Adventure Time S7 Episode 1-5 REACTION

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  1. Leaf
    11 months

    canyon is really cool.....

  2. Mitchell
    1 year

    Root beer guy and Cherry cream soda definitely bone, go back and watch their first episode.

  3. Darc
    1 year

    Yeah H man is right. It was during season 1 when they had the jiggler. They just throw in that Finn could sing with autotune cause he swallowed a computer chip and it got stuck.

    It's weird that H man is the only one that remembers lore, and you guys saw those episodes months ago

    1 replies
    1. SillyDingus42
      1 year

      To be fair: Given Finn's voice actor's age, that could have plausibly been a built-in lore justification for doing the auto-tune for screams as the actor got older. But maybe not and the show is just having fun with that bit of lore, lol

  4. pepper
    1 year

    There's no Mirror Dimension. If there was, someone else would've seen it by now. As far as we've seen, only BMO could interact with the "Mirror Dimension" because that's literally just a visual representation of BMOs mind. Yes, WE see it because it's a show but NOBODY else does. All the other magical beings and phenomena are real because more than one person has seen them. The closest thing we could compare it to is when Finn was trapped in the Llama statue and was in a spiritual plane of sorts. Ice King thought he was only seeing things because he was crazy, which he is, but all the creatures he sees are real because Fiin also saw them and interacted with them when he was in that realm.

  5. Trish
    1 year


  6. HEX
    1 year


  7. Vilmu
    1 year

    I think Neddy is meant to represent the type of developmental disabilities that make it very difficult to function in a typical setting. He is comfortable and thriving while doing his own thing (and having his sister around.)

  8. ShaiGuy
    1 year

    H Man was right! In the first season, Finn can sing in auto tune cuz he swallowed a small computer and it got lodged in his throat lol

  9. Asad
    1 year

    'I'll take my hoe in case things get sloppy.'

    Uhh Cartoon Network!????

  10. Khaled
    1 year

    Happy birthday Boom

  11. BonnieBunny89009
    1 year

    Oh my lord, so much today! The Billy gods have graced us, amen ?

  12. Icy
    1 year

    Thank you for the double upload

  13. Dylan
    1 year

    It was the beginning of I think episode 4, the one with the juggler, Jake asked fin how he can sing like that and he said it was because he swallowed a tiny computer

  14. Juan
    1 year

    Bonnie and Neddy: We see the origin of PB, unlike Marcy who had Simon to take care of her for a time, PB as soon as she was born she dedicated her entire life to taking care of her brother Neddy, showing the reason why she created her kingdom and the sweet people ," to live with a family, as she once felt inside Mother Goma" being even sadder how the sweet citizens did not hesitate to reject her.

    Varmints: Finally Marceline returns and talks to PB, and we see how she is. I tried to start again from scratch, "I try to be less bad" PB tells Marceline, they look for the pests and when Marceline tells PB "that she is always prepared "PB begins to break down, speaking from her point of view and apologizing. "At first it was easy, but being alone against a newly post-Apocalyptic OOO, she increasingly became calculating and cold, unable to trust others (remember what happened to her with Choko and since she never discovered that Shoko was threatened to betray her.) Finally they confront the pests and when she sees her writing (when she barely met Marceline and everything was simpler and simpler) PB she breaks down, she talks about how in a matter of days She lost her kingdom, her children and her efforts of hundreds of years, and as by trying to protect them she only pushed them away, she only pushed Marceline away and she became too COLD with the world, so Marceline comforts her and they regain their friendship once lost, it happens the beautiful phrase "I will eat your Mother" XD and finally PB and Marceline rest together and in peace. How beautiful :)

    1 replies
    1. SillyDingus42
      1 year

      Sorry to ask but, why did you write "Mother Goma" instead of "the Mother Gum"? Was it just a stylistic choice on your part, or is there a bit of lore that I'm missing??

  15. Dylan
    1 year

    Ooh we eating good today

  16. Reaper
    1 year

    Yo! So much AT! Thank you for the feast, dear overlords!

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