UNHINGED Would You Rather Questions– #2

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  1. Lurker101
    7 months

    Absolutely loving you Hazbin cups!

  2. lightning132ttv
    7 months

    To be fair, most men will say they would rather do steroids than give birth, and it's understandable. I don't fault them for that choice.

  3. bat.nick
    7 months

    love to hear you guys talk in the background the chemistry is great 

  4. Miles
    7 months

    i listen to these during work, its enjoyable to hear you guys just..talk. lol

  5. Nathan
    7 months

    Trying to listen to the podcast and pause occasionally while I play games, but the website resets the video when you don't press for awhile and I lose my place. Was lookingforward for the podcast, but I can't listen in unless they change how the video player works

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