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5 months
I'm just gonna say it, the Acolyte is good and y'all would enjoy it. The folks flipping a shit over it are the absolute worst ones to listen to. I would not call it *great* or anything, but it is very fun and the action, at minimum, on it is sick.
5 months
I absolutely CANNOT BELIEVE they asked the “clone-cest” question naturally. Truly the best reactors of our time
5 months
This will be my first time watching the series in its entirety. I'm excited to experience to this with you guys. Star Wars has always been an epic tale I have been interested in, but have never dived head first into.
7 months
Thank fuck there doing this in order
2 replies
6 months
Does that mean they are going in a chronological order? If they are then that's way better.
7 months
I know, I only ever watched it on release and have never wanted to look up the order at rewatch it myself because it seemed like a hassle
7 months
So I had no idea until after I finished the series that the series had episodes out of order which confused the hell out of me
One episode was a muder mystery episode and then another episode had the subject of the murder mystery still alive and I just assumed it was a continuity error until I later learned that the episode took place erlier in the timeline
7 months
Welcome to the family, boys! This show is probably some of the best Star Wars content in the universe(at least in my opinion, though I know many others feel the same). You're in for the ride of your lives.
As for why the episodes are so out of order... I'm not sure myself, but I've heard people talk about how it was originally meant to be a non-canon anthology or something, and as it grew more and more loved, they decided to make it more canon and consistent. Or something like that, I'm sure someone here can correct me.
7 months
Clone wars is pretty peak Star Wars ngl
7 months
This is where the fun begins!!!
7 months
Lets Goooooooooo! (have fun guys :) )
7 months
Aaaahh Finally! Been dying for this series. Best of Star Wars imo!
7 months
YES! I've been waiting for you to react to this series! I love this show and hope you also check out Rebels and Bad Batch too!
7 months
The out of order release was a total gas light situation because Cartoon Network would play the first season and you felt like you missed episodes and later they would air the ones that went afterwards and you would be like oh yeah i knew i missed the episode. It was tv so like you were just at the mercy of what the served you. They had me fucked up
1 replies
7 months
i mean wasnt the series presented as an anthology series anyway, i get that people prefer event order but it seems to kinda miss that part of it.
7 months
You guys are great, try and keep an open mind about all the shows though. Don’t let general perception get in the way of your media enjoyment. But on the other side, don’t be quick to invalidate people’s dislike towards shows - like there are valid criticisms, don’t just put them all in the same mob. Fair and unbiased critique can be good but also bad.
7 months
The animation gets dramatically better as the show goes on, you guys are in for a treat in the later seasons.
7 months
Finally! I hope you guys enjoy the unfolding that is Clone Wars
7 months
People acting like the acolyte is the worst show are mostly alt right chuds who hate there was a minority (black person) person as the lead character and reviewed bombed it right before the first episode came out, it has problems but the worst no, it’s just 5/10 average.
2 replies
7 months
Ah good, the standard “I don’t know anything about Star Wars and am not willing to learn, so I’ll just plug my ears and call everyone who disagrees with me a racist”.
Surely it has nothing to do with the fact that the show creator took characters and concepts that didn’t belong to her, made fundamental changes to them, and then had the gall to essentially rewrite the lore and overall narrative of the prequels so that they fit her show, rather than the other way around. But yeah no, that’s not as easy to excuse, so you better just keep saying it’s a race thing.
3 replies
7 months
Sorry I’m as obsessed with Star Wars as you I actually have life and aggro about a show that’s not going to matter in the future.
1 replies
7 months
7 months
The prequels were ass so idc, and I can show you plenty of people who were upset about a black female lead just from trailer without knowing anything from it just the trailer and the fact you’re this upset about it you’re probably one of them. so yes it was hated because oh no there’s a black person as a lead, white people crying like little bitches because they feel like they’re starting to be a minority and scream woke when there’s a hint of people color in it. I’m not even saying it was great just saying it’s overhated, Go suck a dick.
1 replies
7 months
Lmao, that’s the most pathetic, butthurt, nothingburger of a response I’ve seen in a while. Let me translate that:
“I have no real argument or way to refute your arguments, so I’m just gonna repeat my same, initial, completely baseless claim, and start hurling personal insults at you and the things you like, because I backed myself into a corner with my stupid, self righteous, racial white-knighting statement.”
