Percy Jackson and the Olympians Episode 2 (Boom Solo)

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  1. i think riordan wrote the series for his neurodivergent son, help him get interested in reading. so demigods have their own version of dyslexia and adhd

  2. I’m so glad you are watching this, another good one is pokerface. It would be good for you all but if ruff doesn’t want to do it cause it’s live action maybe you could do it on your own? I know you will go nuts over the actors in it

  3. This show’s good though when they cast Megan Mullally and Jason Mantzoukas; I started thinking they were gonna go for a more comedic, sitcom-esque, fleabag tone, especially considering the tone of the books. So going in my expectations were pretty high, that said, they pretty much matched about half of em.

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