Young Justice Episode 1-2 Reaction

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  1. xav98
    6 months

    Still impressive that Jessie McCartney of all people parlayed his teen heartthrob singing career of the 90’s/2000’s in being one of the best Voice Actors out there and is playing effing Robin!

  2. Christine
    6 months

    love wally west one of my favorite  flashes (he was flash in justice league 2001)

  3. RyanCrossProject
    7 months

    Also, there's an in canon Young Justice video game on the ps3... I think that takes place between seasons 1 and 2

  4. RyanCrossProject
    7 months

    when y'all get a chance react to DC Universe Abridged (provided it's still up) it's got an entire universe based around a combo of the DCAMU and this with a few other things sprinkled in. it's quite a treat

  5. jon81.
    8 months

    Typically, Kid Flash just takes the Flash mantle when they’re old enough. Either one of the Flash’s is dead, or they just have multiple people take the mantle

  6. snakegoddess
    8 months

    My fridays as a teenager were get home from school and watch Ben 10:Alien Force/Ultimate Alien, Young Justice and Generator Rex. 

  7. Skeletor
    8 months

    This I always though was a good spin off of the Justice League which these guys should do or Harley Quinn next

  8. MegumiMary
    8 months

    to take out Superman if he ever turns away from "The Light"

    very specific wording Superboy.....

  9. Cloud
    8 months

    This is my favorite version of OG Robin, as he was always supposed to be a lot more of a jovial character versus Batman's brooding. It's one of the reasons I never liked Dick Grayson in Teen Titans, 'cause *that* Robin acted more like Tim Drake or Jason Todd. Young Justice did Dick Grayson perfectly.

  10. Angel
    8 months

    Silver Billy is here!!

  11. Unstablebeast
    8 months

    With this going and clone wars starting soon? I finally bit the bullet and upgraded from gold to diamond

  12. Down
    8 months

    In case none of you noticed, Superboy more or less has the powers of the Original Superman: Faster than a speeding bullet, More powerful than a locomotive, Able to leap tall buildings in a single bound.

  13. lethargic_god
    8 months

    did an actual double take at yall being in the same place, wtf

  14. banthony2525
    9 months

    I paid money to watch this and we keep doing so cus I love this Show.

  15. Will
    9 months

    Its the same Robin as teen titans just more like comic Dick Greyson

    1 replies
    1. dustshard
      7 months

      its tim drake

      1 replies
      1. thevoidbender
        5 months

        tim drake literally shows up next season this one grows up to be nightwing.

  16. Asani
    9 months

    You guys are going to love this show, it’s the best!

  17. Van
    9 months


  18. equinox626
    9 months

    yeeees . note ever thing comes back later so good luck and have fun

  19. logan
    9 months

    fun fact kid flash while having the lowkey worst name is usually the main flash especially in the movie. He grows up an becomes the Flash the idea of the jokey flash that we see everywhere stems from Wally West (kid flash) not barry Allen (adult flash). 

  20. Michael
    9 months

    I’ve been waiting 

  21. K4keke
    9 months

    Omgggg I'm so excited you guys have started this journey. Your going to love it 

  22. DementisXYZ
    9 months

    Never watched this show (it started up as I was fazing out of tv), but Holy shit, I am on board now.  Those were sick first two episodes.

    1 replies
    1. SlapHappyGreen
      9 months

      Ive loved this show since the first time I watched it, had a great first 2 seasons then got put on hiatus for forever before finally being brought back a few years ago. Really looking forward to seeing these guys go thru the journey and glad u liked the first 2 eps

      1 replies
      1. Van
        9 months

        i was jumping off the walls when season 3 came out

  23. Msr9272tce
    9 months

    this robin is probably damian wayne, which will be very different than teen titans who i think is dick grayson

    3 replies
    1. korrasrightbicep
      9 months

      This Robin is Dick Grayson. Not sure if you’ve seen the show before or not.

    2. AniMangaFan
      9 months

      No it's still Dick. Like they said, he's just younger in this version compared to when he was in Teen Titans

    3. Ashes2Ash
      9 months

      ? its dick. they rarely ever use just damian on his own, they always usually include nightwing somewhere in there. the only exception ive seen to this is the tmnt batman movie.

