Pokemon: Lucario and the Mystery of Mew Movie Reaction

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  1. Baschtey
    1 month

    Hi i am really new here. Greetings to everyone. :)Why did you stop watching the Pokemon Movies? Gen 4 and 5 movies are really good! 

    Can you please react to them? It would be an awesome time to watch it again, with you guys. 

    Much Love from Germany. <3

  2. Charlie
    2 months

    its a shame because the next few movies are some of the coolest

  3. kkelley343
    2 months

    Aw, I'm sad you guys didn't continue because I think you guys would have gotten a kick out of the Gen 4 movies. But oh well. I do have a recommendation in that you guys should compile all the anime opening songs and react to them because they are amazing! My favorite is from the Battle Frontier. 

  4. Edox
    4 months

    sortastupid: i swear we will continue doing these reactions,  'One year later" ......................

  5. MephilesNumberOneFan
    5 months

    This is the best Pokemon movie ever, but some really great ones are about to follow.

  6. Theseriesreader
    7 months

    Please continue the Pokemon movies when you guys can. They involve more lore and the plot lines get even deeper. 

  7. Slasher2
    8 months

    This movie made me think Lucario was a legendary. Since it was my first time seeing it.

  8. Baron
    8 months

    Please come back to these when yall have the time. They only get better 

  9. Lurker101
    11 months

    I never realized this growing up, but apparently if you pay attention to Pikachu's "speaking", the "pika-pi (or pika-bee as the captions have it) seems to be Pikachu's way of saying Ash's name.

  10. Vexkun
    1 year

    List of remaining movies:

    Pokémon Ranger and the Temple of the Sea (2006)

    The Rise of Darkrai (2007)

    Giratina & the Sky Warrior (2008)

    Arceus and the Jewel of Life (2009)

    Zoroark – Master of Illusions (2010)

    Black – Victini and Reshiram / White – Victini and Zekrom (2011)

    Kyurem Vs. the Sword of Justice (2012)

    Genesect and the Legend Awakened (2013)

    Diancie and the Cocoon of Destruction (2014)

    Hoopa and the Clash of Ages (2015)

    Volcanion and the Mechanical Marvel (2016)

    Pokémon: I Choose You! (2017)

    Pokémon: The Power of Us (2018)

    Mewtwo Strikes Back: Evolution (2019) - a CGI remake of the first movie

    Pokémon: Secrets of the Jungle (2021)

  11. Ramon
    1 year

    Will the Pokémon movie series be returning soon? Please lol. Love you guys. 

  12. Yagi
    1 year


    boy is it surreal to hear something close to my name uttered in whatever media

  13. ariel_warfare
    1 year

    This movie is the reason I found out about Lucario and the reason it's been my favorite most of my life. The story is very well done, and I completely forgot the Regis show up in it.

    Also, the mythical vs legendary difference has anime and game explanations. In the anime lore, legendaries are Pokémon that usually have legends and stories about them and are often worshipped. Mythicals are simply Pokémon that are so rare that most people don't even believe they exist and they're not often talked about. As for the games, legendaries are obtainable through normal gameplay and mythicals are acquired through special mystery gift events. That's probably the easier way to tell the difference.

  14. davi
    1 year

    Hope to see the next one soon!

  15. Jazzura
    1 year

    100% the best pokemon movie other than darkrai

  16. Law
    1 year

    These guys are like the real life team rocket, they remind me of james, jessie, and mewoth soo much

    1 replies
    1. Law
      1 year


  17. Msr9272tce
    1 year

    there are a billion different kinds of balls too so probably all different interiors. some even up the friendship etc

  18. Geliscon
    1 year

    This movie went so hard when I watched it as a kid. It was the first Pokémon movie to come out after I started playing the games.

    Also, I think @1:47:47 is a callback to the 6th movie, Jirachi Wishmaker. Kidd seems to be visiting the location of the final battle from that movie, and you can see the villain and his partner in the background.

