Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1 Reaction

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  1. Juju’sWrld
    6 days

    so oblivate just means thats so what hermoine did to her parents is she erased everything thta is magic and in the sense of her being a magic wizard and all thats comes with magic so erased her parents memroies of magic including her self 

  2. justajinx
    30 days

    In the book, she erases herself from her parents mind and implants the idea to go on a very long vacation to somewhere... That way they're nowhere in England as shit goes down and she can just find them later and undo.

  3. TheDubNub
    1 month

    You guys should definitely check out the "Very Potter Musical", it's so much fun and I think you would enjoy it a lot!

  4. Mempedede
    1 month

    what to do when you want your one main character that has parents that actually have the option to just take that character and leave the plot because staying in an active warzone is... hazardous? Simple, you remove them no matter the ramifications it has on the context of the characters wider family and social circle. :)

    Don't really have any issues with it, just fun to make fun of.

  5. Lauryn
    1 month

    Please watch kubo and the two strings!!! You guys would love it

  6. Tylor
    1 month

    I wish they would leave most of their comments till the end. Not as much pausing as I thought it would have been tho. Ready for part 2.

  7. saywhatnow
    1 month

    i'm sorry but them saying ron would've done a  boromir is hillarious to me cause i feel like he would've done a smeagol the dude was ready to straight up kill that death eater in the diner only reason he didn't was cause hermione wouldn't have wanted that i can't lie aside from hermione ron was like locked in from the get go dude was ready to do what he had to do only saving grace was hermione was the one holding the leash guy was ready to to start avada kedavring every death eater he saw

    1 replies
    1. nahnahyeah
      1 month

      Dolohov was part of the group that murdered his uncles, Gideon and Fabian. He never met them, but I imagine that the times he saw his mother grieving her only siblings while growing up was a pretty good motivator to avenge them. 

  8. reach17
    1 month


    100% the most appropriate response to Hedwig's death

  9. Cloud
    1 month

    When I saw this movie, it was playing on TV and I jumped in on the scene where they were traveling after Ron's injury. I only got up to the scene of Harry and Hermoine dancing after Ron left, too, before I decided not to bother 'cause I had no idea what was going on and I hated the Ron slander. XD Never picked up Harry Potter since, either, 'cause my copy on DVD was corrupted, even though I purchased it maybe a year after seeing it on TV and held onto it, brand new, for 8 months before putting it in my DVD player, only for it to never play properly. Had no desire to get another copy since, 'cause... what's the point if I was in a mood against the series at that point of time? STILL, I have really been enjoying rewatching the series with you guys, as you give it such a funny, refreshing spin. XD And to get all the footnotes missed from the movies that was in the books? Wonderful~!

  10. capkyros
    1 month

    Umbridge is so evil that she could wear a horcrux that drives you crazy with negative emotions and still produce a patronus. 

  11. TD
    1 month

    I know he's not really a big deal in this movie but I just want to point out how sad Dracos story really is. Dracos home life was always pretty bad other than that he had a loving mom. His only friend growing up was Dobby. He used to tell dobby stories about Harry which is why Dobby is such a big fan and he tried to be Harrys friend on the first day by doing what he thought would make him look cool. He has so few happy memories that he's unable to cast a patronus spell. He would constantly cry himself to sleep and he quit the quidditch team due to depression. Before going to kill Dumbledore he was so depressed and stressed that he'd go to the bathroom where moaning myrtle was and vent and cry to her because he didn't have anyone else he could talk to. His wand also had a Unicorn hair core which typically means the user is pure of heart. He even tried not to give Harry up to Bellatrix in this movie even though he obviously would know that it's Harry since Ron and Hermoine were there too. Draco was just a good kid with a bad upbringing who just wanted to be happy

  12. nahnahyeah
    1 month

    Honestly, of all the changes made to the movies, the argument in the tent to me stands out as the worst. They removed just enough complexity, and changed just enough lines to practically turn it into a character assassination of Ron.

