Teen Titans S2 Episode 7-8 REACTION

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  1. When i use to watch the show when it first aired in Australia on Cartoon Network in 2003. They would switch the theme song up every second episode. So it would be English one episode and then Japanese and then back to English and this would repeat.

  2. How dare you call theBillies Dumb over a classic case of Telephone! The English version is for serious episodes, and the Japanese version is for comedic silly wacky funny haha episodes!

    1. I can kinda understand it because you have to avoid people spoiling so you may only skim the comments. It’d be wild if they don’t realize it from the comments here tho lol

  3. I was having the same problem with videos after pausing, It seems to be an issue with the hardware decoder. Turning off GPU acceleration fixed it for me. Tools < Preferences < Input/Codecs < Hardware-accelerated decoding < Disable Hope that helps.

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