Spongebob S4 Episode 1-2 REACTION

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  1. Susan
    6 months

    I'm surprised you two aren't familiar with Season 4 at least. The Best Day Ever and Gary Come Home? Some fo yhe most iconic songs of the series imo

  2. Steamed
    10 months

    Well I remember the first episode, so I’m interested in how much of the rest of the season I’ll remember. I have the DVDs up to like season 7 but I never got around to watching them.

  3. parzival25.
    10 months

    Personally, I don't hate Season 4. I grew up on it as much as I did Seasons 1-3 and it does have some bangers.

  4. Diesel
    11 months

    I have to say, these first two rpisodes aren't terrible. They have their moments, and the plots are fairly clever. I just hate how aggressively silly spongebob is now. He was never this blind to basic engineering or problem solving. The sign is the worst of this and the squidward back and forth at the junkyard was actually pretty normal for them. It just seems as the show goes on, each character becomes more and more one dimensional and boring. So fsr it hasn't gotten that bad though.

  5. Movie
    11 months

    Allhail the Magic Conch looloolooloooloo

  6. Caxton
    1 year

    So my 2 cents as someone who grew up with season 3 ~5 and has now gone back and watched all of it and even the later season regularly. So Season 1~5 are solid I personally think all 5 are solidly watchable and enjoyable. Its around season 6 through 8 mabe into some of 9 that is pretty rough as its clear they were trying to figure out what the show was going to be after keeping it on for so long and the flanderization got really bad sometimes. The tropes got pretty tired: Krabs is money hungry, Squidward is the punching bag even when he doesn't do anything, spongebob is kinda manic, Patrick is aggressively stupid and short tempered, etc.

    Then around season 9 and 10 they almost did a sort of reset, where the characters went back to drawing from earlier traits that worked but are also sort of all just chaos gremlins. Almost like the show realized the characters had becomes so flanderized they were now their own thing and leaned into it. So while I would say season 9~current day is really enjoyable, by that point its basically a completely new show that's just chaotic zaney slapstick antics all the time and would not fit in with any earlier seasons of the show.

    So basically Season 1~5 are good, 6~8 are rough and overall kind bad even if there are some solid episodes, then season 9 and onwards is good but basically a whole new show.

  7. Isaac
    1 year

    Imma be real, after the movie, reaction entertainment wise they should drop Spongebob or at least watch fan voted good episodes because now the reaction time slot is being wasted on spongebob for ... years on this reaction channel if they're gonna actually watch every episode of this show. Like for real, do you guys wanna watch them watch EVERY SINGLE EPISODE OF SPONGEBOB FOR YEARS? When this reaction slot can be replaced with something else? Like how many seasons do you guys seriously wanna watch them watch?

    1 replies
    1. Isaac
      1 year

      I dunno if I'm exaggerating when I say these guys are gonna have spongebob on this reaction time slot for years so someone do the math for me based on the rate we're getting spongebob reactions but seriously I think it's time to consider reducing spongebob to voted iconic episodes.

      1 replies
      1. UsrNmTkn
        1 year

        They said they would continue spongebob until they lose interest or until the views go down.

  8. Cameron
    1 year

    Love this season! For me up to s7 and 8 I was still in the loving the show. So yall got time before I start looking a mess

  9. Xandred_Bass
    1 year

    Yeah, I don't see there being anything really wrong with season 4. But it is after this that the quality starts to drop

  10. LordTouchMe
    1 year

    You guys put it in a good way; season 4 and 5 are basically the transitionary period where the show tries to find it's footing again and decide on a new identity. The naysayers overexaggerate their disdain, but like I said in the past, this slow period here is basically where it mostly came from. There are few handfuls of EXTREMELY good and bad episodes in these two episodes and then the rest are just pretty okay and fun, nothing too amazing compared to what came before it, and they do lean HEAVILY on Plankton for a while. But at the same time, some my favorite episodes come from this new "Finding Themselves" period and then when it's over they hit their stride again and most episodes after that are very good.

    Just be prepared for some rough gross out episodes here and there, and you'll be fine.

    ALSO SUPER STOKED THIS MEANS WE'LL GET TO THE 2ND MOVIE, YOU'LL LOVE IT!! (and I can't wait for a certain cake in a certain episode to appear lol)

  11. blitz1126
    1 year

    Its definitely not because of nostalgia because many fans from all age groups agree the first 3 seasons are the best. I grew up with the later seasons and as a Gen Z, it is a known fact that SpongeBob sas written differently after the golden era now that it isn't story board scripted anymore.

    I have a soft spot for a handful of episodes in the future, but I wouldn't put them over the classics.

  12. Miles
    1 year

    I loved this! I didn’t know s4 was so funny lol. That first episode had me laughing like crazy ?

  13. Jake
    1 year

    We’re in uncharted territory lol

  14. PkmnProfLex7
    1 year

    Yeah, in Season 4 and afterwards is when the writing and story of Spongebob started to decline, mainly because the creator Stephen Hillenburg and the original writing team left after the movie. There are still some good episodes, but I really disliked/hated some episodes in Season 4-8.

  15. Isaiah
    1 year

    Season 4 is still really funny. Its not an immediate drop off. Its AS funny as the first 3 seasons imo

  16. Bomb-Boy
    1 year

    The reason why you see more of plankton in season four is because (I heard this from another user) in his first episode that was suppose to be his only appearance, but his voice actor loved him so much he then starred in more episodes along the way in season three and I think he appeared like 19 times in those three seasons. In season four he’s officially now a main character and that’s why you see him more.

