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6 months
I love the fact that Happy Harbor is in Rhode Island. The fact that the Justice League put their original HQ in my home state is nice.
Rhode Island mentioned!
6 months
I’ve noticed sometimes the subtitles for this are way off, Archie-4?? It’s RG-4 which is short for Richard Grayson 4
1 replies
6 months
the beauty of AI generated subtitles
6 months
I like how even after they find out shes a traitor they still shit on wally even though hes the only one suspicious of her
6 months
this episode made me realize another difference between batman and superman. bruce raises the kids and clark pawns them off to his parents
6 months
Ruff knows Kelly Hu from vampire diaries, she plays pearl
7 months
Fun fact, the Spider-Man ripoff is voiced by Josh Keaton, who voiced Spectacular Spider-Man. He also voiced the Spider-Man knockoff in Invincible
7 months
Loved this show as a kid when it came on although not as much as avengers Earth's Mightiest Heroes.
7 months
I love how Robin and Superboy work so well together in episode 5, including Superboy picking up Robin's lingo with word play. And Bruce lecturing Clark to pick up the slack and help Superboy get the hang of things. Bruce has always been the better father-figure compared to Clark, as he did take in Dick when he was only 8 years old, and that's not counting any of the future Robins he adopts. But, what I also find funny is that the photo of Superman could have totally been Dick's locker, 'cause he is actually canonically a Superman fan. XD
8 months
3:45 Black Canary could have worded that better. Acting, not reacting makes it sounds like she's telling them to be the aggressor. 'Anticipate' is much more appropriate word. Also, she's coming in to train them in combat, having been recently injured in combat, but sidesteps the question by answering 'the job'. Just tell me how you got hurt, how you could have avoided it, so I'll have that info in the future, Incase it happens to me. She'd feel like a real cunt if someone got hurt cause she didn't want to talk about her mistakes.
8 months
Pay attention to the dates. They help establish a timeline which is VERY important to the plot of the overarching story
8 months
if you think about it, turning the perfect "american ideal" superman into a deadbeat dad by cloning him is the funniest thing a villain could ever do.
8 months
A comment Ivo makes in episode 5 is actually one of the few things that saddened me abt Young Justice.
"You're all such poor copies of the originals"
It's... kinda true. For all but Superboy.
In comics, Superboy /is/ a clone of Superman. But he doesn't really have a lot of Superman's powers. Instead, his power is Tactile Telekinesis, which allows Superboy to essentially manipulate matter via touch. So he can fly, have super strength, and also change his own body structure to better withstand natural forces (gravity, high winds, ect).
Fun fact, Ms. Martian's powers can also be described as Tactile Telekinesis, and thus that might be the reason why they made Superboy just have a weaker version of Superman's powers- they already shot themselves in the foot by adding her, and that would make two of the team have essentially the same powers.
Another two fun facts, which writers have confirmed will NOT play a fact in Young Justice: The Speedforce (explained in the Flashpoint Paradox) apparently does not exist in this iteration of DC, and Wally (Kid Flash) is actually the fastest Flash of them all. This was changed here to make him slower than Flash.
ALSO ALSO: Wally's suit being yellow actually has nothing to do with Eobard/Professor Zoom. Wally/Kid Flash was created BEFORE Zoom, thus Zoom technically stole HIS look, not the other way around. There isn't really a canon reason as to why they share the same color scheme. Kid Flash just has a yellow suit with red accents, while Zoom's suit is specifically a color swap of Flash's. Just kinda a weird coincidence.
8 months
Cheshire, who appeared in Teen Titans, served as an extra villain for the Brotherhood of Evil and was responsible for taking over Speedy. Amazo was in Red Hood at the very beginning, and also in the movie Injustice at the end.
8 months
Just a heads up, please make sure you react to Episodes 16 and 17 together. The event of the episode 16 have a direct consequence on 17.
