Toy Story 2 REACTION

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  1. Slimymic
    5 months

    I tried finding it officially but couldnt, but people came to the conclusion based on actuall toy sales and collectors, but Al was lookin at &200,000 for the whole collection 

  2. Tyler
    10 months

    Just want to say that the old man "the cleaner" looks like the old man in, I think, ants playing chess.

    1 replies
    1. CJ
      4 months

      It was the short before a bugs life, they reused the same model 🤣 🤣.

  3. Jose
    10 months

    small soldiers you frickin fricks, also please react to that movie

  4. Victoria
    1 year

    The Buzz Lightyear show is so good, but the movie of it it fantastic and comes before the show. You guys should see that first. I haven't watched the entirety of the show, so it would be great to see it w/ u guys.

    1 year

    You guys should react to the Lightyear movie if you haven't already. It's honestly really good as a standalone movie. It's not set in the Toy Story universe but instead is it's own thing.

  6. Alice
    1 year

    Will you guys react to Toy Story 3?

  7. Ryujin
    1 year

    I can’t wait for them to check out Toy Story 3 cause honestly it goes hard and watching it now I’m realizing how crazy the movie actually was

  8. thespiderman360
    1 year

    I was 12 when this movie was released. It is the first to make me think about having to grow up.

  9. Xandred_Bass
    1 year

    It was actually explained why Woody doesn't have a gun in the Toy Story trading card game. There's a card called "Gunless Justice" that explains that Woody's character always believed in non-violent justice. So that's why he doesn't have a gun

  10. Briana
    1 year

    please….PLEASE!! Watch the Star Wars movies….please Ruff , I need you to get it together lol

  11. GalwithPencils
    1 year

    Oh my gosh, YES to Buzz Lightyear of Star Command! The movie is amazing!

  12. tribalchief676
    1 year


  13. NickLay
    1 year

    oh that card scene i remember it vividly its was so trippy and the casting joke at the end i totally forgot that was in there it was still on the dvd that i have

  14. jetstorm98
    1 year

    58:51 the "Don't touch my mustache" was Al butchering the Japanese phrase "DO ITASHIMASHITE" which means "You're welcome."

  15. jemx27
    1 year

    The day you guys acknowledge my comments and requests for summer camp island will be the day Ruff watches Star Wars. ?

  16. RufusPr1me
    1 year

    Ruff you're a liar! Lol but hey, my votes still lean more into LOTR for next generational movie series ?

    I used to watch a lot of Buzz Star Command back in the day since Ruff and I are the same age, which is why I was disappointed with the Lightyear movie. It wasn't terrible by any means, but the perspective was "This is the movie that turned Andy on to Buzz Lightyear" and the movie didn't sell that hook to me. They had the material with the show. Best highlight of Lightyear was Sox ?

  17. Of Butterflies and Books
    1 year

    Say it with me: Gargoyles

  18. Internet Zing
    1 year

    Please watch Toy Story 3, Frozen 2 and Shrek Forever After!!!

  19. Jose
    1 year

    Loved the lightyear the animated series. Tho you guys should watch the movie first, no not lightyear (i liked it buuut not part of the series) buzzlightyear of star command had a movie first that set up the show. Feel like you guys would love it.

  20. Gabriel
    1 year

    OMG, you guys must watch Buzz Lightyear of Star Command! its AMAZING!!!!

  21. Gabriel
    1 year

    Boom has spoken we must call Ruff a LIAR! lol

  22. Jake
    1 year

    You guys haven’t finished the Shrek movies yet. I know Shrek the Third puts a bad taste in people’s mouths but the fourth movie is a perfect ending

  23. Sean
    1 year

    Have you guys watched Men in Black? That might be a fun series to react to

  24. Residentfan 1
    1 year

    I like how the aliens being eternally grateful to Potatohead is literally Jar Jar’s relationship with Qui Gon in the Phantom Menace. A reference that certain LIARS wouldn’t understand!

  25. Metis
    1 year

    The Buzz Lightyear TV show was one of my favorites as a kid!!

