The Legend Of Korra S3 Episode 11-13 REACTION

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  1. I always look forward to watching season 3 of Korra. Between the action, getting to see the Airbenders coming back, meeting Sue and the metal clan. Not to mention one of the best villains in the franchise with Zaheer and the Red Lotus. It’s all amazing!

  2. This season is hands down THE BEST season of Korra and maybe of the whole franchise. And I will admit a lot of ppl who dislike Korra probably gave up after s1 or 2. But rewatching it with y’all made me not dislike it as much as I did when I first watched it (I watched it in whole) But I remember season 3 being GOATED. One issue I had (which is also why y’all didn’t think of lightning bending) is that mako could bend lighting this entire time (he worked at a power plant using it) but HE NEVER USED IT TO FIGHT??? And I agree with y’all that this final fight was as good as the ozai fight. I just wish Korra used all the elements together. But she was fighting poison so what can you do. Also I was laughing at Ruff cause through the whole last fight, he had this intense focused face on but was still bobbing to the music.

  3. There have now been 2 suicides in Korra, 3 if you count the Noatok/Tarrlok one as a double suicide since Noatok could certainly sense what Tarrlok was doing and his tear seemed like one of acceptance that what Tarrlok was about to do had to be done.

  4. I think the problem people has with Korra its because they watched when were young, I talk to myself, I didnt liked too, but bro, watch now with those guys I can see how amazing it is

  5. i love this finale so much and i love your reactions both to the last airbender and the legend of korra but i just wanted to comment and say that you guys don’t actually know what anarchy means as an ideology i think haha. it’s not no rules or chaos, it’s no hierarchies, that’s literally what the word means and what it’s based around. but to be fair, as much as i love korra it also doesn’t make a good job of portraying it, but then again, most movies/shows don’t. zaheer kinda reminded me of anarcho-primitvism in a way, because of how he kept talking about going back to the natural order but it’s not a one to one comparison either. anyway, it was just bugging me because of the whole, well everybody’s free so they can take your freedom away with their freedom, it’s just not what anarchy actually is and as a political science stundent i felt the urge to correct it haha. anyways, can’t wait to see your reactions to season 4, i really love it!

  6. Just saying, “No (something) in Ba Sing Se,” is giving me all the laughs every time.
    I knew you all would all cry at the end. It makes me emotional every time I watch it back. It is my favorite seaaon, but I’m so hyped for the next.

      1. Grey Griffin has a very distinct voice but she’s still able to make her characters sound different. Easily one of the most talented and iconic VAs in the industry.

  7. Also Kuvira was one of the the dancers inside the metal flower when they first arrived at the metal clan and was the metal bender that got Zaheer away from the other members when they snuck into the city so she’s a very skilled bender. Also I agree with Boom that the Korra v Zaheer fight was top tier because unlike Ozai, Zaheer wasn’t afraid to fight in the Avatar State.

  8. You guys aren’t allowed to diss on Zaheer and then turn around and be pissed at the President, his goals were literally to get rid of incompetent leaders like him so that the people would be able to rule themselves, for themselves

    1. You do realize that the president was voted in, democratically? He was the choice of the people, they chose him to rule.

      Plus, while it is true that the president comes across as unlikeable and petty, if you look at the president’s actions from a neutral point of view, he really hasn’t made any downright terrible decisions. Pretty much everything he does can be justified in some way. He is not incompetent.

      1. He exiled Korra from the city because of a side effect of her literally saving the world. The guys were right, Korra did her job as the Avatar. Fixing the city was Raiko’s job.

  9. Korra is a good show just marred with production issues that led the first 2 seasons to be really disjointed and as they say first impressions are hard to shake. I do think ATLA set the bar extremely high and Korra is naturally gonna be compared but I think it’s a lot better when you realize it’s mostly trying to do its own thing even with it building off of the og show in mind. There are still some elements that people will naturally dislike such as the love triangle that drags the group dynamic into a completely avoidable blender but once ya get to S3/S4 thinks mostly work themselves out.

  10. The thing that I love about Korra over ATLA, is that the villains are more interesting. They have a depth that Ozai/The Fire Nation didn’t have. What I love about Zaheer specifically, is that we really got an airbending villain! Zaheer was a devout follower/fan of Guru Laghima, even to the point he was able to master a technique that required him to do what Aang could not. Let go. Even though P’li died, he didn’t spend time mourning her. He truly let go and entered the void. This guy literally could have reached enlightenment, buy he decided to try killing the avatar instead.

  11. I must’ve watched Korra like 20 times through start to finish and the ending scene of season 3 never fails to fuck me up and the fact that Ruff played it over like 4 times did not help.