    2 replies
    1. 50
      1 month

      Eh, I still just pass it off as the Horcrux affecting him. The only thought I have every time I watch that scene is "damn, they've come so far as actors"

    2. bertzieblu
      1 month

      I watched the movie first before reading the book and enjoyed it as it is, but now that I know what is actually left out or changed, I felt that it's such a shame that they made Hermione too perfect in the movies while Ron's character got (sort of) the worst change. Ginny is also one of the characters that is done wrong in the movies, heck, even Harry isn't as sassy as he is in the book. It's truly a shame cause I love Ron as a character :")

      1 replies
      1. 50
        1 month

        Tbh, I don't really care for Harry's sass in the books, more often than not, I found Harry kind of annoying in the books, and a bit of a blank canvas who just watches stuff happen

  13. Bigbadpoppaj
    1 month

    Do we think voldemort is clapping belatrixs cheeks though? I meannnnn technically according to the cursed child they did and had a daughter...

  14. Mikala
    1 month

    My mom read the books to my sister and I when we were little... I remember laughing during Dobby's death. I have NO idea why my kid mind decided to choose violence, but I did apparently.

  15. Mikala
    1 month

    I'm so excited to see Sean's reaction to the next one lol

  16. FryLord
    1 month

    Billy get mad when thing happen. Billy get mad when reactors...react. Billy get mad when woman exists. Billy no know what Billy want so Billy keep watch and complain until Billy tired. This is way of Bily

    I'm legit subbed here because I want to hear them talk, already watched the movie lol,  I listen to most videos podcast style instead of watching the screen. I'd advocate for mins long pause breaks just cause it can be that interesting sometimes and the movie gets in the way

  17. vvhispie
    1 month

    Guns are muggle technology. A leader of wizard purists/supremacists would never live it down if they used a gun to win.

  18. Sly
    1 month

    I don’t usually comment, but I’m sorry that so many people leave such critical ones! I love Bri- the full four is my favorite reaction format from you all! I also love when Sean is loud and you all actually REACT and talk about why you enjoy something. No one would be watching if they didn’t like it, even those who leave negative comments 🤷🏽‍♀️ Don’t let them get you down, I promise most of us watchers don’t care 😂 Keep doing you, boo! 

  19. MrMathMatical
    1 month

    Its always annoying when important or interesting parts of a book get left of a film adaptation. though it's understandable why. What I don't like is when they change it, for no reason. The way they completely changed the interaction between Voldemort and Grindelwald, is the thing a dislike most about this film. On the note of Grindelwald. I do hope you guys will go on to watch the Fantastic beast series. Unfortunately it was hindered severely by the constant interference of WB executives, much like the DCEU. It is sad that they didn't finish it because I was looking forward to seeing the 1945 battle between Dumbledore and Grindelwald. plus the way WB sided with Amber Heard, causing them to recast Grindelwald didn't help, neither was changing his entire character. They wrote him completely differently after Depp "left". changed his entire look and mannerisms and everything. But enough of my little rant there, yeah watch the Fantastic beast films when you're done with HP. 1st one is a great little adventure. the 2nd feels more like a build up film. And the 3rd and worst of them is quite all over the place. But considering everything that happened behind the scenes I'm not surprised. Didn't think it would be the one to end the series, but then a lot of people boycotted it because WB fired Depp.

    1 replies
    1. Quin
      1 month

      Personally, I think the problem with the Fantastic Beasts movies was trying to tie it in to Harry Potter. The fact that they made it all about Dumbledore and Grindelwald kind of ruined it imo. The first movie was much better, when it wasn't all about fan service and tie-ins, and it was just able to exist on its own.

      That said, I wouldn't hate it if they watch them all. I never watched the third one. I boycotted it when they fired Depp, because I don't agree in firing someone purely off of allegations, and not actual concrete evidence. It's a dangerous precedent that's been set imo, so on principle I didn't feel I could support that. But I have been curious what the movie was actually like, and watching it with them would be a way to see it without actually supporting the movie.

  20. Acetag31
    1 month

    Funny you mention Harry Pitter is similar to Star Wars. It is VERY true. If you have a chance watch EPIC RAP BATTLES OF HISTORY between Harry Potter and Luke Skywalker and you'll learn how similar they are

    1 replies
    1. Acetag31
      1 month


  21. Morgan
    1 month

    Bree - Ignore the haters! I love your commentary, plus you keep the guys focused on the reaction 😂Ruff - Sick gong hit

    Boom & Eric - Single?? HOW??

