Teen Titans S2 Episode 1-2 REACTION

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  1. Petrichor12
    9 months

    Happy "day the episode where Star flies 20 years into the future technically happens in real time" according to this random Twitter I saw this morning commemorating the date! ?


  2. Echo
    9 months

    My best friend’s life expectancy is 50. I’ve come to really appreciate the gift of age

  3. Zeptier
    10 months

    Dick Grayson (the robin in this show) grows up and becomes Nightwing across all continuities he is the FIRST Robin. Jason Todd is the SECOND Robin. Tim Drake is the THIRD Robin who becomes Robin because he deduces Batman's identity through recognizing that Robin is Dick Grayson due to Dick performing a certain trick he performed in the circus. He grows up and becomes Red Robin. Then there's Damian Wayne. Damian Wayne is Batman's biological son and for all intents and purposes is the CURRENT Robin in continuity. He's a little shit head. Technically there are two more but I believe one has been retconned is now just called Spoiler and the other is from a spin-off title called The Dark Knight Returns. If you want to start with Batman stuff, go watch Batman The Animated Series and Batman Under The Red Hood (this movie is specifically about Batman and Jason Todd).

  4. Darc
    11 months

    Each robin becomes their own hero eventually. Dick Grayson always becomes Nightwing, Jason Todd always becomes Red Hood, Tim Drake always becomes Red Robin.

    They haven't yet gone into what Damien Wayne will become, but depending on how the stories go its most likely he will become the new batman

  5. Kaitlyn!
    11 months

    Watch the ‘Son of Batman’ animated series! It’s a handful of movies with Nightwing, Robin (Damian Wayne), and, of course, lots of Batman!

  6. Nashirú
    11 months

    There are a lot of rights issues relating to Batman. So many shows cannot use Batman if another company has the rights to it. A good show to watch for more DC is Young Justice(Teen Titans but bigger lol)

  7. GainingGamer
    11 months

    dont skip the opening please there are several variants depending on how wacky the episode will be

  8. Noah
    11 months

    So there has been 5 main robins in the main universe

    Dick Grayson (the robin the this show) - the first and most popular robin Raised as a acrobat in the circus by his parents until he was about 10 (depending on continuity) when the mob kills his parents Batman takes him in and eventually trains him so he can bring his parents killer to justice so dick wont end up like him Dick eventually joins the teen titans after a while he decides hes grown out of the role of robin and becomes his own hero taking the name of nightwing to honor superman who was a mentor of his and basically his idol

    Jason Todd - The second robin he was a street kid with a criminal father and mother who abandoned him batman caught jason stealing the tires off the batmobile and decided to take him in because he say good in him. Batman trained jason which took longer because he didnt have the natural skill of dick. Jason was much more violent and hot headed than dick. Eventually he ends up being beating to near death by the joker and then blown up (the fans voted for him to die). He eventually was brought back to life and became a villain RedHood which was a moniker the joker used jason ended up becoming more of a antihero not afraid to kill

    Tim Drake - The third robin a rich kid who actually lived near bruce wayne he figured out batmans identity by watching videos of batman and robin and recognizing a acrobat move robin(dick) did that only dick grayson ever used. After the death of jason batman became more brutal tim noticed this and figured that its because batman need a robin to help keep him in the light. Tim currently has the longest stint as robin in comics at just under 20 years then becoming red robin

    Stephanie Brown (actually dont know alot about her) - The 4th and shortest tenure as robin she was a vigilante known as spoiler and was dating tim she took on the mantel of robin before she died (later revealed it was a fake death)

    Damian Wayne - The biological son of Bruce wayne and Talia Al'Ghul raised by talia and the league of assassins until he was ten when talia introduced him to bruce . Damian didnt become robin until after Bruce wayne died (he didnt really die) and Dick Grayson became Batman he made Damian his robin hoping it would help him and his violent assassin ways they eventually grow very close brotherly bond (tho personally i believe dick sees Damian as his son) until bruce comes back and for the first time we have damian and bruce together as batman and robin. Damian is still currently robin tho he sturggles with the expections he sets upon himself being "the true heir to the bat cowl"

  9. VagabonD
    11 months

    Lot of comments already have the Batfamily mantle pretty well covered so I'll talk about some other fun facts.

    The jokes about Batman are ironic because Dick Grayson/Nightwing and Tim Drake/Red Robin are characterized by not wanting to take it over. In fact Nightwing is considered by most including Batman to be a better person and hero due to his upbringing and how well he's come out of it.

