That Time I Got Reincarnated As a Slime Episode 1 (Ruff Solo) REACTION Slime (Ruff Solo), That Time I Got Reincarnated As a Slime To view this content, you must be a member of Sorta Stupid Patreon or Youtube at $10 or moreAlready a qualifying Patreon member? Refresh to access this content.
capkyros 29 days Hi young Ruff. Thanks for watching slime. Definitely amazing. Hope you end up watching season 3.
Mr.Maple 11 months Yeah dont look at Openings or Endings. There are literally spoilers for season 2 in the opening from season 1. 1 replies
Wolfbane37 11 months Really? Cause I only found season 1 on his patreon. ***edit*** Nevermind, I was looking in the wrong place
Ryan 11 months Duh on me...these are old reactions lmfao....though you looked a lot more clean cut than last reaction.
Ryujin 11 months This is one of my favorite animes it’s a wild ride and season 3 is coming out soon
Dylan 11 months ooh, I love this one. I also highly, HIGHLY recommend "madoka magica" if you haven't seen it. It's pretty short but is really good
Hi young Ruff. Thanks for watching slime. Definitely amazing. Hope you end up watching season 3.
Get ready for the adventure of a slifetime! (yes i know these are old)
Yeah dont look at Openings or Endings. There are literally spoilers for season 2 in the opening from season 1.
He's seen it all, these are his old solo reactions
Really? Cause I only found season 1 on his patreon.
Nevermind, I was looking in the wrong place
Really? Cause I only found season 1 on his patreon
You should also watch sword art online approached
Season 2 is already finished season 3 is about to come out just so you know
This was a good series with some epic moments....I hope you enjoy.
Duh on me...these are old reactions lmfao....though you looked a lot more clean cut than last reaction.
This is one of my favorite animes it’s a wild ride and season 3 is coming out soon
This is an exciting reaction series to see!
ooh, I love this one. I also highly, HIGHLY recommend "madoka magica" if you haven't seen it. It's pretty short but is really good