Spongebob S4 Episode 7-8 REACTION

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  1. Sadly, old writers can’t stay forever so I feel like that’s why the jokes have gotten lack lately and instead became just for kids and not all audiences which changed the whole show

  2. Yeah just a fair warning “Lots of grossness” is kinda like the number one complaint about the series from season 4 onward and it only gets worse from here

    1. I’d like to think that he leaves all but his first dime and first dollar to Pearl, and instead gets buried with those two things as a reminder of his beginnings

  3. There are some of the later episodes in SpongeBob that are incredibly infamous for using extreme gross out moments which you may or may not see in the future, but some of them are goddamn shocking

    1. IT ALREADY BEGAN!!!! I am not ready to revisit that Squidward at his house episode again. . . . . Where they just torture him for 11 minutes straight. Good Neighbors was the warning. Here comes the quake.

  4. Any thoughts to when you guys will stop watching SpongeBob (just curious and wanting to get some other shows in the rotation) also well it’s not as if SpongeBob is bad but it doesn’t exactly go up (every now and then you hit an episode that’s really great but for the most part it’s decent)

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