  19. Juan
    1 year

    POKEBALLS! In the newest anime of Pokemon, they revealed the inside of a luxury Pokeball, and its a little similar to the genie lamp where they get shrunk and have a house to themselves. But we are not sure if that is for all of them or only in the luxury balls.

  20. Juan
    1 year

    Great reaction, guys. I have been waiting so long for this movie. I remember the ending being sad because Lucario was a G and wanted Ash to live. This movie is also why I love Lucario and thought he was a mythic or legendary. I hope you enjoy the rest of the films. This is roughly where I dropped watching pokemon so no idea how the other movies go.

  21. Kuriboh
    1 year

    The Generation 3 movies are definitely more character focused Jirachi with Max, Deoxys with Tory, Lucario with Ash, and the next one will heavily focus on May.

    Unfortunately Brock does not get a movie that focuses on him, but he will still be apart of the next set of movies that actually have an overarching story and connections to each other.

  22. Edsan_J
    1 year

    Heres a little easter egg to look in future pokemon movies: the mother and the daughter from the beggining of the movie make a cameo in every movie from the movie 10 on foward

  23. Patticus
    1 year

    The difference between a mythical and a legendary is that a legendary pokemon can be caught in the main line games as a default part of the game, like Mewtwo hiding in the cave in Heart Gold/Soul Silver or meeting Rayquaza if you have Groudon and Kyogre together. A mythical pokemon can only be obtained in the mainline games thru a real world event, usually by receiving an event item from the mystery gift to trigger the event pokemon.

  24. Honey
    1 year

    This movies plot with Lucario, Aura and Ash's connection to both do 100% continue in the series. So if you ever decide to watch through all .. what 25 seasons? then you'll get more answers. I will say Pokemon journeys:The series is the most recent in the Pokemon series it has 3 seasons and I believe it has a lot of answers and such in it and it's the start of a new Journey for Ash so you could watch it as a stand alone if you wanted to. BUT it is also the final kinda chunk/seasons of the show all together, so the sentimental bits and throw backs won't make much sense without watching the rest of the series.

  25. Kaleb
    1 year

    So in the anime/game their is a character that is named Riely who also has a lucario and looks exactly like Aron. It is theorized Riely and his lucario are their reincarnations.

  26. Xavier
    1 year

    I knew I recognized Sir Aaron's voice. That's Jason Griffith the guy that plays Sonic for all the best versions of him.

  27. ShadowWalker
    1 year

    Legendary Pokémon are Pokémon that you catch in the game while mythical Pokémon are Pokémon you can only get through limited time events.

  28. iKirbeeburgr
    1 year

    Ok whoever got mad at you for calling Charizard a dragon can suck an Alolan Exeggcutor because ERM ACTTUALLY Lance The DRAGON TYPE Champ himself says im Pokemon Masters EX "Not all Dragons are Dragon Type Pokemon" He said that about Gyarados, but it counts for any dragon including charizard.

  29. Cloud
    1 year

    It's always a joy to see these Pokemon movies pop up, though I would *love* to see you guys react to the Digimon movies as well. That being said... I don't think there is an anime that delves into the insides of a pokeball, but the manga has shown panels of what it looks like inside on a base level.

    I believe pokeballs basically put pokemon in a stasis when inside, so their time really does freeze until released. I recall an episode about a Ninetails waiting for its master to return, only to find out years have past since it was released from its own ball...

  30. ShadowWalker
    1 year

    I love Lucario he is so cool

  31. Petrichor12
    1 year

    I feel like, back in the day, Pokemon Diamond/ Pearl did this story in their games, only instead of Aaron, I think his name was Riley? I dont remember the specifics but I think I named my Lucario "Riley" in his honor ?

  32. Tyler
    1 year

    Fun Fact about Mew at 17:15 Mew can use the move transform and is one of the only pokemon that can do so besides Ditto. Ditto is a failed clone of Mew that Team rocket tried creating, ending with the creation of Mewtwo. All the dittos of the world are essentially failed clones of Mew.

