That Time I Got Reincarnated As a Slime Episode 13-16 (Ruff Solo) REACTION

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  1. LaLa
    8 months

    BFFs!!! ?✌️❤️‍?

    Lol, really the best result he could have hoped for all circumstances considered. ?

  2. sceden
    10 months

    his old reactions is so painful to watch, just fully ignoring subs and not even bothering stop video to say smth. glad they do reactions together now, so if someone misses smth, other can point it out.

    1 replies
    1. evan
      10 months

      dude, it’s not and never will be that serious. if you don’t like his older content then don’t watch. no need to post a rude comment on a video that was recorded a long time ago

      2 replies
      1. 4ndr0meda
        9 months

        I mean there are people who care about him reacting or at least paying attention to important parts of an episode because, it's what he does lol. I agree it's not that big of a deal most of the time but I don't know, I guess live chat reactions are just not my thing personally, he missed a lot of useful info being distracted by chat and/or talking about random stuff while letting the episode play and not paying attention, because he reads chat or talks to them or answers stuff. Again, sure it's not a big deal, but for people like me I like and much prefer his current group reactions because they are locked on paying attention, even if someone misses something they can point it out to each other. I understand that solo reactions can be boring to do or weird and making it live with chat makes them more dynamic but in some cases it's a hindrance in my opinion. Still, not complaining, I love Ruff's reactions, I'm watching these ones because they don't have any other Slime reactions and this anime is one of my favs. I'd love if they as a group would react to it, I think Boom hasn't watched it yet :)

      2. Jabriel
        10 months

        Fr like it’s not that serious bro, idk why he’s posting something that nobody cares about 

        1 replies
        1. Luxnoria
          2 months

          I mean ya'll cared enough to respond to him. Ya don't need to white knight for the man, like ya'll said it's not a big deal.

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