    Robin showing interest in the name might also be a nod to how he got the idea in the comics. He actually got it from another alien he had a strong bond with, Superman who told him a story about a Kryptonian duo similar to Batman and Robin called Nightwing and Flamebird (They're also coincidentally the names of two gods in the Kryptonian pantheon but that came way later). He did this as a way to honor both Batman (his adoptive father) and Superman (who he sees as an uncle). Also Dick became Robin in The Teen Titans comic.

    In one alternate future set in a critically acclaimed story called Kingdom Come, Beast Boy has taken up the name Menagerie. His powers have reached a new height and he can now turn into imaginary animals and is depicted on one of the pages resembling a flying monkey from Wizard of Oz.

    Likewise, Nightwing and Starfire have a kid named Mar'i Grayson who's first name is spelled like on Starfire's planet but is named after Dick's mother. She's a reoccurring character in the story using the name Nightstar and is pretty popular among Teen Titans fans despite not being to integral to any of the few stories she's in. By the end of Kingdom Come she also ends up with Ibn Al Xuff'asch, who is Damian Wayne-son of Bruce and Talia Al Ghul-before Damian Wayne was introduced in canon since both are meant to be the baby from the noncanon Batman story Son of the Demon.

    The kids pelting Beast Boy with snowballs are also a nod to the Mutants gang from the comic Batman the Dark Knight Returns. That comic actually has a two part movie adaptation that I'd definitely recommend.

  10. _Owwls_
    11 months

    I think the big baby is the same VA for Cinnamon Bun? Lol his screaming reminded me of it

  11. Sly
    11 months

    I just now realized that Beast Boys voice actor is also Kevin Levin. I didnt hear it until I heard future Beast Boy speak. lol

  12. Of Butterflies and Books
    11 months

    So canonically Cyborg is supposed to be the oldest of the group because in the comics I believe Victor Stone AKA Cyborg had his accident in his senior of high school and in the comics he's the first to leave the team to join the Justice League. Beast Boy, I think is technically supposed to be the youngest of all the Titans.

    1 replies
    1. Angie
      11 months

      I always saw their ages as Cyborg being 17/18, Raven, Robin and Starfire being 16, Beasboy being 15. That's just how I viewed them.

  13. Andre
    11 months

    I see Eric watched the Imagination episode ??

  14. Havoc
    11 months

    People also age at different rates. I have family who went bald in their 20's

  15. LordTouchMe
    11 months

    Since both Nightwing and a mention of how nimble Robin is was brought up in this video, a fun fact to mention is that according to the official DC Encyclopedia released awhile back is that Dick Grayson (Robin, Nightwing) is canonically the most agile character in ALL of the DC Universe, apparently even more so than characters with godly super powers.

  16. Petrichor12
    11 months

    Pretty sure episode 6 is the next one that'll have the theme song change! JUST A HEADS UP!

  17. Eck
    11 months

    As someone said Dick Grayson is usually always Nightwing. There 4 or 5 Robins (if you include Stephanie Brown) that replace him. Some other "Robin evolutions" are Red hood and Red Robin.

    1 replies
    1. Nerd
      11 months

      Don't forget Tim's famous time as "Drake"

  18. Sarah
    11 months

    I was really hoping for 4 episodes. Ep 3 is really good, I can’t wait for your guy’s reaction

  19. DementisXYZ
    11 months

    4:12-4:32 I don't even need the rest of the video, this section here is just gold.

    1 replies
    1. DementisXYZ
      11 months

      Got you covered on the whole "Robin" situation.

      To my knowledge, there are 3 Robins. Dick Grayson is the original, and he eventually goes out on his own to become Nightwing. Jason Todd is the second, and he can't deal with the whole "No killing" restriction, so he becomes "Red Hood." Finally, there's Damian Wayne, who is Bruce's biological son. I have no idea what his future his. That said, I've learned a lot about Grayson and Damian through the DC Animated Movie Universe that started in 2013 and have been thoroughly enjoying it. That could be a fun movie series to check out after you're all caught up on Pokemon.

      11 replies
      1. Patrick
        9 months

        actually there are 4 robins. You forgot Tim Drake, who comes in between Jason and Damian. Also, Jason's story is a bit more complicated. He was killed by the Joker, and was one of the few comic characters who stayed dead for a long time. (it used to be said that the only comic characters who would stay dead were Jason, Bucky Barnes, and Uncle Ben) He was resurrected due to Superboy Prime punching reality (Don't ask), and so he had to dig his way out of his own grave. But that was in the old continuity, and the new version of events is that either Talia or Ra's al Ghul resurrected him with a Lazarus Pit. But when Jason learned that, even after the Joker killed him, Bruce still didn't kill the Joker, he adopted the identity of Red Hood, and started taking control of Gotham's underworld, taking a far more hard-line stance against criminals than Bruce. And unlike Batman, Jason was willing to kill.