4 replies
7 months
according to you, you're pretty out of star wars, and yet this person making an admittedly hyperbolic statement was enough for you to go up in arms to call them out. if it wasn't because you're a fan of star wars, then what other reason would you have for getting so defensive? when, simply put, they called attention to the vocal group calling the show "woke" which is almost always a virtue signalling term for racist bigots, and if they were merely criticising the show for its narrative decisions, what does being "woke" have to do with these poor writing decisions? very clearly, those people were talking about the minority lead.
7 months
"self righteous, racial white-knighting statement" and it's the initial commenter simply pointing out that there was a vocal group who weren't here for a black female lead? whenever i see people regard other people calling attention to potential or obvious racism as "self-righteous", i have no choice but to assume that you're one of Those internet people who balk at anything other than a white, straight man in any space.
7 months
two things can be true and yall are just arguing just to argue
7 months
Also, I don’t think I indicated that I was upset a single time, I literally just explained why your statement was misrepresenting the issue, either deliberately or through ignorance. I really don’t care, I’m pretty out of Star Wars at this point.
7 months
While yes, there are valid criticisms of the Acolyte, let's not pretend like the show wasn't review bombed by racists before the first episode even dropped.
2 replies
6 months
More ppl of different races and backgrounds hated the show pls stop with this straw men argument.Show was bad hired bad actors and writers who purposely pushed an agenda. The so called racism for this show is fake. Because if that was the case ppl wouldn’t like mace windu would they.
7 months
Yeah, I’m sure it was, but for the overwhelming majority of people, race or gender had absolutely nothing to do with it. People hate it because it is the product of someone attempting to rewrite the core story to make her show the center of the entire Star Wars universe.
7 months
I'm sorry but no, it was not mostly "alt right chuds". Nobody has a problem with a black lead. The issue was it was boring and badly written. Try reading reviews that aren't youtube videos. Show's don't flop for no reason. You literally gave it a 5/10. That's not average, that is failing. That's a 50%. An F
3 replies
7 months
0-4 equals trash 5-6 meh average 7 good 8-10 ranges from great to perfect but that’s just me. It’s okay that you don’t agree. I don’t need everyone to agree with me.
7 months
That’s average for me, and saying nobody had problems with that is entirely ludicrous, before the the first episode came out it bombed heavily. That’s fine you find it boring and badly written. I mostly agree with you. And that’s your right I don’t like it that much either People way too invested into this property that hasn’t been great for solid minutes outside of the video games and clone wars.
7 months
Not all grading systems are the same as America's so keep that in mind if you want to use a metaphor like that. In some countries 40 is passing. I think Acolyte was above 50.
7 months
i hope you guys do a clone wars upload every day, there's SO many episodes and I cannot wait till you get the final couple seasons!!
1 replies
7 months
yesss at least twice weekly
7 months
i was hoping you would all watch this when episode 4 started. then you actually said it was planned. now its here and im so hyped
7 months
Being called master in the jedi order seem to be used as an honorific for peers and superiors
1 replies
6 months
In addition to that, Jedi Master is also an official position/title. It's the step up after Knight if I remember right.
7 months
It finally begins! Let's get it!
7 months
The Acolyte honestly isn't that bad. Like the prequels, the hate is kinda oversaturated. It's no where near my favorite show, and overall I was a bit disappointed by it. But it had its moments, certainly enough to justify a rewatch from me. Also, are yall gonna do the Sequels and spin-off movies? Whatever opinions people may have, they're all at least enjoyable (Rogue One and Solo especially, though you'll have to wait until after a certain point in Rebels before you can watch Solo because of a heavy spoiler near the end).
3 replies
1 month
Nah it's bad. Not for all the stuff certain YouTube grifters cry about but the plot is nonsensical, there characters motivations flip on a dime for no reason and things that make sense are common like a stone temple catching fire as flames spread like wild fire over rock floors and wall and that's the worst part of it.
7 months
Didn't see the end, glad to hear you're watching those eventually, though after reflecting, you really don't want to see Solo until a certain point after Clone Wars, not Rebels, my mistake. All I'll say is that a certain character shows up, and you will be VERY confused about the why and how. So take what you want from that info.
7 months
If you think the acolyte isn't bad then you're the fool.