  12. The Tenzin pop off was unreal he was beating Zaheer’s ass 1 vs 1 and even held them off 3 vs 1 if not for P’li also not a fan of the end fight tbh I prefer the Ozai Aang one 100% because this whole fight was just running and even when Zaheer could’ve attacked he just flew past her a knocked her over still S3 is really good but I can’t stand S4

  13. I’m 23 and I understand the grandma I love my house it has good childhood memories and I hate changes. I plan on staying in my house until I die. I did my college online so I could stay home and not be without my family.

    1. Ok but if the house was burning down and your family were trying to get you to leave would you refuse and let them die? The problem wasn’t that she wanted to stay and die. It was that she knew her family wouldn’t leave her and still chose to stay, actively endangering them. She’s incredibly selfish to allow her family to potentially die trying to save her.

      1. Yea I get that but they didn’t need to stay she said SHE wasn’t leaving not that THEY couldn’t leave. I would just tell my family to go on without me even though I know they won’t listen and drag me out of the house.

  14. Please turn off subtitles when you start season 4. And it will be obvious when you will be able to turn them back on. Not sure if the versions of subtitles you are currently using will spoil it but better be safe and keep them off for now.
    Can’t wait for season 4 which is my personal favorite.

  15. I don’t think that anyone has said this but Korra was poisoned with Mercury or heavy metal poisoning! Which is BRUTAL. So hallucinations, muscle weakness, damaged nervous system, memory loss, loss of feeling in your limbs, difficulty breathing, and it takes a massive toll on you mentally. Are all things that Korra is going through at the end of episode 13, so I mean yeah her being in a wheelchair and looking exhausted is accurate. Plus she was thrown into rocks A LOT which I’m sure did not help

  16. 28:55 I don’t think Zaheer is a short King. Pretty sure P’Li is a Tall Queen. Sentiment is unchanged, though.
    39:30 The single most metal (pun partially intended) moment in this entire franchise. So damn brutal, but so good!
    41:50 I cheered SO HARD for this moment when it first aired. Partly for Bolin’s sake, but mostly because I CALLED IT! When this show was first airing and I was watching with my then-girlfriend, I said to her at the time when Bolin was struggling with metal bending, “Oh! Watch him getting lava-bending instead.” She didn’t think it would happen, and I flipped out at this exact moment.
    42:45 I know Roberto already said this in the comments, but Kuvira is voiced by the spectacular Zelda Williams. One of the reasons I was so happy y’all reacted to Aladdin is because you’d get Father and Daughter within a week of each other.
    1:02:17 Thank you, Boom, for that reference. At least I know I don’t need to recommend Twister for a movie reaction.
    So glad to see y’all so exhausted by the end. I know that sounds weird, but that’s just the effect of this show. Season 4 up soon and I’m hyped. I’ll share how Nickelodeon screwed the show over even further in that comment section when we get to it.

  17. When I had first watched Korra years ago, I don’t think I was able to appreciate how good it really was. Avatar got deep but it was also easy for a kid to follow and understand. After watching it again now, I appreciate it a lot more. I think it just didn’t do well because it was on Nickelodeon and it’s target audience is younger kids for the most part

    1. No, I think it didn’t do well because Nickelodeon kept screwing them over. I’d mentioned this in a previous comment, but the entirety of season 3 didn’t air on Nickelodeon, but on the secondary channel, Nicktoons Network, at 11pm. Prior to that, most of season 2 was also airing on 11pm on Nickelodeon. None of the target demographic was awake at the time or able to afford it.

      1. No. I distinctly remember watching season 3 for a whole day because it was a marathon. I yelled frantically when my mom asked me to do a chore. I can’t now mom!! They’re doing a whole flipping marathon of a new season of Korra all at once!!!! We can’t flipping miss this!!!
        My mom let me stay on my soft chair in front of my bed, glued to the screen. I only got up to do small bits of chores during commercial break and ran like hell to get back to my room in less than 3 minutes. XD
        Looking back, I can’t help but smile. Thanks mom.
        The season that never got to finish airing was season 4. I remember watching the first few episodes on TV, but then there was nothing else.

  18. ‘See short kings there is love out there for you.’

    Zaheer is not short. He is 6’1. It’s just that Pi’Li is tall mom- err I mean lady. She is 6’8.

  19. It was a split second, but yeah demolition lady is dead, she blew herself up when Su trapped her head with a metal helmet. It’s why Zaheer kept saying that she’s gone.

