Gravity Falls Reaction Season 2 Episode 21 (Boom Solo)

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  1. AllThingsNeo
    6 months

    3 months late but gravity falls will always be my first true cartoon love 😭 I will forever miss the feeling I had when I finished it for the first time. 

  2. William
    9 months

    That was wonderful, thanks for sharing, Boom!

    And yeah, that ending... it just really punches that feeling of end of summer, of that bittersweet sense of things ending and changing. Man.

  3. Shredderns
    10 months

    Bill Cypher got reincarnated as king from the owl house

  4. sheilo_lyvt
    10 months

    This is definitely one of the solo reactions I might keep coming back to. Mainly cause of Boom's introspections and the way he relates to the show.

  5. Kyoheitowle
    10 months

    Going back to the episode with the wax figures is kinda sad to see how happy Stan gets. Its because the wax figure of himself reminds him of his twin brother. Then you understand why he was so upset when it was destroyed and it makes the whole episode better on rewatch

  6. Kyra
    10 months

    Great reaction! Great finale! This show is amazing ??

  7. Havoc
    10 months

    In case you didn't know the statue at the end was real. It was placed somewhere in the united states and there were clues to find it in a book that released soon after the show ended. It ended up being in oregan around where gravity falls would have been if it existed in real life. Then some dipshit stole his hay. 

  8. David
    10 months

    I remember when this show ended. I am both happy and sad that they ended the series before it became dull or a sellout. This was around the time that my favorite shows like Phineas and Ferb and Adventure Time ended and I am not ashamed to admit that I cried during every single one these endings.

  9. Radar
    10 months

    Loved the solo reaction. I have to say that Boom might be my favorite from the Sorta Stupid crew

  10. Petrichor12
    10 months

    You're just in time to pre-order the new Bill Cipher book "The Book of Bill"! They have a lot of little comics and a replica of the Journal too. Fun reads to fill the void!

  11. Joseph
    10 months

    finale makes me cry every time 

  12. DementisXYZ
    10 months

    Woo!  We got our 3rd!  I knew it would happen, but I was waiting to see if you would join Ruff and Erik in crying at the ending or if you would pull an Hman.  So glad you enjoyed.  Now, unless y'all get Bree to do so, that's all of the Disney TVA trilogy (Gravity Falls, Owl House, and Amphibia) reacted to by all of Sorta Stupid.  A little bittersweet, I'll admit.

  13. b_arnaby
    10 months


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