8 months
important to note. Green Arrow has SO MANY SIDEKICKS. aside from Roy he has his son (and asexual icon) Connor Hawke AKA Green Arrow (he just took the title), Cissie King AKA Arrowette, Mia Dearden AKA Speedy (took the name), Emiko Quinn AKA Red Arrow (took the name), and the newest one being Red Canary. Aside from this show, Artemis is not connected to him at all and is actually a villain. not a complaint as I love Artemis in this show but I find it hilarious how out of all green arrows sidekicks they chose someone with zero connection to him.
1 replies
8 months
There are two characters that go by the name “Artemis” in DC comics, neither of them being the one from the show. One is the villain you’re referring to, and the other is the Artemis of Greek Mythology, and is part of Red Hood’s Outlaws team. The Artemis from the show is completely unique to this show and has yet to make an appearance in comics.(also side note, Emiko Queen is the correct spelling for the third Speedy, as she’s the younger sister of Oliver/Green Arrow)
1 replies
8 months
I just assumed the closest Artemis due to what she goes by later in the show.
8 months
The android Amazo, this will be the third time you met him. First time was in the red hood movie, which was part of Black Masks cargo that Batman and Nightwing defeated in the beginning, and the second time was Injustice at the very end. 👍👍
8 months
It wasn't a lack of strategy that allowed the team to beat Amazo, it was Superboy following Black Canary's lesson- attacking IVO forced Amazo to be reactive and fight defensively on his behalf, letting up the pressure on the team
8 months
I'm excited for the next batch of episodes some of my favorites.
8 months
Can’t wait for a few more weeks for the episodes to really start to pop off. Not that the rest are bad but around episode 10 it’s bangers after bangers
8 months
Cheshire, was in Teen Titans, was an extra villain of the Brotherhood of Evil, and who captured Speedy. Another fact is that Young Justice has some complementary comics, things that you don't find out if you don't read the comics:
1- the idea for the team was the boys', and while it took Batman to approve it, Superboy stayed at home with Wally, He slept in the closet because he didn't feel comfortable in a bed.
2- The base of Mount Justice is haunted or maybe it's because a G-gnome followed Superboy to the base and gave everyone illusions about an attack by the Joker and some monkeys, since then Superboy hates them.
3- Artemis was in the area due to life's coincidences, when he encountered the IVO monkeys, he fought with them and shot that arrow to help against Amazo, he reflected on dedicating himself to superheroes and upon arriving at his Batman house and GA had tracked her down to recruit her.
1 replies
8 months
i also thought he was mad at monkeys for their similar look to the g gnomes
1 replies
8 months
Nah,If so, he hated anything that reminded him of g-gnomes, but he hated mind control and confinement, since technically he grew up with g-gnomes, he has no hatred for them.
1 replies
8 months
No, they're right. The canon reason for the hatred of monkeys is that they remind him of the g-gnomes that kept him under control.
8 months
The reason Superboy said he hates monkeys probably has to do of with those little things reminding him of the ones controlled him mentally back when they found him.
3 replies
Residentfan 1
8 months
I know you’re right but I like to think that his creators had some kind of hatred of monkeys and just programmed it into him.
8 months
It's because a g-gnome gave him a genjutsu on monkeys, it happens like in the 3rd or 4th comic
8 months
The reason Superboy said he hates monkeys probably has to do with those little things reminding him of the ones controlling him mentally back when they found him.
8 months
Boom's right, Amazo was briefly in Red Hood at the very beginning. I haven't watched the other DC reactions, so I'm not sure if ya'll have seen other movies with Amazo in it.
1 replies
8 months
He was also at the of Injustice
1 replies
8 months
He was also at the end of Injustice
8 months
Artamis has some of the best quotes she us UNFILTERED XD
8 months
I'm paying 25 buck towatch this...not disappointed. Can't wait for the sim mission!!!
8 months
im so glad you guys are enjoying this cant wait for more
8 months
Now you have a whole new mystery, who the Light mean is their inside person. But also finally the whole gang is finally here with the intro of Artemis.
8 months
I feel like Amazo was in the "what if: evil Superman" movie? Good memories!
I had no idea DC Spiderman showed up so early in this show. Ready for him to start talking.
