Regular Show S3 Episode 37-40 REACTION

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  1. Honestly, going from Death Bear to Fuzzy Dice might be the best back-to-back episode stretch in the show. Two absolute iconic episodes that oddly share an Ursine theme

  2. Y’all really love making fun of foot fetishes ? Tbh the only fetishes I hope NEVER gets normalized is Shitting & Pissing! ? Everything else is whatever to each is own Lol

  3. I’ve never watched Regular Show in full. Only up to this season but this finale shocked me. So is our original Rigby just gone forever? Only our original mordecai lived right?

    1. Yeah pretty much. The pg Rigby went back to the bad breath kiss timeline and og Mordicai is in the prevented bad breath kiss timeline. So they actually were separated this whole time from here on. But honestly the alternate timeliness versions of them are the exact same so it’s no big loss.

      1. dude honestly tho that’s still crazy to me, i never rlly thought about that until now. how there’s just another timeline where they did have a bad kiss and the mordecai who didn’t even kiss her just had to live in that timeline but our og mordecai is in a new timeline where he never kissed margaret. Pretty wild when u rlly think about it. i wonder how the relationship between margaret and mordecai was in the universe where they did kiss

  4. I wasn’t aware that Quentin Tarantino had a foot fetish until a few years ago when someone told me. Then when I watched Kill Bill I was like “ohhhhh that’s why the camera lingers on those shots… ewww”

  5. Great reaction please don’t do a poll on whether you should react to Regular Show Season 4. It’s obvious that we all want you to see it and from your reactions you really enjoyed Season 3.

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