2 replies
7 months
Or they just like different things than you do. Starwars has always been a mixed bag. And some of it is loved while some of it is hated. by different people. I enjoyed most of Acolyte
7 months
Good for you I guess? Lol? It's not high up my list, but like Attack of the Clones, I choose to like what I like and ignore what I hate. Obsessing over things that make you unhappy is unhealthy and a depressing way to go about life.
1 replies
7 months
That and opinions should be based on the individual and not the collective. People are allowed to enjoy what they do no matter if they are considered to be part of a fandom or not. Things that may be amazing to some is trash to other and vice versa. Keep having fun with what you enjoy.
7 months
Captain rex and commander cody one of the best dous in the entire show
7 months
Good luck gentlemen! o7 Excited to see where we go with this a year from now when we're nearing the endgame plots and the upgrade in animation. Going to be a fun ride!
7 months
Star Wars Resistance IS kid oriented, it has some good stuff in it but it's largely low stakes and doesn't affect much of the larger story. I would say the core shows are all Dave Filoni projects. Which are this, Star Wars Rebels, the Mandalorian, Book of Boba Fett, The Bad Batch, Ahsoka amd the upcoming show "Skeleton Crew". All these shows have overlapping characters and stories so they feel very intertwined. Tales of the Jedi and Tales of the Empire are also good supplementary material for these shows. Andor is more it's own thing being a prequel to Rogue One. The Acolyte is largely standalone and takes place about 100 years before the rest of the franchise and Star Wars Visions is a completely standalone series of star wars anime and is not beholden to any canon whatsoever, its entirely just for fun.
7 months
Did they skip the movie introducing Ahsoka?
4 replies
7 months
NVM, ignore me
7 months
Nah the movie's next after this.
7 months
The movie is third on the chronological watch order, so that's next
7 months
i guess so, but the list they're using prolly has it there somewhere lol
1 replies
7 months
The list we’re using is literally on the official Star Wars website
1 replies
7 months
oh perfect!
7 months
You guys are definitely going to love this show. The chronological order does get less confusing after season 3 episodes as each season after that is pretty contained with very few jumping around. I am curious to see your reaction to the other movies cause I don't know perhaps you will have different opinions. You'll be watching Star Wars for a long while with all the animated and live action shows out there.
7 months
Im so excited for them to be watching clone wars
7 months
Clone Wars was originally a straight up anthology series when it began, so that's why it's all out of order, it becomes more serialized as it goes into season 3 and beyond
7 months
The series (particularly early on in its run) is an anthology about the Clone Wars as a conflict, so they jumped from interesting battle to interesting battle, but not necessarily in the order those battles occurred. Think of it like a series on World War II where one week you'll get an episode on D-Day, and then the next week they tell you a story from Pearl Harbor even though it happened earlier. The episodes (or multi-episode arcs) are generally self-contained enough that it doesn't matter which happened first. Gonna leave it there because further explanation about how the series progresses could get spoilery.
Personally, I kind of prefer release order, because some characters have their "introductory" episode -- where the audience gets what was designed to be a first impression of the character -- after their first chronological appearance. So on a chronological watch, you'll see a character that the story of the episode obviously expects you to recognize, but you've never seen them before and have to figure out their deal is from context. Then several episodes later you might get that same character's proper introduction, but with some of the bang taken out of it because you already know a bit about them.
That's just personal preference though -- chronological definitely seems like the go-to order for most(?) fans. And on a release-order watch you do end up with characters appearing after the episode in which they died (hopefully 'some people die in this show' isn't a spoiler lol), which can certainly be confusing, so I get it.
7 months
At some point you guys should check out the first four episodes of Tales of the Jedi. It’s good setup for this series.
7 months
So the reason for this order is that this show was an Anthology sort of deal so the episode arcs could continue at random (like an arc could've started in Episode 1 Season 1 and the next chapter of the arc would be like Episode 3 Season 3). Which means you would be jumping between plot points a lot and character relationships could jump a lot. With the chronological order, you won't be left guessing when is an episode taking place
7 months
James Arnold Taylor has been the same Obi-wan VA since 2003. But in animated or video game projects the voice actors from THIS show have all remained the definitive voice actors for these characters. The clones in video games are all voiced by the same guy as here (Dee Bradley Baker, who has been in just about everything you've watched practically) and Matt Lanter is the definitive voice of Anakin, Matt Lanter also voiced Aquaman in Throne of Atlantis
7 months
Yeah. There was a year or two span where this, Regular Show, Adventure Time, Young Justice, Gumball, Ben 10, and Scooby Doo Mystery Inc were all airing new episodes on Cartoon Network. Cartoon Network was bumping with great TV shows constantly for a long time, and we still get really good new stuff on occasion, although CN is being somewhat cannibalized by adult swim and MAX currently.
