Finding Nemo Reaction

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  1. Sharkmiser93
    1 month

    There are two kinds of whales. The baleen whales which filter water and eat small animals, and toothed whales. The sperm whale is one of the few toothed species while most of them are baleen whales including humpbacks, grays, and blue whales.

  2. Sharkmiser93
    1 month

    Some sea turtles like leatherbacks are known to eat exclusively on jellyfish. To them, it's like marijuana which explains Crush's mood. 

  3. Steamed
    2 months

    Ah what a certified classic. This and Monsters Inc. Kind of annoying it took them so long to do a sequel though. 

  4. Chimpman
    2 months

    I feel like Bree kinda hates men lmao.  Like no matter what mistake a woman makes, she's just a girlboss, but a man makes a mistake and she acts like he's the most horrible person ever.

    1 replies
    1. Steamed
      2 months

      Yeah but obnoxious 

  5. MegaDon
    2 months

    A little off topic, but in case you guys are looking into new shows Kim Possible is a fun watch.

  6. The
    2 months

    look up the end credits of finding nemo in Swedish. its super funny. 

  7. Jekbsnab
    3 months

    But Mr ray isn’t a stingray since he doesn’t have a stinger.

  8. A
    3 months

    “Cold Case,” fuckin killed me lmao

  9. Miss_CJ
    3 months

    Pretty sure that jellyfish level in the game is like a Simon Says, if I recall correctly.  

  10. Hardcore
    3 months

    Please do Ice age

  11. FryLord
    3 months

    The finding nemo videogame was impossible to me, not for difficulty even though it is just naturally hard but some genius thought it was a good idea to make slider puzzles a mandatory part of the game to progress so I never got past the slider in the bruce level. Downloaded an emulator last year at age 27 soley to go back and beat that level now that I know how slider puzzles work.....fuck that game lol

    2 replies
    1. Residentfan 1
      3 months

      Slider puzzles still piss me off as an adult. There’s a slider puzzle in the original Resident Evil 4 that I have to look up a YouTube video for every time I replay the game

      1 replies
      1. Steamed
        2 months

        Yeah. I fucking hate the slider puzzle in RE4. 

    2. LemurWasHere
      3 months

      Yeah I vaguely remember those, from the fishtank section. I had it on PS2 and it was probably my most played game on it. I was so happy the first time I got past the end, I actually thought the section where you had to tell everyone to swim down was the hardest

  12. Callum
    3 months

    Hey, Marlin *was* starting to move out there but the second human blocked the way and spooked him back. Stop being so meannnnnnnnn to the cartoon fishhhhh xD

  13. Unstablebeast
    3 months

    Did....di Eric seriously ask what the difference between a pigeon and a seagull is?

    1 replies
    1. shantheman99
      2 months

      Eric's comments/questions consistently baffle me. 

      1 replies
      1. Steamed
        2 months

        I like the guy but yeah he says some questionable things. Not as much as Boom though. Guy really had to ask if Marlin and Dory were shagging.  

  14. t.rakh
    3 months

    If you guys are going through all Disney and Pixar classics, I hope one day you get to react to Brother Bear.

    1 replies
    1. jemx27
      3 months

      I hope so too, it's my fav movie of all time

  15. Darc
    3 months

    I don't think Brie knows what girlboss means anymore

    3 replies
    1. Joe Ruffler
      3 months

      I think it's strange that us guys will use the term "girlboss" and no one bats an eye but when Bree does it, it becomes a problem

    2. Colonel
      3 months

      Well, I LMAO when she said "shit as much as you can". But yeah, she can be a bit... you know, sometimes. 

      1 replies
      1. izilator
        3 months


    3. boom
      3 months

      It worries me that you can't tell she's joking

  16. Darc
    3 months

    Realistically, if I was frantically traveling across the world to try and save my son. I would 100% have a hard time ever trusting the woman with poor memory.

  17. Amantè
    3 months

    If yall a movie similar to this, Meet the Robinsons definitely fits the bill. it's mad underrated and makes me cry every time.