  17. Iruma
    1 year

    Was that a King of the Hill reference, Boom ?

    Also if you think SpongeBob not being an attorney is pretty bad play the Ace Attorney games. For being games about being an Attorney, you do plenty of things that aren’t legal ? they’re still really fun games though, and the anime they made for it is pretty nice.

  18. shaquithahawkins
    1 year

    Patchy is SpongeBob and also Gary = Tom Kenny

  19. Ben
    1 year

    There's some episodes I've been waiting for I thought were in seasons 1-3 but must be 4 or 5. I don't wanna spoil them but hope I see those ones soon. don't remember the names of the episodes so can't look up ?

  20. Cadent
    1 year

    There's actually a fun video with a real lawyer reacting to the Krabs VS Plankton episode, SpongeBob would've been kicked out straight away for not even having any certification. Highly recommend watching it, man treats the whole case like it's a real court case.

  21. GgeoPlays
    1 year

    The next episode might be one of my favorite episodes from season 4.

  22. devontetheenigma
    1 year

    There's actually 2 theories out there about the SpongeBob movie.1 theory suggests the reason SpongeBob is more childish in later seasons is because he was reincarnated after he and Patrick died in the shell city gift shop, while the other theory is that everything season 4 onwards is actually earlier in the timeline with the 1st movie being the cannon end of the story.

  23. MONIAH
    1 year

    I love up to season 7. There are many great episodes moving forward and more 1 episode specials.

    1 replies
    1. Angie
      1 year

      agreed. Season 1 - 7 were great to me. But i havent seen much of 8 and onward, so i can't even call them bad. Just haven't seen enough of them to know.

  24. sheilo_lyvt
    1 year

    I wasn't born for the first 3 seasons, so 4-6 where my SpongeBob in a way. I do have the first 3 seasons memorized to a heartbeat, but I'm not one to diminish the middle and current eras of SpongeBob!

  25. britti
    1 year

    I hope they don't react past season 5, but if they do I just won't watch anymore. I really think Spongebob has good reaction material the whole way through

  26. jakey_poo
    1 year

    Once again asking for you to react to the SpongeBob Broadway Musical

    1 replies
    1. EMosite
      1 year


      1 replies
      1. Isaac
        1 year

        Yes this would be a treat.

  27. erlu
    1 year

    I really love the ''Later seasons'' i'm glad you continue this

  28. EMosite
    1 year

    I suggest you guys skip to season 10 once you’re over with season 4-5. That’s when the creator comes back to the show and it gets better!

  29. SoulfulSoul
    1 year

    Season 4 to 6 are still really good past that it starts to fall off a little and the new three seasons are really bad

  30. Brad
    1 year

    I will say even though the writing did take a bit of a hit. There is still a bunch of good episodes in Season 4 and 5 that I am excited for you guys to see.

  31. Gabriel
    1 year

    Im excited for more, get ready for the next one guys

  32. Munir
    1 year

    I wouldn't call this season bad, but it does feel different. Spongebob himself has always been manic but it feels turned up now. Also as funny as the hospital kicking Krabs out is, it's actually not like American hospitals at all. They're fine with treating people without insurance and putting them in unreasonable amounts of debt.

  33. SleepyMimikyu
    1 year

    It does not get worse right away like everybody says, season 6 is when I noticed the decline

  34. Deli
    1 year

    the first three are classic, but the next five or six seasons are still great. my only gripe with seasons 10 onwards are the decline inanimation, but in my opinion the show even still has a great team of writers with some really great moments

    1 replies
    1. EMosite
      1 year

      Season 10 onwards uses the same animation style which is traditional animation. I’d say it got smoother around season 11.

  35. blitz1126
    1 year

    I'm gonna enjoy this but it still won't hit the same..

  36. W3TB4115
    1 year

    I think the creator of chowder helped animate ep 1a of s4 and I love the way it looks so much

    1 replies
    1. Maverick
      1 year

      This is correct. He even voices a character in this season I think. They should give Chowder a try one day.

  37. Altomare
    1 year

    Seasons beyond the first movie tend to take a gradual decline over time. However there are many good episodes and season 4-5 is still pretty good overall. It's just hard when you compare them to seasons 1-3.

    2 replies
    1. Bomb-Boy
      1 year

      Altomare, exactly! You read my mind

    2. Shadow.exe
      1 year

      He not's wrong just seasonal rot toke a heavy toll in a while

  38. Trish
    1 year


    1 replies
    1. Bomb-Boy
      1 year

      The magic conch is right, season four is not going to be great

      2 replies
      1. Miles
        1 year

        Or maybe the magic conch is wrong. And all of SpongeBob is great!

        1 replies
        1. Colonel
          11 months

          The conch is always right, didn't you learn that? Seriously tho, this season is still acceptable but it's definitely where the series started to lose its charm, this is no opinion, it's based on the writing, the character, the plots, the gross animation. Let's be real. I love SB for what is was but it really went downhill.

      2. GainingGamer
        1 year

        can you stop spamming every post showing an iota of positivity toward post movie Spongebob with your negativity? no one cares and it's getting annoying

        1 replies
        1. Isaac
          1 year

          Do you really wanna have spongebob take a reaction timeslot for however many years from season 4 and onward til they catch up? Because I don't. It about time to consider replacing spongebob with something else or just reducing it to specific iconic episodes.

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