Rick and Morty Episode 1-2 Reaction

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  1. Geo
    8 months

    love this <3

  2. Goldcrusty
    8 months

    That was a fun reaction to watch!

  3. Brian
    8 months

    So have you seen this before?

  4. A.M
    9 months

    also every ep end credit

  5. A.M
    9 months


  6. Daniel
    9 months

    There is an end credit scene in every episode I believe btw

    1 replies
    1. Daniel
      9 months

      never mind, you guys caught it

  7. Jordan
    9 months

    Boom, you will not believe the shit people shove up their ass that are larger than those seeds.....

  8. Nathan
    9 months

    Really wish you guys would watch the midnight gospel. It's done by the creator of adventure time but it's only 1 season. Maybe make it a special group of episodes for it, the art style is great

  9. jdyt_69
    9 months

    Im so fucking happy for you guys to react to this series

    Lets gooooo love you guys

  10. Zane
    9 months

    Yo you have no idea how excited I am for you guys to start this! It's 100% worth the wait and more story/lore starts to pick up pretty quickly especially in the latter half of the season. Definitely stick with it !

  11. marvoeous
    9 months

    Oh yeah, time to get Swifty.

  12. blitz1126
    9 months

    What happened to Brooklyn 99?

    1 replies
    1. lightning63
      9 months

      Yeah I was really looking forward to it when it originally won the poll

  13. cyborggamerpro
    9 months

    Day 20 of asking y'all to watch Hulk Vs 2009

  14. Starlight
    9 months

    Yaaayyyy! Rick and Morty! Whooooop whooop! 

  15. DKThunder
    9 months

    You all don't know what you signed up for! Can't wait!

  16. Kristian
    9 months

    just so you know, every rick and morty episode has post credit scenes

    1 replies
    1. Kristian
      9 months

      edit: spotke too soon

  17. Jamie
    9 months

    LETS GOOOO im so excited for this

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