    1 replies
    1. Quin
      1 month

      I understand where the hate comes from. She does get sort of militant about her opinions sometimes, and she also has a tendency to be extremely confident about things that she's very factually wrong about, which can be a bit frustrating at times, especially when she sways the others' opinions with flat-out false information. But she definitely doesn't deserve hate. We all have flaws. And it's not like she's the only one of them who does some of these things, either.

      1 replies
      1. JM
        1 month

        That's all of them, though.

  22. 50
    1 month

    Hedwig, Mad-Eye, Dobby. This movie is a massive punch to the gut

  23. Jesse
    1 month

    Come on gents and lass, please consider a double upload with part 2. Been waiting all week for this one to drop. G'day from Australia

  24. Darc
    1 month

    I will stand by the belief that the only nice thing James potter ever did was go through the month long process to become an animagus for Remus 

  25. Darc
    1 month

    I find it interesting that Kreacher is willing to obey harry because he's an honorary member of the Black house by being Sirius' god son. 

    1 replies
    1. Jesse
      1 month

      Its not that he is willing, he is bound by law to do whatever Harry says as he owns him as well as 12 Grimmauld place

      1 replies
      1. Darc
        1 month

        I thought house elves were sworn to serve a family forever

        1 replies
        1. Jesse
          1 month

          Yeah. And since Sirius was the last of the black line he just gave everything to Harry including Kreacher's slavery

          1 replies
          1. Reaper
            1 month

            Oh yeah! They left that part out of the movies, didn't they? I forgot Harry got left the home and everything.

  26. bbenzo.
    1 month

    “What’s for lunch???” has me dying😂

  27. Elina
    1 month

    Love this series, b e g g i n g you to release part 2 while part 1 is still fresh in our minds

  28. Benjamin
    1 month

    so unfair... you dont wait until next week but we have to :(

  29. Alexander
    1 month

    i dont know what the chance of it is but i hope you guys watch wicked

  30. NickLay
    1 month

    why people keep harping on ron wasn't the biggest reason he was like that due to the locket plus all the things happening to him i mean even harry was mean when he had the locket on. ron even said soon after he wanted to go back when he was rid of the effects of the locket

  31. JM
    1 month

    You know no one's safe when the first one to die is the pet.

  32. .adamtm
    1 month

    House elfs don’t get enough love in the movies. Although they are mostly stuck to serving a master they are extremely powerful with magic and can do many things with ease, as you saw by Dobby disarming a witch and apparating wherever he wants.

  33. Metalhead2968
    1 month

    I'm mostly annoyed we gotta wait another week for part 2.

  34. Dean
    1 month

    Eventhough people people shit on the Fantastic Beast series I hope yall watch them

  35. Boatmancer
    1 month

    Boom, I enjoy the yelling, let the hate flow through you.

    1 replies
    1. Sly
      1 month


  36. Saiah99076
    1 month

    dobbys death never gets easier

  37. Andrew
    1 month

    I might be reaching with this but one change from the book is that, in the cafe, Ron seems more like he's actually considering killing the Stunned Death Eaters whereas in the book he wasn't very keen on it. The interesting thing the Death Eater he's looking at when he says that actually murdered two of his uncles (Molly's brothers) so I wonder if the filmmakers had that in mind when they made that little change.

  38. Carmen
    1 month

    have been loving all the harry potter movie reactions also that head scratch at the same time by bre and sean had to have been because of the epic gong hit(207:30) ...great reaction n cnt wait for the finally

  39. Andrew
    1 month

    It's funny that Eric was always bringing up Harry getting obsessed with things in the books that the movies leave out and he didn't do that here when this is probably the most obsessive Harry ever gets. In the book, there's a bit of time in between their visit to Luna's father and getting caught by the Snatchers where Harry is absolutely consumed with the idea of possessing all of the Hallows, to the point where he temporarily abandons any idea of searching for the Horcruxes. And it's actually this obsession that gets them caught, he carelessly says Voldemort's name aloud when talking about the Hallows which, as you guys guessed, immediately disables their protective enchantments and attracts people to their location (which is also how those two Death Eaters tracked them to the Muggle cafe).

  40. Captain
    1 month

    I revisited the movies during Covid. When i got to this one, i realized why id only seen it twice (once in the theater and again when i got the dvd). Id actually forgotten Dobby dies and realized i had fucking blocked it out because of how devastating it was for me. It was so heartbreaking reliving it that i just couldnt handle it. The book was bad enough but SEEING it and hearing his voice broke little me. I have loved Seans and Ruffs reactions to these movies and i knew this one would be great. Part 2 is going to have them absolutely going insane and im here for it. 