  33. bans4ee
    1 year

    Regarding Max and his affinity towards pokemon, its shown in both the movies and the anime that he has strong connections with psychic pokemon, which Mew and Jirichi are. He also befriends a Ralts which is considered his first pokemon. This is confirmed in the pokemon tales books but im unsure if those are canon.

  34. Shawn
    1 year

    I love this movie its up there in the top 5 easily I mean the advanced battle song slaps, The Regis are sick as hell and James is so much of a quick thinker and a G that in what he thinks are his dying moments he frees his Pokémon also Aaron is sick fun fact btw there is an anime character called Riley who's in the gen 4 games too who is also an aura user with a Lucario and he's the spitting image of Aaron

  35. Xavier
    1 year

    The reason Team Rocket would still be considered criminals even they they didn't get away with their theft is cuz they themselves never had a change of heart to not steal. In Eric's example the candy bar being put back would mean that person isn't a thief since they themselves decided not to commit to the theft. Team Rocket is always stopped by a third party in all their attempts.

  36. mayasha_chan
    1 year

    Yes! This is still is my absolute favourite of all the Pokemon films! Still makes me cry as well with the final act, as man was that traumatising as a child!

    Not to mention making us all fall in love with Lucario as a Pokemon, and I think we all wanted to see Lucario join Ash at the end - which thanks to Pokemon Journeys we can see Ash team up with his own Lucario!

    Can't wait for the next ones! Both Prince of the Sea and Rise of Darkrai pull at your heartstrings and have some great action!

  37. Marquez
    1 year

    I don't know if you guys noticed but in the end credits you see the characters from the Jirachi movie

  38. Pokerachi
    1 year

    Hey guys in case you don't know, there is another TV special Movie like Mewtwo Returns that isn't listed with the other movies. Its called " Pokémon: The Mastermind of Mirage" You need to watch it before yall start the Gen 4 movies.

  39. Noah
    1 year

    Guys i strongly recomend to see the pokemon openings after these movies, some of them have references to the movies itself

  40. g2005!
    1 year

    Darkrai is a mythical Pokémon. The difference between legendary and mythical are that legendary Pokémon fan he found naturally in the game. Mythicals are obtained through special events and can’t be optioned through the natural progression of the game.

  41. Veritas
    1 year

    My headcanon was always that Aaron was Ash's ancestor, but even if that's not true, an anime episode later teased a legendary Aura Guardian in old Sinnoh who resembled Ash and had a Pikachu. Ash's aura comes into play a few more times and he even meets a modern Guardian named Riley with a Lucario (who is also in games) who looks identical to Aaron, so they're more likely related. Ash ending up with his own Lucario was the fandom's dream for years because they teased and waited until the last saga to do it.

  42. Demi
    1 year

    Most of the movies feature the Mythical pokemon, Legendary pokemon usually featured in the games in one way or another, while Mythical are usually event pokemon that are usually not obtainable in the games through normal play. In Japan most of the Mythical Distribution events were done at the theater as the movies were airing, so pretty much Mythical Pokemon are more or less part of the Advertising for the movies, which are in turn advertisement for the games/anime/merch. That is also why we haven't gotten any new Mythical Pokemon since 2020 as an update they put Zarude into Sword and Shield, they haven't made any new Movies for Pokemon since the 23rd one thus no new Mythicals.

    1 replies
    1. Demi
      1 year

      Also I adore this movie, one of my favorites. Lucario is my favorite mon because of this film.

  43. James
    1 year

    Aura does come back in the anime but not in the movies, unfortunately

  44. Jay3k
    1 year

    I believe this is the last movie to have the original 4Kids cast. The rest of the movies now will be using the current voice cast for the characters.

  45. Joe
    1 year

    The Aura is something that comes into play in the shows later on with other Lucario.

    I would recommend the last series "Pokémon Journeys" is really good and has some flashbacks into the series to keep you up to date, so its beginner friendly as the story is about studying Pokémon.