Golden Witch
8 months
My favorite character, Cheshire has finally made her bad bitch appearance 😍😍😍😍
1 replies
8 months
She actually appeared in Teen Titans too among the various villains working with the Brain
8 months
Boom officially has the best memory, he remembered both Amazo appearances so far.
I love the fact that Happy Harbor is in Rhode Island. The fact that the Justice League put their original HQ in my home state is nice.
Rhode Island mentioned!
I’ve noticed sometimes the subtitles for this are way off, Archie-4?? It’s RG-4 which is short for Richard Grayson 4
the beauty of AI generated subtitles
I like how even after they find out shes a traitor they still shit on wally even though hes the only one suspicious of her
this episode made me realize another difference between batman and superman. bruce raises the kids and clark pawns them off to his parents
Ruff knows Kelly Hu from vampire diaries, she plays pearl
Fun fact, the Spider-Man ripoff is voiced by Josh Keaton, who voiced Spectacular Spider-Man. He also voiced the Spider-Man knockoff in Invincible
Loved this show as a kid when it came on although not as much as avengers Earth's Mightiest Heroes.
I love how Robin and Superboy work so well together in episode 5, including Superboy picking up Robin's lingo with word play. And Bruce lecturing Clark to pick up the slack and help Superboy get the hang of things. Bruce has always been the better father-figure compared to Clark, as he did take in Dick when he was only 8 years old, and that's not counting any of the future Robins he adopts. But, what I also find funny is that the photo of Superman could have totally been Dick's locker, 'cause he is actually canonically a Superman fan. XD
3:45 Black Canary could have worded that better. Acting, not reacting makes it sounds like she's telling them to be the aggressor. 'Anticipate' is much more appropriate word. Also, she's coming in to train them in combat, having been recently injured in combat, but sidesteps the question by answering 'the job'. Just tell me how you got hurt, how you could have avoided it, so I'll have that info in the future, Incase it happens to me. She'd feel like a real cunt if someone got hurt cause she didn't want to talk about her mistakes.
Pay attention to the dates. They help establish a timeline which is VERY important to the plot of the overarching story
if you think about it, turning the perfect "american ideal" superman into a deadbeat dad by cloning him is the funniest thing a villain could ever do.
A comment Ivo makes in episode 5 is actually one of the few things that saddened me abt Young Justice.
"You're all such poor copies of the originals"
It's... kinda true. For all but Superboy.
In comics, Superboy /is/ a clone of Superman. But he doesn't really have a lot of Superman's powers. Instead, his power is Tactile Telekinesis, which allows Superboy to essentially manipulate matter via touch. So he can fly, have super strength, and also change his own body structure to better withstand natural forces (gravity, high winds, ect).
Fun fact, Ms. Martian's powers can also be described as Tactile Telekinesis, and thus that might be the reason why they made Superboy just have a weaker version of Superman's powers- they already shot themselves in the foot by adding her, and that would make two of the team have essentially the same powers.
Another two fun facts, which writers have confirmed will NOT play a fact in Young Justice: The Speedforce (explained in the Flashpoint Paradox) apparently does not exist in this iteration of DC, and Wally (Kid Flash) is actually the fastest Flash of them all. This was changed here to make him slower than Flash.
ALSO ALSO: Wally's suit being yellow actually has nothing to do with Eobard/Professor Zoom. Wally/Kid Flash was created BEFORE Zoom, thus Zoom technically stole HIS look, not the other way around. There isn't really a canon reason as to why they share the same color scheme. Kid Flash just has a yellow suit with red accents, while Zoom's suit is specifically a color swap of Flash's. Just kinda a weird coincidence.
Cheshire, who appeared in Teen Titans, served as an extra villain for the Brotherhood of Evil and was responsible for taking over Speedy. Amazo was in Red Hood at the very beginning, and also in the movie Injustice at the end.
