Pokémon 3: The Movie REACTION

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  1. Miracle
    6 months

    Also Ash and all the characters in this show do age. The show’s time passes slowly 

  2. Miracle
    6 months

    Oak is not Ash’s dad. He’s old enough to be Ash’s grandfather.  

  3. Lurker101
    9 months

    If Oak was Ash's dad, that would make Ash Gary's uncle, which would hnestly be hilarious

  4. E
    11 months

    Ash’s Charizard was in Charcific Valley where he left him there for training. From the show.

    Bulbasaur didn’t evolve because he didn’t want to evolve to prove that he can be strong enough just from being a Bulbasaur.

    You guys should also react to the PokeShorts they have for the first 2 movies. Pikachu Vacation / Babysits & the One with the Pichus.

  5. MegumiMary
    1 year

    By far my favorite Pokemon Movie

    Also you should check out "Pokemon the Movie: I choose You" It's a reimagining of the First Episode with some extra stuff added on- if it wasn't for pure nostalgia that movie would have dethroned this one as my favorite

  6. The
    1 year

    So it's been confirmed that Ash's father was a very strong Pokemon trainer, and he abandoned Ash.

  7. apple
    1 year

    Why did it take me so long to realize that Unknown were the first interdimensional pokemon? Seriously, been playing the games and I've seen the movies and everything but I just now put that together.

  8. Shawn
    1 year

    For some reason the underwater stair scene stuck out in my mind so much and obviously the charizard/entei fight

  9. Darc
    1 year

    This is probably my least favorite of the pokemon movies I've seen. Not because it's bad, but because that little girl is such an idiot. She's like 6 years old yet is 100% ready to believe a random pokemon is her father after he went missing for a few minutes

  10. Leroy
    1 year

    Will you guys do The Pokemon Movie Mewtwo Returns??

  11. erlu
    1 year

    I think that is the time to a POKEMON OPENING REACTION

  12. Jessica
    1 year


    The wiki has them by release year. I really hope you get to Destiny Deoxys and Temple of the sea!

    1 replies
    1. Jessica
      1 year

      Lucario and the Mystery of Mew is also amazing!!!

  13. Amlet
    1 year

    I'm pretty sure Ash's Cyndaquil never loses a single fight in all of the Johto anime, it's just so badass.

  14. _mimami
    1 year

    The next movie from this one is Pokemon 4 ever: Celebi - Voice of the Forest

  15. smugtini
    1 year

    I'd love for you guys to watch all of the movies. Even their worst ones are still fun, plus its a good way for boom to learn more about this franchise. At least watch all the canon movies.

    Go in order. 4Ever is the next one then heroes. I at least hope y'all reach movie 14 as it stars my favorite Pokemon ;)

  16. Thomas
    1 year

    id love for you guys to watch more of the movies in my opinion all the movies are good until they get to pokemon x and y

  17. Sarah
    1 year

    Mewtwo Returns and Pokemon 4ever are next. Mewtwo is my fav Pokémon so I’d love for you to watch it. I think chronological order would be best. I think i stopped watching after the 8th movie, I’m afraid to see how many there are now lol.

  18. DrawingFyreFox
    1 year

    Just some small facts about Brock that you might interesting from a Gold Billy.

    It's not really mentioned in the movie, but brock has 9 little brothers and sisters at home who he raised alone after his mother passed away. Thats why even with Molly portrayed as an adult, Brock was saying, that he was happy he could make her laugh. Also, Brock's dad left to become a Pokémon trainer and was too ashamed to return when he failed. It was the revealed that he was living outside Pewter City but never spoke to brock until the day ash came to town in Episode 5. Now he takes care the kids and the Pewter city gym while Brock is traveling with Ash.

    In Pokémon Chronicles Episode 5, Brock's mom's death was retconned when brock returns and finds her in charge of the Pewter city gym and it's been converted to a water arena since she specializes in water Pokémon. Brock is not happy about it.

  19. Residentfan 1
    1 year

    I like to think Molly is Ash’s half sister. What happened to Molly’s mother? She ran off when she found out she was pregnant with Oak’s child.