  41. Nessa
    1 month

    Are you going to watch Fantastic Beasts?

  42. Nessa
    1 month

    Thanks for all of the Harry Potter reactions! It’s always fun seeing them!

  43. hewmanity
    1 month

    It's funny when people get upset about you all pausing/talking over the movie... as if the commentary isn't the whole point of this type of video.  Otherwise why even film this content?  If they don't want you doing that, then they should just watch it on their own.

  44. Maurice
    1 month

    Since you guys watched them back to back can we get a back to back upload 👀😂 #ItsChristmas 

    1 replies
    1. Jesse
      1 month

      Yesss! Come on Sorta Stupid legends  🙏 

  45. Maurice
    1 month

    I’m surprised none of the people who read the book clocked mad eye moody’s eye on Umbridge’s door 

  46. Aileen
    1 month

    Did anyone notice the eye on Umbridge office door? Yea see it again and its gonna hit the heart hard!

    1 replies
    1. Sly
      1 month

      Shit! I totally missed that all these years.

  47. Alastor
    1 month

    😂😂😂 I love how y’all always try to shut Boom up when he (rightfully) knows that something bad is going to happen.

  48. alentheallin
    1 month

    Im still at the start of the movie so maybe they remember it but if not: In the books Hermione dosent delete the memories of her parents. She just changes it and they think they always wanted to go and live in Australia so they move there and after thebook she goes and find them changing their memories back to normal

  49. KaiserKnight217
    1 month

    I Hope you guys React to Sonic Movie 3 on Jan 21thDo it on Jan 21th

  50. Cristian
    1 month

    Dobby's first words in the movies was Harry Potter, his last words in the movies were Harry Potter

  51. MordredKane
    1 month

    sean is my favorite character

  52. Aspy
    1 month

    We love Sean's yelling btw

  53. Jacqui
    1 month

    Watching Sean sitting there fuming after what happened to Dobby was low-key one of the funniest things, and I say this out of love. You know he's pissed when he has absolutely nothing to say while giving the screen the death glare for a hot minute.

    Also yeah, checkout the compilation of deleted scenes when you're all done. There's a lot of good extra stuff I kind of wish they kept. I'm pretty sure there's a video or two of all of them mashed together on YouTube somewhere.

    And Bree, you talk about those books all you want. We stan.

  54. gnarlywitch
    1 month

    yeah you gotta do the reunion after the series, if you like the behind the scenes stuff it will be right up your alley

  55. shizukaignis
    1 month

    I never liked Hedwig's death. It's apparently supposed to represent the death of Harry's innocence but that's pretty redundant at this point.

    Also THANK YOU for speaking up for Harmony shippers, Bree. "If your partner isn't your best friend, then what's the point" *always* gets met with silence. And sorry, how am I supposed to ship Ron with Hermione when - as Boom himself acknowledged - Ron is (at least in the movies) a dick? Lmao.

    3 replies
    1. Quin
      1 month

      I find it's best to ship characters based on their own feelings. Imposing your own ideas of who would make a good pair, when the writing doesn't support it, has never sat right with me. And people try to do that in real life sometimes, too. It's ridiculous. It's making their relationship all about you and your ideas about who you like and who you think looks good together, instead of actually caring about the actual people involved. of course, it's not as bad when it's fictional characters, since they aren't real people, but it still always rubs me the wrong way.

      1 replies
      1. shizukaignis
        27 days

        I couldn't disagree more, that feels incredibly shallow and frankly boring to me. Both chemistry and writing are subjective, of course, and people's opinions differ wildly, which is exactly why so many people feel that certain canon ships don't work in their eyes. "These two are together because character A always had a crush on character B", for example, is a horrible reason to ship something, same thing with "I like it because it's canon." Lots of people dislike the canon Harry Potter pairings because they simply don't see the chemistry or feel the relationships are good ones. It's entirely valid. 

    2. Kee
      1 month

      Honestly, I do not like the idea of Harry and Hermione as a couple. I much prefer their friendship. I'm also honestly not that big of a fan of her with Ron. Maybe Oliver Wood lol

      1 replies
      1. shizukaignis
        1 month

        If we're being honest, none of them needed to end up together. But if I had to choose between Harry and Ron for Hermione it'd 100% be Harry every time. 