Just a heads up, please make sure you react to Episodes 16 and 17 together. The event of the episode 16 have a direct consequence on 17.
important to note. Green Arrow has SO MANY SIDEKICKS. aside from Roy he has his son (and asexual icon) Connor Hawke AKA Green Arrow (he just took the title), Cissie King AKA Arrowette, Mia Dearden AKA Speedy (took the name), Emiko Quinn AKA Red Arrow (took the name), and the newest one being Red Canary. Aside from this show, Artemis is not connected to him at all and is actually a villain. not a complaint as I love Artemis in this show but I find it hilarious how out of all green arrows sidekicks they chose someone with zero connection to him.
There are two characters that go by the name “Artemis” in DC comics, neither of them being the one from the show. One is the villain you’re referring to, and the other is the Artemis of Greek Mythology, and is part of Red Hood’s Outlaws team. The Artemis from the show is completely unique to this show and has yet to make an appearance in comics.(also side note, Emiko Queen is the correct spelling for the third Speedy, as she’s the younger sister of Oliver/Green Arrow)
I just assumed the closest Artemis due to what she goes by later in the show.
The android Amazo, this will be the third time you met him. First time was in the red hood movie, which was part of Black Masks cargo that Batman and Nightwing defeated in the beginning, and the second time was Injustice at the very end. 👍👍
It wasn't a lack of strategy that allowed the team to beat Amazo, it was Superboy following Black Canary's lesson- attacking IVO forced Amazo to be reactive and fight defensively on his behalf, letting up the pressure on the team
I'm excited for the next batch of episodes some of my favorites.
Can’t wait for a few more weeks for the episodes to really start to pop off. Not that the rest are bad but around episode 10 it’s bangers after bangers
Cheshire, was in Teen Titans, was an extra villain of the Brotherhood of Evil, and who captured Speedy. Another fact is that Young Justice has some complementary comics, things that you don't find out if you don't read the comics:
1- the idea for the team was the boys', and while it took Batman to approve it, Superboy stayed at home with Wally, He slept in the closet because he didn't feel comfortable in a bed.
2- The base of Mount Justice is haunted or maybe it's because a G-gnome followed Superboy to the base and gave everyone illusions about an attack by the Joker and some monkeys, since then Superboy hates them.
3- Artemis was in the area due to life's coincidences, when he encountered the IVO monkeys, he fought with them and shot that arrow to help against Amazo, he reflected on dedicating himself to superheroes and upon arriving at his Batman house and GA had tracked her down to recruit her.
i also thought he was mad at monkeys for their similar look to the g gnomes
Nah,If so, he hated anything that reminded him of g-gnomes, but he hated mind control and confinement, since technically he grew up with g-gnomes, he has no hatred for them.
No, they're right. The canon reason for the hatred of monkeys is that they remind him of the g-gnomes that kept him under control.
The reason Superboy said he hates monkeys probably has to do of with those little things reminding him of the ones controlled him mentally back when they found him.
I know you’re right but I like to think that his creators had some kind of hatred of monkeys and just programmed it into him.
It's because a g-gnome gave him a genjutsu on monkeys, it happens like in the 3rd or 4th comic
The reason Superboy said he hates monkeys probably has to do with those little things reminding him of the ones controlling him mentally back when they found him.
Boom's right, Amazo was briefly in Red Hood at the very beginning. I haven't watched the other DC reactions, so I'm not sure if ya'll have seen other movies with Amazo in it.
He was also at the of Injustice
He was also at the end of Injustice
Artamis has some of the best quotes she us UNFILTERED XD
I'm paying 25 buck towatch this...not disappointed. Can't wait for the sim mission!!!
im so glad you guys are enjoying this cant wait for more
Now you have a whole new mystery, who the Light mean is their inside person. But also finally the whole gang is finally here with the intro of Artemis.
I feel like Amazo was in the "what if: evil Superman" movie? Good memories!
I had no idea DC Spiderman showed up so early in this show. Ready for him to start talking.
My favorite character, Cheshire has finally made her bad bitch appearance 😍😍😍😍
She actually appeared in Teen Titans too among the various villains working with the Brain
Boom officially has the best memory, he remembered both Amazo appearances so far.
Artemis!!! My fave is finally here 😍
I was so quick with this.