    Mythical Pokémon are actually a subset of Legendary Pokémon. They are more different in-game, Legendary are obtainable in the game story, while mythical are obtained via special events(Add-ons) to the games.

  46. smugtini
    1 year

    You missed an easter egg in the credits.

    You can briefly see Kidd in the place where Jirachi sleeps in movie 6 with the antagonists of the movie ( Butler and Diane) who are now farmers.

    Also there isn't really a gameplay difference between Legendairies and Mythicals aside from mythicals usually being unable to be caught in the vanilla game (with some exceptions like Keldeo in SW/SH, Arceus in Legends Arceus and Deoxys in ORAS). Mythicals are Pokemon's whos status is either largely unkown, their existence is pretty much speculative or they are uber rare, as well as usually possessing immense power (even more so than almost all legendaires) and having access to the most broken abilities in the Pokemon universe ( ie Arceus, Celebi or Victini).

  47. smugtini
    1 year

    For the Aura Part

    As far as I'm aware, Ash's aura won't play a big role in any movie further on but it does subtly play a role in the anime. It's implied that Ash can deepen his bonds with certain Pokemon and bond with them better. For instance with a Riolu in the Diamon and Pearl anime. He also has a deeper than most connection with his Infernape (which is far stronger and has a strong Rage Mode), his Greninja (to the point they even created a whole seperate form exclusive for Ash's Greninja) as well as his Lucario which he got in Pokemon Journey. It's actually brought up in journeys that Ash and his Lucario are on the same Aura wavelenght too.

  48. Raptor
    1 year

    I think most of the better Pokémon movies are the ones without a human antagonist that’s all “I must capture _____ and its power will be mine!”

  49. erlu
    1 year

    Pokemon time!

  50. g2005!
    1 year

    Lucario is a gen 4 Pokémon. They are in this movie which takes place in the gen 3 animae. It’s like a promotion to the next generation by showing a new generation Pokémon in previous gen.

  51. Crazy
    1 year

    How did you guys not notice the jirachi movie reference in the end credits

  52. perserverantSoul
    1 year

    Fun Fact! The voice of this Lucario actually did the English voice for Lucario in Super Smash Brawl!

  53. Preston
    1 year

    Ash is the chosen one, he who walks the path of legends. Max is the duke of little shitheads.

  54. Arifur
    1 year

    My all time favorite Pokemon film. I LOVE the story for this and this interpretation of Lucario. So happy y'all enjoyed it, it's a classic.

  55. Gavynnnnn
    1 year

    This movie is quite literally my Pokémon childhood and I’ve been waiting for you to get here for months!!

  56. Chaplain
    1 year

    Fun fact it’s believed ditto are failed clones of mew. Another fun fact mew is the original pokémon that all pokémon on earth sprung forth from. If you took a family lineage chart for pokémon Mew would be the very first name on the list. But the pokémon of space, time, and creation are not a part of that tree they exist outside it.

    1 replies
    1. Joey
      1 year

      it's interesting to note that mew and ditto's respective shiny forms are pretty darn similar in color

  57. smugtini
    1 year


    Out of the first 16 Movies this and Movie 9 were the only movies whom I only watched once. So I'm excited how you guys and I are gonna enjoy this one

    I remember very much liking it too.

  58. Leah
    1 year


  59. Chaplain
    1 year

    One of my most watched and memorable pokémon movies other then the Rise of Darkrai which is by far my most watched pokémon movie.

  60. BILL
    1 year

    I Think this might be one of my favorite Pokemon movies ever!

    2 replies
    1. Manuel
      1 year

      This is the best Pokemon movie hands down me from ash looking for Pikachu, him and Lucario story, to them dying, to ash and Lucario saving to tree the emotions from the Pokemon especially Ash's Pokemon of them dying 10 outs 10 film

      2 replies
      1. Manuel
        1 year

        My order so far is 9 8 2 3 1 4 7 6 5

      2. Manuel
        1 year

        For me*

    2. BILL
      1 year

      And also making Lucario one of Favorite Pokemon ever as well!

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