  20. Nora
    1 year

    Little did Ruff & Boom know that the Unown are just Unown

  21. mayasha_chan
    1 year

    Hey guys! Absolutely love that you guys are reacting to the Pokemon Films and that you've all been enjoying them! Since you were curious about the other Pokemon Movies, I hope this little list might help as guide on the numerical order/release order and series relation (Following on from Pokemon 3: The Movie that you just watched);

    Number 4 - Pokemon 4Ever (English release: 2002) - Set during Pokemon: Johto League Champions (Season 4) (Trivia Fact: Production changed from Pikachu Project: Warner Bros to Miramax Films) (Pain Fact: This film made me weep as I was opening and slotting new pokemon cards in a card folder)

    Number 5 - Pokemon Heroes (English release 2003) - Set during Pokemon Master Quest (Season 5) (Miramax Films) (Fun fact: Famous debate moment at the very end of this film)

    Number 6 - Pokemon: Jirachi, Wish Maker (English release 2004) - Set during Pokemon Advanced (Season 6) (Miramax Films) (Fun(?) Fact: The final act of this film gave my sibling and I nightmares for a long time)

    Number 7 - Pokemon: Destiny Deoxys (English release 2005) - Set during Pokemon Advanced Challenge (Season 7) (Miramax Films) (Fun fact: This was the No.1 Anime Film of the year in Japan)

    Number 8 - Pokemon Lucario and the Mystery of Mew (English release 2006) - Set during Pokemon: Advanced Battle (Season 8) (OLM, Inc) (Fun Fact: This film was one of the four nominees for the American Anime Awards - Best Anime Feature, but lost to FF Vll: Advent Children - Also! You can find a appearance to a certain character in this film in the Pokemon Diamond & Pearl games) (Extra! This film is one of my utter favourites!)

    Number 9 - Pokemon Ranger and the Temple of the Sea (English release 2007) - Set during Pokemon: Battle Frontier (Season 9) (OLM, Inc) (Fun Fact: In the spin-off games Pokemon Ranger: Shadows of Almia and Pokemon Ranger: Guardian Signs by entering a special code and completing a special misson you could receive a the special Pokemon Egg from the film and transfer it as a gift to your Pokemon Diamond & Pearl games)

    Number 10 - Pokemon: The Rise of Darkrai (English release 2008) - Set during Pokemon Diamond and Pearl/Pokemon Diamond and Pearl: Battle Dimension (Season 10 - 11) (OLM, Inc) (Fun Fact: With the release of this film, there was a special event Darkrai distribution event at selective stores in various countries (For the UK, it was GAME/Toys R Us) where if you had your DS and a copy of Pokemon Diamond/Pearl you could download a special Darkrai that knew certain moves from the film) (Extra! This film is another of my favourites - Darkrai is awesome!)

    Number 11 - Pokemon: Giratina & the Sky Warrior (English release 2009) - Set during Pokemon Diamond and Pearl: Galatic Battles (Season 12) (OLM, Inc) (Fun Fact: This film showcases a unique form of Giratina which was introduced in Pokemon Platinum the sequel to Pokemon Diamond/Pearl, along with the unique world seen in the film)

    Number 12 - Pokemon: Arceus and the Jewel of Life (English release 2009) - Set during Pokemon Diamond and Pearl: Galatic Battles (Season 12) (OLM, Inc) (Fun Fact: Dan Green the voice of Yami Yugi in Yu-Gi-Oh lends his voice to a certain charcter, and Tom Wayland, the voice of Arceus, also did voice acting for Fullbody, Chew, Kappa and Lake in the 4kids version of One Piece)

    Number 13 - Pokemon - Zoroark: Master of Illusions (English release 2011) - Set during Pokemon Diamond and Pearl: Sinnoh League Victors (Season 13) (OLM, Inc) (Fun fact: Depending on whc=ich country you were in, there was a variety of promotional events that tied into a wide range of the Pokemon games recently released and previously released. In Japan, pre-ordering your tickets to the movie allowed you to download shiny versions of Raikou, Entei and Suicune, which if traded over to Pokemon Black and White gave them an opportunity to get a special Zoroak - They were also able to download a special Celebi to their games, which as before when traded to Black & White, gave them a special Zorua encounter.

    These similarly implemented in the North America release as a staggered event at Gamestop stores, and Europe and North America also had the "Crown Beasts" as a download event via Nintendo Wi-Fi over various games.)

    That's mostly where I got to with Pokemon films on DVD, following the initial 3, most of these Pokemon films, outside of Japan that is, where released straight to DVD or broadcast to Cartoon Network then DVD - there are definitely more but I personally cannot speak for their quality having not seen them myself, though I sure there is a viewer that could clarify those in the Black and White era.

    However, there are at least two more I'd like to recommend, being;

    Number 20 - Pokemon the Movie: I Choose You! (English release 2017) - (Teachinically) Set during Pokemon Indigo League (Season 1) (OLM) (Fun Fact: This film is set in an alternate timeline following the events of the pilot episode of the original series - and due to Western fan requests was also released in cinemas. Some notable differences can be seen with wide variety of pokemon included in this film that are not generation exclusive, and a very "interesting" scene moment that takes place in the final act that left many people divided on how they felt about it)

