Teen Titans S5 Episode 3-4 REACTION

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  1. The
    10 months

    how can you not like the brain he is just so goofy

  2. Krispin
    10 months

    Madam Rouge is sick. I loved seeing her

  3. cyborggamerpro
    10 months

    Day 5 of asking y'all to watch Hulk Vs 2009.

  4. Lisetteee~!
    11 months

    No, they couldn't have walked separately. You missed the part where the two buttons were far away with a time limit, they only go fast together.

  5. AniMangaFan
    11 months

    Don't forget there's a sequel Movie Called "Trouble in Tokyo" as well as a lost episode known as Episode 0. For a next show, I still recommend Young Justice, Batman: The Animated Series, or The Spectacular Spider-Man.

  6. brianna
    11 months

    kinda unrelated to both episodes but i SO wish y'all could somehow play the PS2 teen titans game, it was so good and even had PVP! game of my childhood fr

  7. DementisXYZ
    11 months

    "That's when I would drop hot lava in my pants."  Boom, within Hot Spot's context...are you saying you'd shit yourself, or you'd orgasm?  I could see why that would be scary as hell, but I can also see why that'd be hot as hell, too.

  8. GainingGamer
    11 months

    according to Control Freak in Teen Titans Go, he was responsible for Turning this into GO, making him the most critically important villain in the canon.

  9. Petrichor12
    11 months

    The shark named Glen got me! XD

  10. Joseph
    11 months

    say what u will about british food at least we dont deep fry everything and drench it in ranch, at least r food has imagination, u americans ran out of food idea u resulted to deep fried butter. you unhealthy pigs

    2 replies
    1. Jose
      11 months

      seethe, cope, and mald

    2. Black Ice
      11 months

      British food ,or as it is more commonly know brown meat with potatoes, isn't bad. It's just incredibly boring and witouth soul.

  11. No
    11 months

    I think Harley Quinn is the one responsible for superhero therapy on DC lol...

  12. sombra_hacker09
    11 months

    Bro they literally added bomb voyage from the incredibles as the bank robber

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