Toy Story 4 Reaction

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  1. my ranking is 
    Toy Story 2
    Toy Story 3
    Toy Story 1
    Toy Story 4

    I like 4 btw, it is just my least favorite and i rarely rewatch it, but i rewatch 2 and 3 a lot and obviously since i was a kid i watched 1 a lot. I was born in 98′ so i rewatched the first 2 many times and still have the VHS.

  2. It’s called TOY story, so the child they belong to doesn’t affect the movie name. As long as the story revolves around these main toys it’ll go sequentially I think

  3. I will admit, since you brought up being concerned about gabby 2.0, I find it uncomfortable that The bad guys for 3 and 4 had visible disabilities. Lotso needed mobility aids (his cane or a truck wheelchair) and gabby’s physical voice box was slurred and “defective”. Don’t get me wrong a lot of the time the disabled people are the bad guys, unfortunate side effect of being a minority. But as much as I adore 3, 4 at least gave us a heroine with a physical disability as well. And my sapphic heart adores her so much

  4. So, I’m glad I finally watched the whole thing. 4 is pretty good. Love Bo, and her form of disabled representation is really cool. My biggest issue with the movie is that gabby feels weird as a disabled person. Like, she got the voice box and the kid wasn’t interested, so it was nice to not have the disabled person be “fixed” and then be worthy of love. I dunno it’s mixed, but honestly, disability as a whole is complex. And the kid didn’t love her bc of the voice box, but it helped the kid get some comfort and courage during a terrifying time. As a queer kid who grew up with these guys, it feels weird separating Buzz and Woody. Like they could be just platonic partners, but they ARE partners. Like, damn, I love kids; teaching is my passion and I adore how this universe shows the lifespans of toys. It makes sense and is cool… you guys are totally right. Bittersweet. Very Bittersweet. But up until now I had only seen chunks, and was more hurt because of how it felt they were portraying worth and brokenness. It’s still there, but BO definitely helped it feel better; she moved and felt like a real amputee with how she moved and acted. Thanks for letting me see this with you in a new light. And, I’m curious to see who the next act follows; the lost toys, Bonnie’s toys… and how they come to grips with their vital but fleeting roll in a human’s lifetime. It’s honestly a lot like teaching in a way.

  5. This is why I love watching y’all’s reactions. When I first watched Toy Story 4, I wasn’t really a fan of it. But I had such a good time that I’m going to give it another chance now! It was the same thing with Brave.

  6. I see too many issues with this movie to enjoy it all, from plot to characterization, it’s a total downgrade to everything before. I’m not even going to rank it.

  7. I actuelly REALLY like the movie, even when it first came out I think my ranking is:
    1 – Toy Story 3
    2 – Toy Story 4
    3 – Toy story 2
    4 – Toy story 1

  8. I might be crazy but I honestly think this is my favorite of the movies. I’d never seen it before now but there was so much comedy and amazing plot threads that all had amazing plot twists and resolutions.

  9. Personally, I don’t think there’s a single Toy Story movie below a 7 for me. I would rank them, from best the “worst,” as 3, 2, 4, 1. I genuinely love all of these and think this is a solid epilogue and continuation of Woody’s story. I do not understand how anyone can say it “undoes” the ending of 3.

  10. I still prefer the 3rd movie, but 4 was so well done, bringing Bo back was a great move. Don Rickles was supposed to have come back but sadly he passed before they could record. Rather than replace him they used old recordings to keep him in the movie. Wreck it Ralph 1 and 2 and The Croods 1 and 2 are great ones to react to! Have yall considered reacting to the Ice Age franchise? It gives me toy story vibes in that one movie became multiple that in my opinion don’t disappoint.

  11. “Tinny” is from the beta version of toy story. A sort of proof of concept short that starred that character. It is called “Tin Toy” and it has this horrifying baby design, highly recommend a watch if only for the nightmares.

  12. OK yeah after seeing this movie again, I have developed a new appreciation for it. Like I totally get why Woody left. He didn’t feel like he fit in as someone’s toy anymore and also he wanted to be with Bo. I think what I’m still most sad about though is Woody and Buzz separating and how Bonnie sort of disregarded Woody after Andy expressed how much Woody means to him but I get it, kids are like that. They disregard toys all the time. A part of me still hopes somehow Andy and Woody can reunite but I also know that might not make much sense if Woody wants to remain a lost toy with Bo and the others. I honestly have hopes for the 5th movie. The fact that all 4 movies are good to masterpieces, I have hope that the 5th could be good too.

  13. Toy Story 4 is antithetical to 3, imo. It’s why I really do not like that it exists, even if the story is ok, I don’t like the directions they’ve taken the characters and it doesn’t work with what we have seen with them previously.

  14. You can see where this could become another film with how it ended but Toy Story 3 and 4 are two different endings in the sense that 3 was the ending of the toys with Andy, while this film was Woody centric and how his story and purpose has been fulfilled and that it was more of a goodbye to Woody than anything else.

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