Regular Show S3 Episode 1-4 REACTION

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  1. Hollowjac
    1 year

    For context on the two parter its a halloween special and it's supposed to be three stories

  2. Kenneth
    1 year

    So hydrogen peroxide isn't flammable but it us an oxidizer. Concentrated peroxide can create explosive reactions when exposed to the other flammable components it can be used as the oxidizer for bipropellant rockests . That's why concentrations of 35% or higher require special storage and licenses.

  3. Fresh2000
    1 year

    24:30 return of former villains LETS GOOO

  4. Eck
    1 year

    I've only seen random episodes of regular show but I remember watching the bowling episode on CN, still one of my fav episodes.

  5. Jennifer
    1 year

    You know who else likes watching Sorta Stupid react??

    MY MOM!!

  6. Trish
    1 year

    can't wait for the episode "busted cart" one of my favorite benson episodes

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