    Number 21 - Pokemon the Movie: The Power of Us (English release 2018) - Set in the Alternate Timeline series (OLM & Wit Studio) (Fun fact: As sequel to Pokemon the Movie: I Choose You! this film continued the Alternate timeline setting to showcase a unique story and wide range of pokemon across various generations - what made this film rather interesting was Wit Studio (Famous for Attack on Titan, SpyXFamily, The Ancient Magus' Bride to name a few) co-producing and animating for the film - giving the animation a beautiful style and vibrant pop in colour and fluidity)

    I hope this helps! I do hope you guys continue to enjoy the Pokemon films on or off camera! Most of them should be available on Amazon to either rent or buy - but once again love your reactions! Looking forward to re-watching the big 3 Pokemon Movie reactions of yours again! :)

  22. _Owwls_
    1 year

    I agree with someone else who said to continue to was all of the Pokémon movies do Pokémon Destiny Deoxys, Ranger and the Temple of the Sea, Lucario and the Mystery of Mew, The Rise of Darkrai I haven’t seen the rest but I bet their just as fun to watch

  23. Kevin
    1 year

    I would like you guys to react to Garfield The Movie and Garfield: A Tail Of Two Kitties because they are my childhood films and I would greatly appreciate it if you guys would watch these two movies that I hold dear to my heart

  24. Golden Witch
    1 year

    Wait wait WAIT!? The mother was alive the whole time!?!?!? How did I forget this!!!!

  25. Andre
    1 year

    Others have already said it but Unown is how it’s spelled in Pokémon ? it’s their name. Not misspelled

  26. bans4ee
    1 year

    Funnily enough i think they did have an incorrect spelling of Unknown near the start when they were talking about Ash, Brock, Misty travelling to Unown territory, which i don't think was meant to be the unown unown but unkown?

  27. Magenta
    1 year

    Ruff does a pretty good zapdos. xD

  28. wynosaurus
    1 year

    Pokemon 4EVER is next

  29. Petrichor12
    1 year

    I can vaguely remember an animated movie with Lucario. ?

    I for one am excited for Detective Pikachu!

  30. Demi
    1 year

    Ya know I honestly think y'all should keep reacting to the Pokemon Movies, there all pretty decent and it's a good reperesentation of the series as a whole. Also a react to some of the mini series like Pokemon Origins a 4 episode mini series based on the Gen 1 games (PLEASE react to this one I think yall would like it), Pokemon Evolutions a 8 episode web exclusive Mini series each episode focus's on a different region that's been introduced, going in reverse order of when they were introduced (this was a Celebration series for the 25th anniversary of Pokemon), There is also Pokemon Chronicles This is a companion series for the main anime, it showcases some side characters from the main series outside of their interactions with Ash, not sure if this one is worth watching if yall don't know the main series well.

    If yall ever plan on starting up a gaming channel I think getting boom to play a pokemon game would be fun to watch too. (make him nuzlocke it lol)

  31. Cloud
    1 year

    They actually do drop some mentions of Ash's father in the TV series, from the 2nd episode his mother talks about how long it took him to travel from Pallet to the neighboring town a bit longer, though I also faintly recall them mentioning the guy didn't make it to the ledge? And while this is just flavor text for the dub (not mentioned in the Japanese version), Delia basically hints that the father could be Bruno from the Elite Four, as she knows where he trains in Pallet Town despite no one else being aware. XD

    I used to hate this movie when I was younger, 'cause I thought it was "boring", but it was just a bit too dark for my tastes. I still find it curious they cut out a beginning scene regarding Molly's mother, leaving them because she was sick of the father's obsession with his work... It really made it seem like her mother was DEAD, when she had just dipped out of Molly's life.

  32. Obsidianfox
    1 year

    This movie hits because the Villain wasn't evil it was just a scared little girl who missed her dad. Breaks my heart.

  33. Silver
    1 year

    As for Detective Pikachu, it’s entirely separate from the rest, so you can do it literally whenever you’d like

  34. Silver
    1 year

    The next movie (Pokémon 4ever) was always my personal favorite when I was younger, tho rewatching this now I may actually like this one better. Still looking forward to 4ever and the rest tho. The movies can vary in quality and obviously there’s not as much nostalgia for the later ones so i imagine these reactions will get less attention as they go on, but I for one would be excited to see you react to all of them. And the quality definitely isn’t a steady downhill imo, some are worse than others but then the ones right after that can be some of the best

  35. zeeboomblebee
    1 year

    This was super fun! I'm so down to see more of the Pokemon movies; there are so many good ones. The next one in release order is Pokemon 4Ever and I personally really love it. Hope to see you guys react to it too!!

  36. Eck
    1 year

    I hope you guys do more pokemon after this! Pokemon 4Ever and Lucario and the Mystery of mew are some of my favs. I also remember liking the Wishmaker one.

  37. Murphdog18
    1 year

    Mewtwo Returns is the next movie followed by Pokemon 4ever Celebi then Pokemon Heroes, Pokemon Jirachi, Pokemon Destiny Deoxys, Pokemon Lucario and the mystery of Mew, and then Pokemon Ranger and the temple of the sea. Mewtwo Returns is a really good movie.