      1 replies
      1. Van
        9 months

        if this continues past the 4th season i hope we get to see jason and probably damian

  24. sguy90
    9 months

    Young Justice expands on the DC Universe more than Teen Titans due to being able to use the big name characters like Batman, Superman, etc. The intro kinda tells you who the main crew of this season is. This show is more plot focused than Teen Titans. This Robin is Dick Grayson aka the first, same Robin as the one from the Teen Titans show. 

    1 replies
    1. Msr9272tce
      9 months

      found this after my speculation haha makes sense. thank you!

  25. Mr.Maple
    9 months

    I always forget that Arsenal is also called speedy.

  26. Nike
    9 months

    Cool! A show i never got in to the time it came out but I can watch alongside them! You guys make me a fan of all the new stuff I watch alongside.

  27. Mitchell
    9 months

    Young Justice is peak DC

  28. Manga
    9 months

    If you want to learn more about the origins of Green lantern: Hal Jordan, you can there an excellent animated movie called  Green lantern: first flight it really amazing and it's visually beautiful. And if you really  want to learn more about the lore of the lanterns you can also watch Green Lantern: The Animated Series it's pretty good

  29. Toa
    9 months

    I can't wait til they find out Mad Mod is the leader of the Light.

  30. Ashes2Ash
    9 months

    If you guys are curious as to why its called Young Justice and not Teen Titans: 

    Effectively, the team behind this show took the original concept of the Young Justice Comics from 1998 and used a few small details: Young "Sidekicks" who wanted to make their own team during an attack on the planet, and it kinda just sticked. The original three members were Superboy, a Robin (specifically Tim Drake, the 3rd Robin), and A Speedster named Bart Allen (Clearly related to Barry Allen, the Flash in this specific show. I won't speak much on Bart atm despite loving him a lot.

    They didn't stick to really much of the comic runs story, and focused primarily on just having a show that felt like "Teen Titans". Thus, the Robin here is Dick Grayson and we have Wally West as Kid Flash (who in comics is now primarily the main Flash). They also completely changed Superboy's comic personality and design into this one, and I believe? the comics later adopted the design from this show. It could've possibly just happened to happen at the same time though. More accurate depiction of the "90s Superboy" is shown in Reign of the Supermen.

    Personally, I like seasons 1 and 2 of Young Justice, and maybe a little bit of season 3, but absolutely hate the directions taken after season 2. Excited to at least see ypur season 1 reactions and hopefully get the season 2 follow up, but all that matters is you guys having fun an enjoying this!

    Also small fun fact about Speedy/Roy Harper here: He's... a little fair on his anger. He's quite literally an adult. He wants to be treated with respect and like an adult yet he's belittled and ignored. I feel bad for him, despite his clear violent leaving of the group. While the others are 16 (Aqualad Kid Flash) and 14 (Robin), Speedy/Red Arrow is an 18 year old who is sick of being treated like a kid.

  31. Travis
    9 months

    You guys are lucky. There were so many multiple year long hiatuses to get to where we are now (Young Justice: Phantoms)

  32. Michael
    9 months

    The writer for this was the creator of Gargoyles, and wrote Spectacular Spiderman, which IMO is the best plot driven Spiderman show.

    1 replies
    1. Aileen
      9 months

      They should watch Gargoyles if they haven't already!!!!

      1 replies
      1. Of Butterflies and Books
        9 months


  33. Niamh
    9 months


  34. Kyra
    9 months

    I'm watching this for the first time with you guys as well and I can honestly say I'm definitely intrigued can't wait to watch more ? ?

  35. DRedd
    9 months

    I will get my one and only complaint about this show out of the way right up front: I absolutely *hate* that they took Superboy and put him with Dick's team for this show. He is Tim Drake (Robin #3)'s best friend in a way that they are each integral to one another's stories in the comic and for them to just do Dick Grayson again, because Tim never gets his chance to shine on screen, then add Tim's best friend to the team just infuriated me. Having said that? This show is excellent. Enjoy the ride.

