Spongebob S4 Episode 13-14 REACTION

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  1. Steamed
    9 months

    “Did I get up for no fucking reason?” Fat guy problems amirite?

  2. Katt
    10 months

    To be fair, Sandy DID try talking to him, they're in the middle of a conversation on the way INTO the movies. Last resort maybe.

  3. PMGVictor
    10 months

    The crazy thing this isn't that far off on how people reacted when Covid first hit.

    1 replies
    1. Steamed
      9 months

      Yeah like taking horse dewormer thinking that would be beneficial in any way.

  4. Bomb-Boy
    10 months

    The downfall of SpongeBob was of course the ugly gross close ups, bad writing and to mention the jokes have gone childish. I don’t really laugh at later seasons of SpongeBob anymore

    1 replies
    1. Wolf
      9 months

      Then don't watch anymore it's that simple also i don't get grossed out easily

  5. fahron10
    11 months

    The Magic Conch continues to have fantastic comedic timing

    1 replies
    1. Ben
      11 months

      I really enjoyed every time they ask the conch ?

  6. sheilo_lyvt
    11 months

    Bree has upgraded from "girl" to "the women"

  7. Jamie
    11 months

    i like how Eric is not in this ep yet hes still on the thumbnail LOL

  8. Jason
    11 months

    Love that Boom is rocking the same Ian Somerhalder blanket that I got for my roommate's cat ?

  9. Kevin
    11 months

    Wheres our boy Eric at, we can't forget about the three amigos and girl I mean they the homies

    1 replies
    1. Jamie
      11 months

      "and girl" is crazy dude lol

      1 replies
      1. Kevin
        11 months

        I forgot to put senorita

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