    3. 50
      1 month

      Ron was honestly an even bigger dick in the books, just saying

      1 replies
      1. shizukaignis
        1 month

        It's been years since I read the books, all I remember is that the movies made me dislike them together even more.

        1 replies
        1. 50
          1 month

          For me it's the opposite. Everyone goes on about Ron being done dirty in the movies. I remember disliking him even more after reading the books. Same with the twins

  56. Michael
    1 month

    “How come we never seen this symbol until now?”

    Lmao because Joanne didn’t think of it until it was time to start writing the seventh book.

  57. Cadent
    1 month

    Lemme use this comment to say I greatly enjoy when Bree talks about the books and folks getting on her case for talking about them are so stupid. Bree's awesome.

  58. Black
    1 month

    Fred and George took the map from The janitors office office. They explained that when they gave the map to Harry.

  59. Nivia
    1 month

    00:20:59- fun fact Hagrid being knocked out was strictly for the movie, giants have a natural resistance to magic, and because he is half giant most spells just "bounce off him"

    00:40:40-to perform magic without the incantation is based on intention, skill, and concentration, or you can think of it as actually saying the spell is the basic/begginer way of performing a spell

    01:25:43-"Is this where Ron murders them?" lmaoo its funny hearing you say that given the fact the author originally did plan to kill off Ron 

    01:34:55- they do a really bad job at explaining this in the movie but Voldemort put a curse on his name that if anyone spoke it a death eater could track them down, Harry and the gang figure it out earlier in the movie when they are in the diner (notice the two death eaters show up shortly after Hermione says it). I do believe there is a deleted scene where Ron is the one that figures it out and tells the group.

    02:27:26- yes house-elves are often considered to be more powerful than wizards, mainly because they can do magic without wand and elf magic does not obey they same laws and rules as wizard magic. im not 100% sure on the lore on how and why they became basically slaves, but im sure its along the lines with that elves enjoy doing the chores and working for others and wizards just exploded that

    im really glad y'all are enjoying these movies so far!

  60. 50
    1 month

    I dunno too much about it, but Hermione's obliviate was somewhat of a plot-hole

    Umbridge actually WAS the main antagonist of the Order of the Phoenix"Nicked it from Filch's office, first year" - PoA movie

    1:27:00 This scene just reminds me how far they've come as actors

    1:30:28 I agree fully. Great platonic pairing, not so much as a romantic pairing

    Ironic because they did use Polyjuice Potion in the book

    2:07:45 Right on the dot, addressed in the book

    1 replies
    1. 50
      1 month

      Forgotten timestamp for the Polyjuice Potion part, when they visit Godric's Hollow

  61. KingOfRedLions89
    1 month

    The actors who play Mad-eye Moody and Bill Weasley are father and son in real life.

  62. Abby
    1 month

    There was also a cut scene between Harry and Petunia (his aunt) that I loved sm and really gets to humanize her for a second.

    1 replies
    1. Cody
      1 month

      I wish they left that scene in the movie, its also funny because in the book only Dudley cares about Harry when they leave, while Petunia and Vernon are just mad they have to leave their house

  63. Juju’sWrld
    1 month

    i cried again when dobby died :(

  64. Juju’sWrld
    1 month

    i nneeeeed moreeeeee 

  65. Jester
    1 month


  66. Colonel
    1 month

    Man, Eric sucks because he talks about the books! There you go.

  67. collinpeacock
    1 month

    Sean yelling is awesome tho

  68. Kee
    1 month

    Hey I just started watching your video and I wanted to clear up on why Hermione erased her parents' memories. It was because she, Harry and Ron were going on a dangerous mission and she didn't want her parents to worry or mourn her if anything happened. 

    3 replies
    1. Sabrina
      1 month

      But in the books, she didn't erase their memories. She altered them and gave them new identities. Then, I think they were in Australia so it wasn't permanent.

    2. boom
      1 month

      Yes, we understand that lol 

      1 replies
      1. Kee
        1 month

        Ok cool lol Just wanted to make sure it was clear lol

    3. Colonel
      1 month

      I think that's pretty obvious. What's interesting tho: the point they make about other people asking them about Hermione and they being like "who?". Imagine how crazy that would be, then they look at the pictures with some strange space for another person (or just empty pictures).

