor
      1 month

      he said Rex and well Cody should have in my view because he seems the most loyal but isnt

  7. Tobito
    1 month

    Going a bit hard there on Luminara. She was absolutely on board with helping Anakin get Ahsoka and Barriss out, she just would've been capable of letting go of Barriss if they hadn't been successful.Anakin means well, no doubt, but he's got some major attachment issues and him being incapable of differentiating between "letting someone go" and giving up on them is a big hallmark of that.

    Not to mention that it wasn't even Anakin's initiative that led to them finding Ahsoka and Barriss. It was Ahsoka getting a signal out before they ran out of oxygen, at which point Luminara acted as well.

  8. xav98
    2 months

    Boom got pipes!

  9. smilingknight
    2 months

    No one is allowed to talk badly about CT-7567!!!

  10. smilingknight
    2 months

    Darth Vader’s suit also leaves him in pain constantly 

  11. deus._.deorum
    2 months

    someone needs to make the hong kong phooey intro in space with billy, light sabers and someone singing star wars billy in tune with the intro like "Star wars billy, the number jedi guy" ect xD 

  12. Matthew
    2 months

    You guys are a little hard on Luminara. She was just trying to tell Anakin to calm down. She wasn’t giving up. 

  13. zagitor
    2 months

    Chuck it in the fuck it bucket was so good 😂😂

  14. Loki
    2 months

    A point to make about the Jedi, the clone wars is them at their WORST. They've become too attached to the republic, too arrogant from the Sith being gone, too set in their ways and a few other things that are semi-spoilers.

    Even the attachment used to not be as extreme as its treated, you could have them, you just had to be ready to let them go for the greater good. But that can be hard, so the Jedi slowly slipped into insisting on not forming any attachments at all

    If you guys get far enough in the different Star Wars shows, you will get introduced to a few that are true Jedi, one is a favorite of mine

  15. Loki
    2 months

    So a fun fact about those command droids. They're good at strategy, but they are terrible at adapting to the unorthodox. And once they have a plan set, they get tunnel vision and fully believe it will work as they have predicted

  16. Andre
    2 months

    It was Anakin's attachment that pretty much played a part in him turning to the dark side. He couldn't accept that Padme was going to die and like Master Oogway said "One meets their destiny on the path to avoid it" and him seeking more power to cover come death is what led to Padme's death. I think a lot of people judge Jedi too harshly about their code. Rather than avoid attachments, learn when to let go instead. The Jedi aren't emotionless, they just can't let their emotions consume them at their lowest points.

  17. sombra_hacker09
    2 months

    While there isn't a star wars zombie game there is the story of the black wing virus 

  18. Thomas
    2 months

    That's right, Palpatine made sure the cybernetics crippled Vader to a degree 

  19. Mikala
    2 months

    Growing up, I LOVED the Jedi and the Order, I wanted to be one... but as an adult, and after watching this show, I see how bad they actually are. I would never want to be a Jedi. No attachments is SO stupid.

  20. Zeptier
    2 months

    *cracks knuckles* alright so Darth Bane. He was a powerful Sith Lord and one of the best lightsaber duelists. He was also the one who created the Sith Rule of Two. This was in response to how the Sith used to operate during the Old Republic where there were a ton of sith and infighting as well as sabotage and other forms of fuckery were rampant. So Bane decided to stem the tide of countless Sith running amuck there would only be 2 Sith at any one time. Consolidating power for himself he introduced the plan, and so the sith went into hiding. Influencing from the shadows. Palpatine, and his master Plagueis the Wise followed this rule. I'm missing some inbetween stuff on Sith history such as the fall of the Sith Empire and the Old Republic. 

    1 replies
    1. Zeptier
      2 months

      Additionally, while there is no horde mode akin to zombies, there is a Star Wars horror book called Death Troopers (Zombies! In Star Wars!) It's legends continuity because it came out in the early 2000s and now conflicts with the timeline of the series due to Han Solo and Chewbacca being present in the story. The close we come to horror in a star wars game is the beginning of the second set of levels in Star Wars Republic Commando (The Acclimator) and the gamemode from Star Wars Batllefront 2 2017 Ewok Hunt. The gamemode pits Imperial Storm Troopers against Ewoks. At night. In the jungle. In first person. With limited flashlight battery. 

  21. Mr. Eldritch
    2 months

    I would argue that Luminara and Windu embody the biggest problems with the late republic Jedi order. 

  22. Bobby
    2 months

    Star Wars game republic commandos is the vibe of ep 34

  23. Red
    2 months

    I think Eric forgot that they are at war so it would be better if they learn about the worms in case they use it again. 

  24. Andre
    2 months

    I used to feel the same way about Luminara in that episode but after many, many rewatches I think we kind of mischaracterized what she said and did. She mourned Bariss, but it’s not like she prevented anyone from searching for them. The gunships were there clearing debris and searching. All she really said was that she was prepared for the possibility that Bariss and Ahsoka may be gone, she didn’t say “oh well, fuck em, let’s move on”. I sympathize with Anakin but that was definitely his biggest flaw, being unable to let go. Yoda and Obi-Wan even talk about it in the Clone Wars movie. The whole reason they gave him a Padawan was because they hoped it would teach him to let go. Again, not saying he shouldn’t have been so insistent on finding them, but I think now it’s a mistake to say Luminara didn’t care at all. 

  25. PKKite
    2 months

    Star wars Republic Commandos is the closest you'll get for a horror fps it's set during this period of star wars and there is some dark levels with these enemies infact vs your squad. Imagine Halo/Gears of War but Star Wars. 

    2 replies
    1. SD
      2 months

      I second this, Republic Commando is a classic.

    2. Bobby
      2 months

      Loved it!

  26. Aaron
    2 months

    Can confirm, the cybernetics in Darth Vader's suit were incredibly bad for two reasons. The first was as you say, to cripple Vader for when he inevitably turned on his master. But also to further his descent into the dark side by having the constant pain and suffering from those robotics. 

    If Vader wouldn't have been cut up in EP 3, it's very possible the galaxy would have been under his thumb for the indefinite future.

    3 replies
    1. idziman
      2 months

      The cybernetics were also the reason Vader could never perform the Force Lightning. Unless Disney changed that and I never got the memo

    2. Brye
      2 months

      The famous breathing of Darth Vader is even because of the suit being designed to hurt him with every breath

    3. PKKite
      2 months

      Crazy part was despite these intentional handicaps vader got used to the suit, adjusted his fighting style, and used the connection he still had to the force to empower himself with the dark side. Lore wise it's why pre ANH or even during ANH Vader is considered weaker than his ESB to ROTJ version which not only he got all his exp before ANH but also his drive was furthered from Luke. 

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