    But yeah this was an amazing season

  20. This is by far the best piece of the avatar series we got, hands down. Season 3 + what comes after in Season 4 is peak Avatar. Watching this again with you guys has been nothing short of incredible. Especially this season! Both the story itself and also the characters, the villains, everything has been absolutely phenomenal.

  21. Are we allowed to fan that rumor that the Red Lotus might’ve been the ones who killed Sokka now? Is that still a theory amongst the fandom these days or has it been debunked?

    Also, this group had some of the most conflicting bad guys! One minute you’re kind of rooting for them, but then you remember, oh right… they’re all super bad guys. The fact that they are KIA 3/4 still is somehow sad as an ending to their story. Not that they seem the type for a redemption arc, but IDK… conflicting bad guys…
    I kind of hope we see more of them in their early days or something something spin off…

    1. Korra Season 3: Su and Mako kill somebody and we watch another guy kill himself. Also, I’ve now seen this show several times but I could’ve sworn when this episode first came out they left far less room for imagination as to what happened to P’li.

  22. Back then I was part of the people that though Korra sucked but I dropped the show in season 2, I didn’t believe season 3 would save it but oh boy, was I wrong. Season 3 is just SO good, I can’t believe how much of an improvement over season 2 this was. I totally agree with the idea that people who hate on Korra never finished it.
    Now I am compelled to binge season 4. If that is even half of what season 3 was my opinion on Korra will flip 180°

  23. You guys are going to love this little tidbit of knowledge the woman who Kuvira is voiced by Zelda Williams the daughter of legendary actor Robin Williams

  24. Three Things —
    1: One of the theories that I think sounds pretty plausible as to why Bolin can lava bend is because he’s half Fire Nation.
    2: I’m probably not the only one who thought this, but Korra’s tear at the end wasn’t happy crying for Jinora. I think it was because they were transitioning into a world that didn’t need her, which is her worst fear.
    3: It doesn’t matter that you usually ignore the subtitles. The famous Korra subtitle spoiler is coming up and it’ll completely nuke the surprise if you happen to see it. TURN THEM OFF! It’s for your own good!

    1. I think it’s a mix. I think the tear signifies her sadness over her situation but also happiness for Jinora. Like she is very broken inside but there is a part of her that still feels a sense of proudness for Jinora.

    2. Yeah I’m not sure how anyone could look at that face Korra makes and think she’s happy, especially given all the other context clues beforehand. Plus, if you pick up on that consistent story beat that has persistent throughout the series. Each villain has tried to, in one form or another, take away Korras identity as the Avatar. Amon with her bending, Unalaq literally taking away the thing that makes her the Avatar, and Zaheer attempting to end the Avatar Cycle permanently. It’s finally left her in a state where she is unable to do her job, and the world is adapting to a place where they don’t need her, like you said. It’s a very sad storyline, plus even more so when you consider Korra is literally 17. Far too young to suffer all she has.

    3. I took it as crushing depression.
      I mean, she was a like this at the end of season 1, where she was very likely considering tossing herself off a cliff to reboot a new unblocked Avatar.

  25. I’m not sure if you guys realized it, but combustion ma’am’s head exploded. She was about to use her combustion attack, but Su quickly covered her head with metal and BOOM.

    1. Su literally put a cap on her ass! Well, on her head. Su yanked off her breastplate, metalbent it into a helmet and sealed it over P’Li’s head right before she shot her combustion blast. Her head asplode. She ded. You guys totally glossed over that whole sequence, though, to be fair, it was only a few frames. That was the only time you ever saw true unrestrained emotion on Zaheer’s face, when he realized P’Li was dead. Her death allowed him to release his earthly tethers and enter the void.

      1. I think they noticed the metal helmet but not that her head exploded. Bc at least two of them said that she didn’t die, that she just got a helmet, and they seemed confused by him saying he lost her. But to be fair it’s a quick scene so it’s easy to miss that her head exploded.

  26. best season ever, I just love this show so much, I see myself in Korra since such a young age, one of the reasons I love her, she went from being a confident and self-centered Avatar to a be a scared and sad one, being the Avatar always was everything for Korra, it made her feel powerful and untouchable, and with each season, with each villain they show her she’s just a girl, it’s sad seeing Korra going from loving being the Avatar to wanting to be anything but that, but omg it’s a incredible story, and still have one more season to see 🙂

    1. Well she does want to be the avatar. That hasn’t changed. Thats why she’s so broken at the end. Hopefully they’ve realized that by now and how there’s no way that was happy crying lol. She wants to be the avatar so much, it’s part of her. And now she’s not only physically unable to do it, but Tenzin effectively is saying that they’re doing her job for her. Not maliciously, but thats still going to be a huge blow to the gut for Korra.

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