      2. thegreenarrow397
        11 months

        There's also Tim Drake who was Robin before Damian, I don't actually know what happened to him

      3. Cameron
        11 months

        There's actually 4 Robins. You missed Tim Drake. He was the third installation of Robin in the nat family. He wasn't very impactful, as robin. Most people remember him as the love interest of Barbara Gordon (Batgirl) and the Robin who was adapted in Live-action version of George Clooney's Batman. Also Jason Todd's story is a little more complicated than that. Among his debut, he was seen as the most disliked Robin from the fan base. So, the writers wrote him off by having him killed by the Joker, until he was revived as Red Hood and aligned his "fake death" to the story.

      4. Da
        11 months

        There are a couple of other Robins you forgot most notably, Tim Drake most known for being "the smart Robin"

      5. Jared
        11 months

        Yes what DementisXYZ says here is true and to add to it Dick Grayson was the first Robin who later becomes Nightwing when he is older and is his own hero but still helps Batman now and then because he views him as a father figure and appreciates all that he has done for him because like Batman he saw his parents die in front of him and he is a founding member of the Teen Titans. Then there is Jason Todd who become Red Hood which is whole thing in itself, long story short was killed by the Joker as Robin was resurrected and decided to not follow the "No Killing" rule. Then there are others like Tim Drake and Damian Wayne who is Bruce's son. I also agree in watching the DCAU (DC Animated Universe) movies after Pokemon because those are pretty good.

      6. TrueWarriorJak
        11 months

        You almost got everything you missed a Robin Damian is actually the fourth, the Third Robin is a kid named Tim Drake.

      7. Michael
        11 months

        Tim drake is the third Robin then its Damien Wayne

      8. Nerd
        11 months

        I'm going to nerd out here since I love all the Batfam and will just explain the entire thing.

        Dick Greyson - As a member of the trapeze artists known as The Flying Graysons, Dick Grayson led a wonderful life until his parents were killed by mobster Antonio Zucco. Heartbroken and alone, Dick was taken in by Bruce Wayne and brought under his wing. He grew up as the first Robin but eventually upon becoming an adult became Nightwing after a falling out with Batman.

        Barbara Gordan - Barbara Gordon was the first Batgirl and the daughter of Commissioner Gordon however the Joker, shot in her home and left her paralyzed. Nevertheless, Barbara forged ahead, operating as the computer expert Oracle.

        Jason Todd - A street orphan with more guts than common sense, Jason Todd caught Batman's attention when he attempted to steal the tires off the Batmobile. The Gotham City vigilante later took Jason under his tutelage when the young boy helped him apprehend a gang of criminals. Jason was a skilled crime fighter as the 2nd Robin, albeit one that struggled with the intensity of his emotions.

        Unfortunately, Jason met a horrific end at the hands of The Joker, an event that continues to haunt Batman to this day. Many years later it was revealed that Wayne's repeated nemesis Ra’s al Ghul had resurrected Jason, who also discarded the Robin identity in favor of becoming the Red Hood, the most violent and reluctant member of the Bat Family.

        Tim Drake - After watching The Flying Graysons perform one evening at the circus, Tim Drake noticed that Nightwing performed the same acrobatic maneuvers that Dick Grayson had performed. Confronting him and Batman, Tim was able to prove that he had deduced their secret identities. Seeing Batman angrier after the death of Jason, crossing lines like beating normal criminals to hospitalization. Tim forced his way into the role of the third Robin. After his father died he was adopted by Bruce.

        Stephanie Brown - The Spoiler/The Fourth Robin and Third Batgirl. Stephanie Brown was the daughter of Batman villain Cluemaster. She set out to spoil her dad's crimes and ended up dating Tim Drake. She became Robin for a time when Tim was unable to fill the role. Eventually, she would take over the role of Batgirl from Cassandra Cain before they recently agreed to share the role. She is the only person on this list to not be one of Bruce's kids.

        Cassandra Cain - Cassandra Cain is the 2nd Batgirl. Born to the assassins David Cain and Lady Shiva, she was trained to become the perfect warrior. Her father deprived her of speech and reading so she would learn movement and physicality as her first language. She is the greatest fighter in the family. Even Batman admits she would beat him. But she struggles with speaking, reading and writing and even understanding others when she first shows up. Bruce adopted Cassandra when she was Batgirl. Making her his only daughter.