I'm just gonna say it, the Acolyte is good and y'all would enjoy it. The folks flipping a shit over it are the absolute worst ones to listen to. I would not call it *great* or anything, but it is very fun and the action, at minimum, on it is sick.
I absolutely CANNOT BELIEVE they asked the “clone-cest” question naturally. Truly the best reactors of our time
This will be my first time watching the series in its entirety. I'm excited to experience to this with you guys. Star Wars has always been an epic tale I have been interested in, but have never dived head first into.
Thank fuck there doing this in order
Does that mean they are going in a chronological order? If they are then that's way better.
I know, I only ever watched it on release and have never wanted to look up the order at rewatch it myself because it seemed like a hassle
So I had no idea until after I finished the series that the series had episodes out of order which confused the hell out of me
One episode was a muder mystery episode and then another episode had the subject of the murder mystery still alive and I just assumed it was a continuity error until I later learned that the episode took place erlier in the timeline
Welcome to the family, boys! This show is probably some of the best Star Wars content in the universe(at least in my opinion, though I know many others feel the same). You're in for the ride of your lives.
As for why the episodes are so out of order... I'm not sure myself, but I've heard people talk about how it was originally meant to be a non-canon anthology or something, and as it grew more and more loved, they decided to make it more canon and consistent. Or something like that, I'm sure someone here can correct me.
Clone wars is pretty peak Star Wars ngl
This is where the fun begins!!!
Lets Goooooooooo! (have fun guys :) )
Aaaahh Finally! Been dying for this series. Best of Star Wars imo!
YES! I've been waiting for you to react to this series! I love this show and hope you also check out Rebels and Bad Batch too!
The out of order release was a total gas light situation because Cartoon Network would play the first season and you felt like you missed episodes and later they would air the ones that went afterwards and you would be like oh yeah i knew i missed the episode. It was tv so like you were just at the mercy of what the served you. They had me fucked up
i mean wasnt the series presented as an anthology series anyway, i get that people prefer event order but it seems to kinda miss that part of it.
You guys are great, try and keep an open mind about all the shows though. Don’t let general perception get in the way of your media enjoyment. But on the other side, don’t be quick to invalidate people’s dislike towards shows - like there are valid criticisms, don’t just put them all in the same mob. Fair and unbiased critique can be good but also bad.
The animation gets dramatically better as the show goes on, you guys are in for a treat in the later seasons.
Finally! I hope you guys enjoy the unfolding that is Clone Wars
People acting like the acolyte is the worst show are mostly alt right chuds who hate there was a minority (black person) person as the lead character and reviewed bombed it right before the first episode came out, it has problems but the worst no, it’s just 5/10 average.
Ah good, the standard “I don’t know anything about Star Wars and am not willing to learn, so I’ll just plug my ears and call everyone who disagrees with me a racist”.
Surely it has nothing to do with the fact that the show creator took characters and concepts that didn’t belong to her, made fundamental changes to them, and then had the gall to essentially rewrite the lore and overall narrative of the prequels so that they fit her show, rather than the other way around. But yeah no, that’s not as easy to excuse, so you better just keep saying it’s a race thing.
Sorry I’m as obsessed with Star Wars as you I actually have life and aggro about a show that’s not going to matter in the future.
The prequels were ass so idc, and I can show you plenty of people who were upset about a black female lead just from trailer without knowing anything from it just the trailer and the fact you’re this upset about it you’re probably one of them. so yes it was hated because oh no there’s a black person as a lead, white people crying like little bitches because they feel like they’re starting to be a minority and scream woke when there’s a hint of people color in it. I’m not even saying it was great just saying it’s overhated, Go suck a dick.
