Teen Titans S2 Episode 9-10 REACTION

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  1. Pat
    1 year

    Oof, I feel bad for Terra for literally being manipulated by Slade. She's just the child being used by the actual bad guy, she's clearly not evil herself

  2. Darc
    1 year

    To be fair. Even if they had a tournament with all the characters robin would've still won because he has beaten all of the teen titans solo while being red X and while working with Slade

  3. joel_54296
    1 year

    Magic Conch was right! ?

  4. GainingGamer
    1 year

    still have it wrong ish. english isnt lore its serious tone. japanese is weird tone and the secret 3rd one i cant say

  5. Residentfan 1
    1 year

    32:39 “I can show you world! Shining, shimmering, splendid!”

  6. ShadowWalker
    1 year

    I feel like if Beast Boy hadn’t said those words to Terra at the end, then maybe just maybe she’ll change sides again.

    1 replies
    1. Darc
      1 year

      I don't know, Terra isn't exactly the smartest person being manipulated so easily

      1 replies
      1. Lisetteee~!
        1 year

        It has nothing to do with intelligence, you're clearly forgetting that Slade got Terra at her most vulnerable. There was always a chance for her to do right.

  7. Joseph
    1 year

    the 5 seasons each focuses on 1 character/arch, Season 1 - robin, Season 2 - terra, Season 3 - cyborg, Season 4 - raven and Season 5 is beast boy. if the show hadn't ended season 6 would have been a starfire driven season.

  8. bbenzo.
    1 year

    At the speed this is going, I highly suggest you guys check out Young Justice afterwards if you’re interested in more from this metaverse. It’s a similar concept(DC teen heroes) but it’s a lot more mature than Teen Titans and focuses on characters that were in the Teen Titans show as well as new ones.

    1 replies
    1. LordTouchMe
      1 year

      Young Justice and Justice League/ Unlimited DEFINITELY needs love too!

  9. James
    1 year

    DC doesn't have a sinister 6 but they do have a secret 6, who are more antiheroes than villains

    1 replies
    1. ShadowWalker
      1 year

      I thought DC’s sinister six was the legion of doom.

  10. James
    1 year

    Fun Fact, Terra was supposed to be in the show for a whole arc but something got in the way. I believe the season got shortened?

    1 replies
    1. Nathaniel
      1 year

      Fun fact for Bree, dogs version of a hug is when they lean up next to you. Showing affection that they want to be close with you. Licking while can be affectionate is sometimes done out of appeasement; the dogs polite version of "hey what you're doing is bothering me please stop." Dog body language communication is fascinating, but the more you learn the more you realize some of the things we're prone to doing with our dogs they just don't like ?

  11. Christopher
    1 year

    Y'all have GOT to do an injustice Playthrough. You'll be able to play as Nightwing, Raven, Cyborg, and Starfire as well as a bunch of other DC heroes and Villains including Slade aka Deathstroke, Green Arrow, Batman, Superman, Wonderwoman and more!

  12. Petrichor12
    1 year

    I think the Sinister Six in DC is like the Legion of Doom or something?

    1 replies
    1. bbenzo.
      1 year

      The Legion of Doom is DC, Sinister Six is Marvel, specifically Spider-Man’s rogues.

  13. Niamh
    1 year

    The PS2 Teen Titans game is honestly so much fun, and was a fighting game of sorts, but had a storyline. CN's official website used to have a fighting game for Teen Titans too!

    2 replies
    1. Wes
      1 year

      Omg the Teen Titans fighting games were a blast!

    2. ShadowWalker
      1 year

      Faxx love that game

  14. Gabriel
    1 year

    Yes Speedy is Green Arrows sidekick

  15. UltimateHope101
    1 year

    Speedy is indeed Green Arrows sidekick ?

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