      1 replies
      1. Kee
        1 month

        Yeah I just felt the need to bring it up since they seemed kind of confused as to why she did it.

  69. Tobito
    1 month

    Thank you for talking about the Marauder's Map, I was one of the people who was just slightly irritated that out of all the stuff from Prisoner of Azkaban to be talked about you guys didn't mention that.Speaking of, I gotta correct Eric, the movie version of Azkaban does have the twins mention that they snatched the map from Filch's office during their 1st year.

  70. Enya
    1 month

    I’m not sure why everyone loves the missing Dudley scene so much…are we not forgetting what a pos he is??! lol

    2 replies
    1. Kee
      1 month

      Because he's a kid who deserves the chance to grow and mature. It's also largely the parents' fault. They instilled that behavior onto him.

    2. Sasonari
      1 month

      Id say his parents are way more to blame then Dudley himself. Yes he was a POS to Harry, but that was literally all taught to him by his parents. Atleast at the end, when he grew up, he realized he was in the wrong. One of my favorite trivia from the books is that Dudley and Harry have little family reunions with their kids.

      1 replies
      1. Enya
        1 month

        He never really realized he was in the wrong though…he only said that to Harry because they were leaving. Had it been another regular year he would have continued to treat him like shit lol

        1 replies
        1. JM
          1 month

          iirc, there's some mention in Half-Blood Prince about Dudley not being an asshole to Harry after he saves him from a dementor (and he's not freaking out from having his soul nearly sucked out of his body by a monster he couldn't see), which culminates in that dialogue in Deathly Hallows, but it has been a long, long time since I read them.

  71. Kevin
    1 month

    you guys should just drop part 2 now since its the same book

    2 replies
    1. Kee
      1 month

      I agree! I was hoping they'd watch them back to back and we have a 4 to 6 hour video!

    2. Jose
      1 month

      I concur

  72. Miss_CJ
    1 month

    - It's okay not to wear the robes at this point. It's not a normal school year for Harry, Ron and Hermione anyway haha

    - So in the movie, Hermione uses the Obliviate spell but in the book, it's something else. It's been a while, but it's more like 'modifying the memory' not necessarily erasing. Anyway, she made her parents move to Australia so they don't live in that house anymore. I believe there's a deleted scene where a Deatheater goes to her house, but it is all empty.

    - It's true that Peter is partly why Voldemort is back, but the one who did the most work was Barty Crouch Jr. who was the fake Moody. He orchestrated the whole thing and he delivered Harry to Voldemort, and Harry was essential for the ritual. 

    - In the movie, Hedwig's death is much better than in the book in my opinion. In the book, she was in her cage at Harry's feet. While in the movie, she saved Harry :( She's also a bit the symbol of Harry's innocence coming to an end. 

    - The twins did explain in the 3rd movie that they stole the map from Filch's office. It was just in passing tho, very quickly mentioned. Many readers/viewers wonder how the twins got the map to work cause the phrase to activate the map is ''I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good'', not easy to find, but many theorize that the map itself probably helped them figure it out. 

    - I agree, a tent in the middle of nowhere is very obvious, but remember, Hermione put enchantments around to hide it. When she was in front of the guy who could smell her perfume, he couldn't see her because of her enchantments, they apply to the tent as well. - The locket has more negative effects on Ron because he has deeper insecurities and inferiority complex. So him destroying the Horcrux is a bit him getting over his insecurities, his fears. 

    - That dance scene doesn't exist in the book. The producers, again, trying to push Harmony. It's funny cause in the books the trio is more like Harry-Ron and Hermione. But the movies really pushed Harry-Hermione and Ron for some reason.

    - It really sucks that they brought Dobby back just to kill him off... U_U 

  73. Wonderxfull
    1 month

    Great reaction you guys!! So excited for the last one.

    Hermione only able to remove herself from her parent's memory and then she set them up with a life in Australia where no one would know they ever had a daughter. If I remember right she also changed their names.

    I think the Grangers were already planning to hide in Australia- they were not aware of Hermione's decision to edit their memories. They intended to take Hermione with them.

    Yes please don't forget to watch the deleted scenes after the next movie.. the whole section where Harry is leaving the Dursley's for the last time is really good in the book and I was waiting for it in the theater but they cut it and then still cut out more that they did not even film.