Lmao, that’s the most pathetic, butthurt, nothingburger of a response I’ve seen in a while. Let me translate that:
“I have no real argument or way to refute your arguments, so I’m just gonna repeat my same, initial, completely baseless claim, and start hurling personal insults at you and the things you like, because I backed myself into a corner with my stupid, self righteous, racial white-knighting statement.”
according to you, you're pretty out of star wars, and yet this person making an admittedly hyperbolic statement was enough for you to go up in arms to call them out. if it wasn't because you're a fan of star wars, then what other reason would you have for getting so defensive? when, simply put, they called attention to the vocal group calling the show "woke" which is almost always a virtue signalling term for racist bigots, and if they were merely criticising the show for its narrative decisions, what does being "woke" have to do with these poor writing decisions? very clearly, those people were talking about the minority lead.
"self righteous, racial white-knighting statement" and it's the initial commenter simply pointing out that there was a vocal group who weren't here for a black female lead? whenever i see people regard other people calling attention to potential or obvious racism as "self-righteous", i have no choice but to assume that you're one of Those internet people who balk at anything other than a white, straight man in any space.
two things can be true and yall are just arguing just to argue
Also, I don’t think I indicated that I was upset a single time, I literally just explained why your statement was misrepresenting the issue, either deliberately or through ignorance. I really don’t care, I’m pretty out of Star Wars at this point.
While yes, there are valid criticisms of the Acolyte, let's not pretend like the show wasn't review bombed by racists before the first episode even dropped.
More ppl of different races and backgrounds hated the show pls stop with this straw men argument.Show was bad hired bad actors and writers who purposely pushed an agenda. The so called racism for this show is fake. Because if that was the case ppl wouldn’t like mace windu would they.
Yeah, I’m sure it was, but for the overwhelming majority of people, race or gender had absolutely nothing to do with it. People hate it because it is the product of someone attempting to rewrite the core story to make her show the center of the entire Star Wars universe.
I'm sorry but no, it was not mostly "alt right chuds". Nobody has a problem with a black lead. The issue was it was boring and badly written. Try reading reviews that aren't youtube videos. Show's don't flop for no reason. You literally gave it a 5/10. That's not average, that is failing. That's a 50%. An F
0-4 equals trash 5-6 meh average 7 good 8-10 ranges from great to perfect but that’s just me. It’s okay that you don’t agree. I don’t need everyone to agree with me.
That’s average for me, and saying nobody had problems with that is entirely ludicrous, before the the first episode came out it bombed heavily. That’s fine you find it boring and badly written. I mostly agree with you. And that’s your right I don’t like it that much either People way too invested into this property that hasn’t been great for solid minutes outside of the video games and clone wars.
Not all grading systems are the same as America's so keep that in mind if you want to use a metaphor like that. In some countries 40 is passing. I think Acolyte was above 50.
i hope you guys do a clone wars upload every day, there's SO many episodes and I cannot wait till you get the final couple seasons!!
yesss at least twice weekly
i was hoping you would all watch this when episode 4 started. then you actually said it was planned. now its here and im so hyped
Being called master in the jedi order seem to be used as an honorific for peers and superiors
In addition to that, Jedi Master is also an official position/title. It's the step up after Knight if I remember right.
It finally begins! Let's get it!
The Acolyte honestly isn't that bad. Like the prequels, the hate is kinda oversaturated. It's no where near my favorite show, and overall I was a bit disappointed by it. But it had its moments, certainly enough to justify a rewatch from me. Also, are yall gonna do the Sequels and spin-off movies? Whatever opinions people may have, they're all at least enjoyable (Rogue One and Solo especially, though you'll have to wait until after a certain point in Rebels before you can watch Solo because of a heavy spoiler near the end).
Nah it's bad. Not for all the stuff certain YouTube grifters cry about but the plot is nonsensical, there characters motivations flip on a dime for no reason and things that make sense are common like a stone temple catching fire as flames spread like wild fire over rock floors and wall and that's the worst part of it.
Didn't see the end, glad to hear you're watching those eventually, though after reflecting, you really don't want to see Solo until a certain point after Clone Wars, not Rebels, my mistake. All I'll say is that a certain character shows up, and you will be VERY confused about the why and how. So take what you want from that info.
If you think the acolyte isn't bad then you're the fool.
Or they just like different things than you do. Starwars has always been a mixed bag. And some of it is loved while some of it is hated. by different people. I enjoyed most of Acolyte
Good for you I guess? Lol? It's not high up my list, but like Attack of the Clones, I choose to like what I like and ignore what I hate. Obsessing over things that make you unhappy is unhealthy and a depressing way to go about life.