    1 replies
    1. DRedd
      9 months

      (Also, "Young Justice," in the comics, was the name of the team started by Tim Drake, Bart Allen, and Superboy in the 90s. Teen Titans was Dick Grayson's team from the 80s

  36. Diuque
    9 months

    Also, this animated series has complementary comics, which show scenes that are only mentioned in the series or that are never directly explained. like where the unexpected help came from or why he started to hate monkeys. They will understand me

  37. Diuque
    9 months

    I only wish they had seen more DC comics shows before Young Justice, because the series is a little advanced in terms of characters and plots. Not long ago I emphasized introducing the characters that you should already know, and leaves references in the air, for those in the know. batman TAS, superman TAS, for the introduction of villains, Justice League/Unlimited for the hardcore plots, and brave of the bold to complement.

    1 replies
    1. Manga
      9 months

      yeah i agree. For example, Batman Brave and the Bold is an excellent show to learn about Red Tornado and other DC characters. Thanks to it i gained a lot of knowledge about DC's superheroes and villains.

  38. Darc
    9 months

    I don't remember much of the show past season 1. But I do remember that we see more and more of the other young superheroes and some will even eventually join the team.

  39. wynosaurus
    9 months

    Young Justice is the show that made Dick Grayson and Wally West two of my favorite characters in comics and fiction

  40. Petrichor12
    9 months

    Ooh, in for a long ride, but a good one! I think Batman the Brave and the Bold taught me about Red Tornado before YJ came out too! Really good show for learning all the DC characters.

    1 replies
    1. Manga
      9 months

      Same, I learned so many superheroes and villains thanks to Batman brave and the bold 

  41. RedAlphaWolf808
    9 months

    You guys should check out the batman 2004 series it was really good I think you guys should like it

  42. Joseph
    9 months

    so happy you guys already like it and are excited. and mad mod is gone 

  43. Harry
    9 months

    Geoff Johns was such a fan of this version of Aqualad that he brought him onto to mainline DC comics (prior to the show's official debut), which is pretty rare. The other biggest example of that would be Harley Quinn's popularity in B:TAS

    2 replies
    1. wynosaurus
      9 months

      Red X, The Arkham Knight, and Terry McGinnis Batman have all been introduced into the comics as well. Although they changed the identity of Arkham Knight. Mas Y Menos are also in the comics now and I THINK they were original to the tv show. Aya and Razer from Green Lantern TAS are canon to the comics as well I THINK.

      2 replies
      1. Harry
        9 months

        Red X and the Arkham Knight i wouldn't really count. The comic versions have nothing in common with how they appeared in the show they hailed from, it felt more like they just wanted to use a cool design from another medium

      2. Petrichor12
        9 months

        Ooh they did more stuff with Red X and I'm just NOW hearing about this!? To the internet I go!

    2. Petrichor12
      9 months

      Marvel did that with X23 too, I think! ? I wonder if someone's made a list of these? Now you've got me wondering!

  44. rin
    9 months

    Oof I haven’t watched this in so long so excited to go down this rabbit hole

  45. Artemis
    9 months

    I've waited so long for this! This is gonna be epic!

  46. BlueFanfictionInc
    9 months

    The wild ride has begun. 

  47. Brandon
    9 months

    while yes, Wally/Kid Flash got shafted in the name department him (and more recently AquaLad) is the only member of this group to get their name upgraded to the actual heroes name. hell before the CW show, when they thought The Flash they thought of Wally West.

    1 replies
    1. wynosaurus
      9 months

      Well Nightwing was Batman before the New 52 reboot. In fact he stayed Batman and took over Gotham City while Bruce Wayne Batman became more of a global hero. Superboy unfortunately has never escaped the "Boy" title. Aside from a possible future version from the 2003 comics we've never seen him as Superman. But Wally is the only sidekick to be more definitive than their mentor. Wally Wests flash is THE Flash and his version is not only the most powerful but introduced all the most iconic lore around the character.

  48. Thomas_Stilinski
    9 months

    this is where the fun begins

  49. Vexxed
    9 months

    This is probably going to be in the Top 5 of reacted shows yall have watched. Just sayin.

    1 replies
    1. Matthew
      9 months

      agreed, at least up to the end of season 2 for sure

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