  74. Nattis_O
    1 month

    Yeah. Dobby death hit's soooo much harder in the books. Mostly because he has been in them in most of them. They are also leaving out so much. I haven't seen the deleted scenes so I am not going to mentioned what things. Through I remember seeing movie 6 in the movies and being sooo mad because they left out the big battle in the end. I also remember when the book and movies came out more people where mad over Hedwig's death than many others. 

  75. Kelsey
    1 month

    They did very quickly mention in prisoner of Azkaban that the twins got the marauders map from stealing g it from Filtch’s office while at school. It’s when they catch Harry sneaking out and give him the map they mention it. 

  76. Robin
    1 month

    You didnt see the symbol before, because the movies were coming out before the books were finished. When the last book came out, only the last 3 movies had to be made.

  77. Connor
    1 month

    The twins stole the marauders map from filch's office during their first year. They say it in the 3rd movie.

  78. harrison.rogers14
    1 month

    Let’s goooooo 

  79. Residentfan 1
    1 month

    They did explain how the twins had the map in the movie. They said that they stole it from Filch’s office.

  80. Leighton
    1 month

    Boom's reaction to Hedwig was mine when I read the book for the first time, I put it down for HOURS and cried and cried, lol

    1 replies
    1. Sasonari
      1 month

      Never forgive, never forget.

  81. dealerrat
    1 month

    thank you for the meal, much appreciate yall <3

  82. Stridency
    1 month

    8:20 The...the thing about that is...

    1 replies
    1. Sasonari
      1 month

      If only they knew 😂😂

  83. GainingGamer
    1 month

    parody cutsd is a fun channel with harry potter edits to watch/

    also 14:58 i have to agree what the f is wrong with you umbridge was a dictator

  84. Rey
    1 month

    In the books her minor just makes them move to Australia, not obliviate them immediatly

    1 replies
    1. No
      1 month

      She erases their memory of her, gives them new identities, and then sends them to Australia

  85. Residentfan 1
    1 month

    According to the eighth book that everyone hates, Bellatrix and Voldemort are indeed fucking

    1 replies
    1. mcwilson_1
      1 month

      that was fanfiction at best that made to stage and it sucked

      2 replies
      1. 50
        1 month

        Don't disrespect fanfics like that, a lot of them can be good

      2. Residentfan 1
        1 month

        Didn’t say otherwise 

  86. Robin
    1 month

    I had so much free time, I watched the Last of Us again and now I'm in the middle of Tomb Raider. But now it's time for a Harry Potter break! The step to get a gold account was hard, but I'm so glad I made that decision. (Also please watch the Tomb Raider with Alicia Vikander if you haven't already.)

  87. Chris
    1 month

    When you guys are all done with the 8 films I think it would be really interesting for you guys to watch a theory video by the Super Carlin Bros who do a lot of Harry Potter theories or discussions. 

    The one I suggest would be Dumbledore’s Big Plan which breaks down just how much Dumbledore knew and kind of manipulated for Harry through the whole series. 


  88. Curtis
    1 month

    Gonna smoke then watch, love this one. You guys should do the 20th anniversary after these.

  89. Bomb-Boy
    1 month

    Deleted Dudley scene which was DEVASTATING removed, it was a great scene between Harry and Dudley 

    1 replies
    1. Enya
      1 month

      why was it devastating? lol the Dursleys were terrible to Harry. So they can torment him for years and a simple “I don’t think you’re a waste of space” fixes that all?? Lmao nah the dursleys can suck it

      2 replies
      1. Jesse
        1 month

        It does have the whole "sins of the father" trope tied in that Harry himself struggled with. Also adds that much needed character growth to Dudleys arc which is nice

      2. Bomb-Boy
        1 month


  90. Grace
    1 month

    The way I’m out rn and can’t watch yet. I’m just staring at the notification longingly 

  91. Andrew
    1 month

    theres also a deleted scene next movie for draco you need to watch 

  92. Ankh
    1 month

    You guys should watch the deleted scenes after part 2

  93. Bomb-Boy
    1 month

    I have been looking forward for this series AND ONE MORE TO GO, also Ron was mean in this

  94. greenrob
    1 month

    Let's gooooooo

  95. Dylan
    1 month

    The best part of the week

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