That and opinions should be based on the individual and not the collective. People are allowed to enjoy what they do no matter if they are considered to be part of a fandom or not. Things that may be amazing to some is trash to other and vice versa. Keep having fun with what you enjoy.
Captain rex and commander cody one of the best dous in the entire show
Good luck gentlemen! o7 Excited to see where we go with this a year from now when we're nearing the endgame plots and the upgrade in animation. Going to be a fun ride!
Star Wars Resistance IS kid oriented, it has some good stuff in it but it's largely low stakes and doesn't affect much of the larger story. I would say the core shows are all Dave Filoni projects. Which are this, Star Wars Rebels, the Mandalorian, Book of Boba Fett, The Bad Batch, Ahsoka amd the upcoming show "Skeleton Crew". All these shows have overlapping characters and stories so they feel very intertwined. Tales of the Jedi and Tales of the Empire are also good supplementary material for these shows. Andor is more it's own thing being a prequel to Rogue One. The Acolyte is largely standalone and takes place about 100 years before the rest of the franchise and Star Wars Visions is a completely standalone series of star wars anime and is not beholden to any canon whatsoever, its entirely just for fun.
Did they skip the movie introducing Ahsoka?
NVM, ignore me
Nah the movie's next after this.
The movie is third on the chronological watch order, so that's next
i guess so, but the list they're using prolly has it there somewhere lol
The list we’re using is literally on the official Star Wars website
oh perfect!
You guys are definitely going to love this show. The chronological order does get less confusing after season 3 episodes as each season after that is pretty contained with very few jumping around. I am curious to see your reaction to the other movies cause I don't know perhaps you will have different opinions. You'll be watching Star Wars for a long while with all the animated and live action shows out there.
Im so excited for them to be watching clone wars
Clone Wars was originally a straight up anthology series when it began, so that's why it's all out of order, it becomes more serialized as it goes into season 3 and beyond
The series (particularly early on in its run) is an anthology about the Clone Wars as a conflict, so they jumped from interesting battle to interesting battle, but not necessarily in the order those battles occurred. Think of it like a series on World War II where one week you'll get an episode on D-Day, and then the next week they tell you a story from Pearl Harbor even though it happened earlier. The episodes (or multi-episode arcs) are generally self-contained enough that it doesn't matter which happened first. Gonna leave it there because further explanation about how the series progresses could get spoilery.
Personally, I kind of prefer release order, because some characters have their "introductory" episode -- where the audience gets what was designed to be a first impression of the character -- after their first chronological appearance. So on a chronological watch, you'll see a character that the story of the episode obviously expects you to recognize, but you've never seen them before and have to figure out their deal is from context. Then several episodes later you might get that same character's proper introduction, but with some of the bang taken out of it because you already know a bit about them.
That's just personal preference though -- chronological definitely seems like the go-to order for most(?) fans. And on a release-order watch you do end up with characters appearing after the episode in which they died (hopefully 'some people die in this show' isn't a spoiler lol), which can certainly be confusing, so I get it.
At some point you guys should check out the first four episodes of Tales of the Jedi. It’s good setup for this series.
So the reason for this order is that this show was an Anthology sort of deal so the episode arcs could continue at random (like an arc could've started in Episode 1 Season 1 and the next chapter of the arc would be like Episode 3 Season 3). Which means you would be jumping between plot points a lot and character relationships could jump a lot. With the chronological order, you won't be left guessing when is an episode taking place
James Arnold Taylor has been the same Obi-wan VA since 2003. But in animated or video game projects the voice actors from THIS show have all remained the definitive voice actors for these characters. The clones in video games are all voiced by the same guy as here (Dee Bradley Baker, who has been in just about everything you've watched practically) and Matt Lanter is the definitive voice of Anakin, Matt Lanter also voiced Aquaman in Throne of Atlantis
Yeah. There was a year or two span where this, Regular Show, Adventure Time, Young Justice, Gumball, Ben 10, and Scooby Doo Mystery Inc were all airing new episodes on Cartoon Network. Cartoon Network was bumping with great TV shows constantly for a long time, and we still get really good new stuff on occasion, although CN is being somewhat cannibalized by adult swim and MAX currently.
So it begins... <3