        Damian Wayne - Damian Wayne is the fifth and current Robin as well as the son of Batman and Talia al Ghul. This makes him an heir to the world's greatest crime-fighter, and its greatest super-villain Ra's al Ghul.

      9. wynosaurus
        11 months

        Damien Wayne is actually #5. Robin #3 is Tim Drake. Tim Drake is the robin for most of Batman The Animated series and was the Robin in the comics while this show was airing (he actually is gthe robin most like the Robin in this show in terms of personality, even though this robin is Dick Grayson). He even led his own version of the Teen Titans comprised of Superboy, the 2nd Wondergirl, the 2nd Kid flash, Slade's daughter Ravager and more senior members of the team like Starfire, Cyborg and Beast boy. Tim Drake is also seen as a more talented detective than Batman. He's the robin most tied to the robin role, as other than Damien Wayne who's still young he has never fully abandoned it like NIghtwing or Red Hood, Tim's mature superhero name was "Red Robin" and DC has been non-committal about taking the Robin name away from him.

        Robin #4 is Stephanie Brown, her time as Robin was extremely short but she also became batgirl for a time and now her more permanent hero identity is "the Spoiler" and she is commonly Tim Drake's primary love interest, although Tim is currently dating a boy named Bernard. Because her time as Robin was so short she often isn't counted among the four main Robins being Dick Grayson, Jason Todd, Tim Drake, and Damien Wayne

        Robin #5 is Damien and some versions of Damiens future we see him take over as batman, but we also see that for Tim so who knows.

      10. LordTouchMe
        11 months

        There have actually been five Robin's (only counting extended runs in the role here).

        Dick Grayson is the first, and the one that becomes Nightwing (and had the iconic love triangle between him, Batgirl and Starfire).

        Jason Todd is the second, who in his original run was so unlikable fans actually voted for him to die by the Joke (He got resurrected in the early 00's as a part of the Hush storyline if I remember correctly) and took up the mantle of the Red Hood (directly in spite of The Joker, if you know that backstory).

        Tim Drake is the third, and is the resident tech nerd of the Robins, and eventually became Red Robin.

        The fourth was Stephanie Brown, aka The Spoiler, and she served as Robin to dick Grayson's Batman when Bruce Wayne was trapped in the past, if I remember correctly. (Everybody, Stephanie included, likes her better outside of the role lol)

        The most recent was Damien Wayne, son of Bruce Wayne and Talia Al Ghul. He was an interesting wrench in cogs when it came to the Robins and is now a fan favorite. He recently ditched the Robin moniker and came up with his own codename "The Prince of Krows", if I remember that right.

        And that should be all the Robins, barring non-canon events and future timelines.

        (And as a quick note since I mentioned Batgirl, there have been multiple Batgirls too. Barbara Gordan is the first and most iconic, then we had the awesome Cassandra Cain (aka Orphen), and Stephanie Brown was also briefly Batgirl too. Just to quickly mention that line of legacy heroes.)

        3 replies
        1. logan
          11 months

          they should watch young justice

        2. Nerd
          11 months

          I'm gonna say it. Stephanie Brown is my fav Robin

        3. wynosaurus
          11 months

          I think Damien is back to being Robin, considering he is the Robin in the current Batman and Robin comic

      11. DementisXYZ
        11 months

        As soon as I heard the Dog talk, I knew it was Dee Bradley Baker. Man's everywhere.

        43:14 "You tellin' me you don't know adults that act like children?" I do! That's why I like them, support their patreon, and watch their videos on their website.

        1 replies
        1. Petrichor12
          11 months

          There's also Tim Drake and sometimes Stephanie Brown. There's a few others, but those are probably more obscure?

          YES! Another Dee Bradley Baker FTW! I never realized he was Soto and the dog.

  20. Christopher
    11 months

    I was WAYYYYY OFF on what I thought Boom's age was, gah damn.

    1 replies
    1. Ben
      11 months

      Booms got me by a bit, I'm 34 ? also the alien baby that kidnapped Beast Boy sounded like someone from Adventure Time. Cinnamon Bun? Is my guess ?

  21. FireFist300
    11 months

    Well, depends on what 20 years can do to you, if they are kind to you then you'll look younger than your actual age, but if they are bad to you, then you'll look much older than what you actually are.

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