  26. Rez
    1 year

    Woody was Andy's dad's toy. And Andy's dad was also named Andy

  27. Hellfire69
    1 year

    you guys gotta watch the original buzz lightyear movie it was made before toystory

    1 replies
    1. Hellfire69
      1 year


  28. Stash
    1 year

    Actually, the supervising technical director and new mother, Gayln Susman, is responsible for saving Toy Story 2. When the files were accidentally deleted, around 90% of the movie had been lost. Gayln had been working from home to be with her baby who she gave birth to 6 months prior. Gayln had downloaded the movie's database to her home computer, so she could work from home. She and Oren Jacob (associate technical director for Toy Story 2) went to her house, wrapped her computer in blankets, and brought it to the studio, saving most of the movie. You can read more about Pixar, its history, and behind-the-scenes planning for Pixar's movies in Creativity, Inc.: Overcoming the Unseen Forces That Stand in the Way of True Inspiration by Ed Catmull and Amy Wallace. It's a fantastic read, and I highly recommend it.

  29. Adam
    1 year

    Out of all the toy story movies that been out, this one is my favorite one out of all of them.

  30. Joshua
    1 year

    There is a theory that Jessie was Andy’s moms toy.

  31. Wheelmagic
    1 year


  32. DementisXYZ
    1 year

    So, I'm sure I'm not the only person who will bring this up, but there is a prevailing theory about Emily. A lot of people noticed the color scheme similarities between Teenage Emily...and Andy's Mom. Added to that, Andy's hat has a white trim that Woody's hat doesn't...but Jessie's does. There is a very commonly accepted, yet to be confirmed theory that Andy's Mom is Emily. Honestly, I accept it and it makes me happy, "in a cosmic sort of way."

  33. iron pirate
    1 year

    please watch the kingsmen movies

  34. Vilmu
    1 year

    Andy's dad is not around, but the reason has never been stated. Could be divorced, could be dead.

    Also, can you react to The Lion King 2? It's very well-liked for a direct-to-video sequel and considered one of the better ones.

    1 replies
    1. Of Butterflies and Books
      1 year

      I second, The Lion King 2 reaction. Cinematically, I know the first one is superior, but I like it slightly more than the first because I love the love story and it's probably an unpopular opinion, but I vibe with more of the songs in the sequel than in the first. Not that I don't like the ones in the first, but still just my opinion.

  35. LordTouchMe
    1 year

    Aw, they (ofcourse) edited out the "Stinky Pete Casting Couch" blooper lol

    1 replies
    1. Jose
      10 months

      did they or did disney?

  36. retro.rocket.pirate
    1 year

    The voice for Wheezy was a Pixar executive who unfortunately was killed in a head-on car crash. The singer for the finale song is Robert Goulet (famous Vegas personality). Joan Cusack voices Jesse

  37. Kyra
    1 year

    Now you guys have to watch toy story 3 it's the best one

  38. Radar
    1 year

    YOU LIAR, I can't believe it!

    JK, merry Christmas to you all when it arrives!

  39. Robert
    1 year

    You should watch the Buzz Lightyear of Star Command (2000) movie.

  40. Of Butterflies and Books
    1 year

    When you all react to Toy Story 3, I can't remember if it's an after-credits thing, but make sure you watch the dance scene at the end.

  41. Kizuato
    1 year

    You guys should totally watch Small Soldiers!!!!

  42. Zoe
    1 year

    Jessy's song still makes me emotional to this day.

  43. sombra_hacker09
    1 year


    also fuck yes watch buzz lightyear of star command

  44. Chew-Haka
    1 year

    You guys should definitely do The Mitchels vs the Machines next! Awesome movie!

    4 replies
    1. wynosaurus
      1 year

      Make it a Phil Lord and Chris Miller series! Add in Cloudy with a chance of meatballs and The Lego movie

    2. bertzieblu
      1 year

      Yess!! I love Mitchels vs the Machines! The animation style is so beautiful and the characters are fun as well

      1 replies
      1. Taka
        1 year

        Me and my twin had a tote full of toys and our ma told us to she was donating them before we had to move to a different state. I miss my toys for real.

    3. EMosite
      1 year

      I second this!!!

    4. Zoe
      1 year

      Omg yes please it's one of my fravriote movies. The animation is really interesting (I think its done by the same people who made Into The Siperder Verse), with a perfect mix of endearing characters, humour & character growth.

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