  38. Em
    1 year

    Yeah I wouldn’t mind if you guys just kept going in order! It’s been awhile since I’ve seen a few of the movies so it’s really fun to rewatch with you guys!

  39. Berserker88
    1 year

    In terms of movies, the one I'd most like you guys to watch is Mewtwo Returns, the sequel to the first one. But would not be opposed to seeing some of the others as well. I remember 4Ever and Heroes being pretty solid too, but I'm not sure if I've seen any of the others. I think I might have seen bits of the Lucario one.

    1 replies
    1. Silver
      1 year

      Mewtwo Returns was a special episode rather than a full movie iirc so it probably isn’t listed as a movie in whatever list they’re going by, but yea I’d agree with the recommendation. I haven’t seen it in literally forever but I remember it being a good continuation of mewtwo’s story, child me loved it

  40. Dezwolf86
    1 year

    Yeah Unown is the official spelling of those pokemon, not sure why though

    1 replies
    1. Dezwolf86
      1 year

      ignore this lol, responded to soon

  41. Gabriel
    1 year

    YES! I've been waiting for this, this is my favorite Pokemon movie and has my favorite Pokemon Entei.

  42. docrubente
    1 year

    Please tell me y'all are going to watch Mewtwo Returns

  43. GainingGamer
    1 year

    pokemon 4 ever, heroes, jirachi, deoxys, lucario, ranger, giratina, arceus, zoroark are the next set in order

  44. Miles
    1 year

    the name of the mon boom is referring to is Guzzlord

  45. Moltres
    1 year

    Would love to see you guys watch more pokemon movies, my personal favorites are actually in the gen 3 and gen 4 sets of movies. In terms of order, the next would be Pokemon 4Ever, then Pokemon Heroes rounding out Gen 2. Then Gen 3 is Jirachi Wish Maker > Destiny Deoxys > Lucario and the Mystery of Mew > Temple of the Sea. Cool to see you guys are liking the movies!

  46. Zero
    1 year

    Please keep doing pokemon movie reaction there so good. It's good to see your reactions to them ya know.

  47. abdulelah1
    1 year

    I always go to these 2 pages to see what is the order of the pokemon movies. (I will have to put the links sorry)



  48. Chelsea
    1 year

    There is one more movie I think you should watch just to round up this sorta era of Pokémon with Mewtwos return. The first four movie; Mewtwo Strikes back, 2000, 3 and Mewtwo’s Return are by far my favorites. Partly due to Dan Green's VA(the voice of Yugi and Yami from Yugioh)in three of them as Mewtwo and Entie

  49. Hassan
    1 year

    great reactions guys! haven't seen any later movies myself except the last one, so hope I can watch the next movies blind along with u guys.

  50. Gevin
    1 year

    Great reaction as always. So the next movies in release order would be Pokemon 4ever Celebi, Pokemon Heros, and finally Jirachi the wishmaker (:

    2 replies
    1. Murphdog18
      1 year

      Mewtwo Returns is next then Pokemon 4ever

    2. docrubente
      1 year

      You forgot the direct to TV special Mewtwo Returns

  51. BILL
    1 year

    At first I hated Molly and was so annoyed by her, but rewatching this as an adult I realized how I can understand her not wanting to face reality and wanting to live in a fantasy. Because if she lives in a fantasy that is created for her so that she doesn’t have to face the harsh reality of the real world and live in a fantasy world where all of her family are with her happily together then it’ll make since for her not wanting to go back. And this isn’t something that I didn’t appreciate as a kid but like I said after rewatching it I realized how the message was dealt with, that there are indeed a lot of positive aspects of living in the real world. Yes there are hardships in life, but overcoming it becomes fulfilling, you can explore and meet new friends and have real Pokemon by your side to be happy and never have to feel alone again because there people in this world that are there for you and for you to achieve great things in life. Also the theme song at the beginning of the fight is my favorite I love it.

  52. Ryan No Cash
    1 year

    Pokémon Origins reaction? Definitely a great 4 part mini series

  53. Avelle
    1 year

    Those black letter Pokémon are actually called Unown, it’s not misspelled XD

    3 replies
    1. Just
      1 year

      Pokemon 4ever

      Pokemon Heros

      Pokemon the wish maker

      Pokemon destiny deoxs

      Pokemon lucario

      Pokemon rise of darkrai

      That should get you started

    2. Residentfan 1
      1 year

      Uh yeah they know. They figure it out when the title screen comes on

    3. Alclevy
      1 year

      I'd love to watch you react to the gen 4 movies and the following ones, they are excellent and I remember that I loved them more (because better plots) than the previous gen 3/2 movies.

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