The Lion King REACTION

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  1. Azel
    1 day

    Goddamn youtube copyright!

  2. MephilesNumberOneFan
    4 months

    I actually like Lion King 2 about as much as this movie, but Lion King 1 1/2 is my favorite of the three

  3. Halcyon Days
    4 months

    Rewatching this video after the sad news. :( RIP James Earl Jones.

  4. smile
    5 months

    u got to see 1 & 1/2 great movie u get to see the first movie from the eyes of the best duo

  5. CJ
    6 months

    00:00:40 This is a small thing, but I absolutely hate that they took out that classic Disney logo and intro as it had great built up and help set the atmosphere for the film. Whereas this DisneyPluse version just jump straight to the logo there with no real build up 🤦🏾‍♂️.

  6. Homeboy
    6 months

    First Lion King movie is a masterpiece and best one in my opinion. The 2nd and Lion King Lion King 1 & 1/2 are still worth watching. Especially 1 & 1/2 I recommend 

  7. Lurker101
    9 months

    Live action was eh in my opinion, but you guys should definitely do Lion King2 and Lion King 1 1/2. You guys'll love 1 1/2, it's ridiculous

  8. Victoria
    9 months

    Lion King 1½ and 2 are both great. The first is the best in my opinion. It has definitely held up after all these years after all.

  9. A_Majikal_Ninja
    10 months

    Came out just as I was born truly a banger of a film

  10. Johnny
    11 months

    I feel like you guys would love Lion King 1 and a half

  11. Lor_D_Richafa
    1 year

    I'd absolutely love it if you guys watched Lion King 2 and 3 as well

    1 replies
    1. Athena
      11 months

      I support this, y’all should do lion king 2

  12. LJ
    1 year

    Shenzi sounds like she means Bismuth.

  13. Juan
    1 year

    Ya, Disney movies don't hold up like they used to. I think the last 10/10 film Disney made was Wreck-It Ralph in 2012. I didn't like Elsa in Frozen 1 or 2. Big Hero 6 was alright but needed something. Zootopia comes close to a 10, but the villain & emotional connection was lacking. A lot of people like Moana, but I am not a fan. The songs were good but needed more variety, Maui was underutilized, & the emotional connection for me again was lacking. Ralph Breaks the Internet ruined Ralph's character & they broke their own rules from the 1st movie. Raya was cool, but the MC got the short end of the stick & the story felt empty. Encanto was really good, close to 10, but the ending was not handled well & the MC got the short end of the stick again. I haven't seen Strange World, but from what I heard, the movie doesn't have that Disney charm & was just not handled with care. Hopefully, Disney will improve, but I am glad you are watching the older films. Sorry for the long message.

  14. Juan
    1 year

    Real quick, great reaction. Watch Lion King 1/2 (Timon & Pumba POV and funny) and 2 (fun story). My sister & I enjoyed them a lot. Scar's song is my 2nd favorite villain song & villain. The first would be from Hunchback. But my sister loves Scar, both song & villain. Scar planned and killed his brother & manipulated Simba many times. He is a villain who got what he wanted for at least four years. Izma from Emporer only ruled for like a day, and so did Jafar in Aladin. You could argue that Mother Gothel achieved her goal for 18 years because she kidnapped Rapunzel, but her goal in the movie was to get Rapunzel back and live forever. However, she fails when Rapunzel realizes she is the princes.

  15. Vilmu
    1 year

    I like The Jungle Book live action movie more than the original. Then again, I'm not a very big fan of the og.

  16. Petrichor12
    1 year

    Jumping on the Lion King 2 and 1&1/2 train!

    Also the Treasure Planet and Atlantis trains.

    And just get all the Phil Collins songs out of the way and do Tarzan and Brother Bear! ?

  17. Rowan
    1 year

    You guys should do Treasure Planet at some point! Criminally underrated movie!

