Percy Jackson and the Olympians Episode 1 (Boom Solo)

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  1. SlapHappyGreen
    11 months

    So first, yay so glad one of y'all is doing this series, I loved the books and think they did a GREAT job with this show(I even thought the movies were fine but the books and this show so far are definitely better imo). That intro where Percy is like "hey if u think u might be one of us u should probably turn away now" is actually literally how book 1 starts tho wording isnt exactly the same. Glad you're enjoying it, looking forward to seeing the rest of the ride, season 2 is already confirmed and there were 5 books in the original storyline that this season is the start of and only adapts the 1st book

  2. Nike
    1 year

    YEEESSSSSS! I was running out of reactors to watch. I'm an avid fan of Percy Jackson's book series, actually of anything written by Rick Riordan, and when I heard announcement of the show AND Rick being given charge for casting and looking over the scripts of the show, I was so happy. Yeah, I heard a lot of other fans hating the casting choices but Rick promised that the actors selected were perfect for their characters. And I definitely feel that with all characters, and sure some things got changed around but for the time limit and limitations in certain situations I actually enjoyed the changes (especially episode 3 to those who've already seen it). But for the most part it is essentially the book at its core. Especially with the movie adaptation in existence, miles and miles way better. Again, so happy you're reacting to it (I hope the others will do a group reaction to it as well if they haven't seen it) Thanks for this!

  3. Veritas
    1 year

    Superb reaction because while some fans will either like it for the nostalgia or hate it for alleged lack of faithfulness (in my opinion it turned out great), if you're blind to the books you can really appreciate what went into the acting and story. I'm glad more people are discovering franchises through the newer good adaptations. This will be hype when more seasons come.

    1 replies
    1. imrightoverhere
      1 year

      i feel like a lot of the criticism from fans who were disappointed in it wouldn't have been too bad had Rick not promised the most faithful adaptation ever; hopefully the backlash from the sane sect of that group taught him not to overpromise for the next season. And considering how much they were seemingly gunning for a 2-season renewal and how they didnt get it, I'm hoping those fans are receptive.

  4. Elizabeth
    1 year

    Can't wait for next episode reaction and the show got a season 2 renewal.

  5. Mars
    1 year

    Omg whattt Percy Jackson and boom??? Didn’t know I needed this until i saw it. I liked the movies just cause it was nostalgic but it’s definitely not like the books lol. Hope you enjoy this series 

  6. Residentfan 1
    1 year

    9:03 this happened to me in middle school. But it was a banana peel. And then later that day a bird Shat on me. It wasn’t great…..

  7. Aleah
    1 year

    hell yeah excited to watch this 

  8. imrightoverhere
    1 year

    aw crap, now i need to resub to diamond lol

  9. ghost0427
    1 year

    There are also two sequel series (Heroes of Olympus and Trials of Apollo) and two spin-off series taking place in the same world but talking about other mythologies (Magnus Chase with norse mythology and The Kane Chronicles with egyptian).

    The franchise as a whole actually isn't even finished yet. Last year we had the release of two books and we already have on announced to be released later this year

    2 replies
    1. Residentfan 1
      1 year

      So in other words, this franchise is the child equivalent of A Song of Ice and Fire.

    2. ghost0427
      1 year

      The main series (Percy Jackson and the Olympians) has 5 books, so in the best case scenario you should expect 5 seasons

      1 replies
      1. Kyra
        1 year

        Yesss I love that ur reacting to this show can't wait to watch you continue this show ?

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