AI is Taking Over the World – Super Stupid Podcast #14

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  1. KingOfRedLions89
    6 months

    If you find the time, you really need to check out the Steins Gate anime… it’s phenomenal and deals heavily with time travel and shifting between different timelines/realities and conspiracies

  2. Jamie
    6 months

    Oh yeah airports are horrible for getting sick. I work at an airport and have gotten sick way more this past year than I ever had when I worked in hospitality. And guess what? Unless you have COVID they don't care. I had a respiratory infection while working the kitchen at the McDonald's in my airport, hacking up a lung, and was never sent home. Had to practically beg them to let me go home 3 days in. 

  3. LaLa
    6 months


    Pokemon XY Kalos Quest. Episode: Lights! Camera! Pika!

    I actually paused the episode and took pictures of multiple male and female pikachu with the black tip tails. Just to prove to myself that I was being gaslit everytime someone rage ranted that it's the mandela effect.

  4. superrj_
    6 months

    If this is 15 where is 14

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