  18. Abdullah
    1 year

    I wants more fanf

  19. rickytoffin_88044
    1 year

    you guys have to watch the kingsman movies

  20. teynova
    1 year

    the villain songs from lion king 1 and 2 are some of the best disney has ever done

  21. seikokishinuma18
    1 year

    React to the other ones please

  22. Metis
    1 year

    Would love to see you react to Lion King one and a half!

  23. Ariete
    1 year

    Lionking 2!

  24. Kaitlyn!
    1 year

    You should definitely watch the 'Son of Batman' movie collection. It includes numerous breathtaking animated fight scenes starring Batman, Robin (Damian Wayne), and Nightwing (Dick Grayson, the Robin from Teen Titans).

    1 replies
    1. Kaitlyn!
      1 year

      I’m sorry, I didn’t know I had already commented ? Didn’t mean to spam!

  25. Kaitlyn!
    1 year

    Watch the ‘Son of Batman’ movie collection. Lots of AMAZING animated fight scenes and it features Batman, Robin (Damian Wayne), and Nightwing (Dick Grayson, the Robin you see in the Teen Titans).

  26. DementisXYZ
    1 year

    36:50 We all know how this ends, everybody knows, but the way all 3 are just focused so intently. This movie is just so damn good!

  27. Jrax567
    1 year

    Also, the craziest thing to think about scar is so much of a coward because even during that fight scene with him and Simba he had a better chance of winning Simba didn’t grow up fighting or hunting or doing anything. He might’ve been more physically strong, but scar grew up like a lion, and he was winning Simba got the upper hand for a split second but scar would’ve won that fight in the end, but he still chose to fight Dirty

  28. Jrax567
    1 year

    You guys have just gotta revisit hunchback of Notre Dame between that and lion king are two of the most masterfully, crafted movies of the Disney Renaissance and Disney history in general animation, plot, musical score and definitely the villains

  29. Christopher
    1 year

    Y’all should react to Lion king 1 1/2, it’s Timon centered but still super enjoyable

  30. Cloud
    1 year

    My issue with live-action remakes, is people who think it's the more "mature/adult" option vs the original cartoon which is "just for kids" *because* it's animation. It's really frustrating how so many people think cartoons is kid-stuff, when cartoons were originally made FOR ADULTS. And so many animations, especially anime and the like, are made with so much heart and even serious topics, for an older audience, and these people will STILL see it as "kid-stuff" because of the media.

    I've never been huge on most live-action series/movies, always preferring animation/cartoons. The media is so amazing, and takes a lot of hard work to make it great. The dedication for artists to make animated series/movies is just... so impressive.

  31. ernestova891
    1 year

    if you guys are doing lion king, please do the other renaissance movies, little mermaid, hunchback, beauty and the beast

  32. Mikayla
    1 year

    Please react to the second one!! I always thought that it was one of the rare sequels that was actually on par with the original! Love watching your reactions :)

  33. John
    1 year

    Other then those mentioned already, also react to Aladdin if you haven't seen it yet. One of Robin Williams best (if not THE best) performances in animation

    1 replies
    1. John
      1 year

      Also recommend checking out the honest trailers version of lion kind, think you all would get a laugh out of it

  34. Ahan
    1 year

    Lion King is arguably the greatest movie ever made.

  35. jdetoro
    1 year

    React to The Lion King 1 & 1/2 while this one is still fresh in your minds.

  36. Kayla
    1 year

    Definitely recommend The Lion King 2 + The Lion King 1 1/2!

  37. britti
    1 year

    Y'all want to watch another visual masterpiece by Disney? Watch Pocahontas

  38. Jazz
    1 year

    I would recommend that you watch Lion king 1 1/2, and lion king 2 ? they’re both great in my opinion. There is also a TV series from the 90’s following Timon and pumba, and a newer TV series on Disney called “the lion guard”, if y’all are interested ?

  39. Ringo
    1 year

    you should react to Once Upon a Studio

  40. Abby
    1 year

    The live action's not really worth a reaction (in my opinion anyways), but I'd LOVE a Lion King 2 reaction!!

