The Legend Of Korra S3 Episode 7-8 REACTION

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  1. I love thinking about how close Sokka and Bumi must have been. Both not benders, similar sense of humor, military strategists with wild plans… they were obviously close.

  2. I’m not the biggest Mako fan. However, its really weird how invisible he is in this season. Felt like episode 8 was like the first episode he actually had content. Asami has also been pretty under the radar in content as well.

  3. We’re really coming up on some of my fav episodes of Korra! I’m super excited. Episode 8 was such a powerhouse episode for me. Watching P’Li curve her combustion blasts had me screaming when it premiered. SuYin and Lin working together while Mako and Bolin did as well was nice to see.

    1. Fun Fact: The female guard who appeared multiple times in the episode (and does have a name, but they haven’t said it yet) is voiced…y’know what, I don’t know if it’s in the credits of this episode, so I’ll hold off until they say her name. That or someone else is gonna drop the name in the comments, iunno.

      1. if you’re hinting at a spoiler, DONT LEAVE A COOMENT AT ALL. Why reference a spoiler, just to back out halfway through a comment? Referencing a spoiler that you don’t fully reveal IS A SPOILER!

        1. No part of her is a spoiler. She’s literally in the episode. The only thing I don’t know is if her voice is credited or not. I’ll wait until she actually matters to share who voices her, ’cause that’s the most important part about her.

  4. Now that you guys put it into words I realize just how fucking psychotic the Earth Queen eating the poor bear is. How the hell did Nick green lit that lol.

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