  41. shanks42_79735
    1 year

    please react to the kingsmen movies

  42. Raine
    1 year

    My mom was TRAUMATIZED by this movie. I showed her the beginning sun rising scene and told her to guess the movie and asked ‘what is wrong with you guys’ ?

  43. Hellfire69
    1 year

    Scar delivering the most iconic one-liner in all movie history

  44. shantheman99
    1 year

    You guys should react to The Iron Giant if you haven't already seen it. Fantastic movie that still holds up to this day.

  45. Residentfan 1
    1 year

    Y’know I’ve always kind of felt bad for the hyenas. Their motivation is that they’re starving to death. They’re confined to the Elephant Graveyard and apparently it’s illegal for them to hunt in the Pride Lands as evidenced by the gopher telling Zazu that hyenas had committed the horrible crime of being seen outside their land. It’s like they’re the outcasts. They clearly only sided with Scar to get fed.

  46. Of Butterflies and Books
    1 year

    Also LILO & Stitch

  47. Of Butterflies and Books
    1 year

    Future reaction requests


    Atlantis The Lost Empire

    Treasure Planet

  48. Of Butterflies and Books
    1 year

    Hoping and praying you react to the second movie.

  49. Taka
    1 year

    This is the only Disney movie to make me cry as a child and as a young teen. But now I'm cool.

  50. Oni
    1 year

    Please, watch Lion King 2 and Lion King One In a Half those are my favorite Lion King movies. And if this means you're gonna watch Disney movies I hope you guys react to the Lilo & Stitch series.

  51. Reaper
    1 year

    You guys gotta watch lion king 1 1/2 and 2. Also bloopers. Dig up the bloopers, they're amazing!

  52. Residentfan 1
    1 year

    09:35 “it is an evil place Simba. It is known by many names but we call it African New Jersey.”

  53. Residentfan 1
    1 year

    Y’know funny you should mention Scar being an incel because there’s some unused Storyboard art for the film that’s…..disturbing. Basically they were originally going to make Scar SA Nala and try to take her as his queen. When she refused, he banished her which leads to her reunion with Simba in the oasis. Definitely an incel move.

    1 replies
    1. Petrichor12
      1 year

      I think they went that route with the Broadway play ?

  54. tribalchief676
    1 year

    some movies i think ruff and bree ahould react to are mission impossible movies, star wars movies, the cornetto trilogy, the kingsmen trilogy and the lord of the ring/hobbit movies

  55. Zero
    1 year

    But watch the lion king movies first

  56. hurryupmode
    1 year

    Ayyy! I remember seeing this in theaters when I was 8 years old. I asked for the soundtrack that christmas, and my parents bought it. I didn't give a shit about the disney songs, or the Elton John versions on the CD, they were fine. But I FUCKING LOVED the Hans Zimmer and Lebo M score. It's burned into my brain by endless replay.

  57. Zero
    1 year

    After you guys watch all of the lion king movies you react to lion guard tv series it takes place between lion kings 1 and 2.

  58. Internet Zing
    1 year

    Please do Tarzan (1999)!!! You will freaking love it!!

    2 replies
    1. ShaiGuy
      1 year

      Yes please watch Lion King 2! You get to see Simba's kid in that one.

    2. Obsidianfox
      1 year

      The soundtrack goes HARD

  59. emperorbelos
    1 year

    I watched it for the first time a couple months ago I thought I was just alright with all the hype for one of the best movies I expected better

    1 replies
    1. ikaryzero
      1 year

      I never had seen this movie in English before, pretty good!!

  60. iron pirate
    1 year

    you guys should react to the kingsman movies

    4 replies
    1. _Owwls_
      1 year

      Yes!!the action scenes just so good

    2. Caitlyn
      1 year

      Second this, the kingsman movies are so fun

    3. Obsidianfox
      1 year

      Yaaass they are so good!

    4. emperorbelos
      1 year


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