    1 replies
    1. Ashizaka
      3 months

      but not similar to this at all XD

  18. Joey
    3 months

    Yes, deep sea fish like the Angler look like that to survive in their permanently pitch black environment. See through bodies, big eyes to catch the slightest movement and bioluminescence. 

  19. LeaDKKB
    3 months

    have you guys watched happy feet

  20. LeaDKKB
    3 months

    Honestly this movie doesn't need a sequel its perfect as is

  21. luis
    3 months

    how no one talked about boom getting a handy seeing this movie back in 03 is insane lmao

    1 replies
    1. Taz
      1 month

      I think he be makin stories up, he don't even remember half the stuff he says lol

  22. iKirbeeburgr
    3 months

    That game she was talking about, i dont know if its the same game idk how many finding Nemo games there were, but iREMEMBER playing a nemo game with the ending where theyre trying to get across the street in the bags

  23. shantheman99
    3 months

    Most people don't realize how Rotten Tomatoes scores work. They don't work like any other site's reviews. The Rotten Tomatoes score is the percentage of reviews that are above 50%. If every reviewer rated a movie a 6/10, it would have a 100% Rotten Tomatoes score. If you click on the rotten tomatoes score, it shows you the actual average, which is the number that every other site uses and that everyone THINKS Rotten Tomatoes shows you. For example: Finding Dory has a 94% Rotten Tomatoes score, but the average is actually 76%. That's not to say it's not a good movie, it just seemed like you guys didn't realize this.

  24. GainingGamer
    3 months

    dental work is wonderful actually. 

  25. Barbara
    3 months

    Ruff should totally play Subnautica lol

  26. bertzieblu
    3 months

    did not expect you guys to react to this! Finding Nemo is my childhood movie :)

  27. Kayla
    3 months

    Fun fact: in the Swedish version, instead of "the end" it just says "Slut".

  28. Andy
    3 months

    One of the more mid Disney movies

    3 replies
    1. LemurWasHere
      3 months

      Third had always been my favorite disney movie together with Wall-E

    2. ShadowWalker
      3 months

      What the hell are you talking about, Finding Nemo is definitely not mid far from it.

    3. Kelly
      3 months

      Crazy take. This is so much better than mid lol

  29. Dylan
    3 months

    Please watch finding dory, it's not as good as the first imo but still really good in it's own right.

  30. dealerrat
    3 months

    I agree with Bree 100%

  31. lightning132ttv
    3 months

    Fun fact: Bruce is supposed to be the shark from Jaws lol

  32. .etze.
    3 months

    please watch finding dory

    1 replies
    1. Aaron
      3 months

      nah, that one sucks

  33. Residentfan 1
    3 months

    Hey, Steve wouldn’t have blamed the Stingray!

    1 replies
    1. smilingknight
      3 months

      He should’ve worn sunscreen and he’d be fine

  34. dealerrat
    3 months

    yippeeeee! yippeeeee!! 

  35. Brye
    3 months

    Finding Dory is honestly just as good 

  36. LaLa
    3 months

    Actually, The Lion King game and Aladdin were the only games I ever remember winning as a kid. Throwing Scar off the cliff was an amazing feeling. Yay homicide! 😂

  37. smilingknight
    3 months

    Fun Fact: if Steve Irwin had worn sunscreen he would've survived... It blocks the harmful rays

  38. The1True
    3 months

    Sorta Cruisin

  39. imrightoverhere
    3 months

    Fun fact: there's a big contingent of Filipino's working in Pixar, and the reason they chose the name P. Sherman for the dentist is because it sounds like "fisherman" in a filipino accent. I know this because it's one of the first things my sister found out when she was planning to work in Pixar.

  40. Alexblade
    3 months

    Im just waiting for cars 2 One day

  41. rin
    3 months

    That shark haunted my dreams as kid lol probably why I’m terrified of the beach😭

  42. imrightoverhere
    3 months

    I completely forgot this movie is my age, part of me thinks that's why it's my mom's favorite animated movie.

  43. SauceyRed
    3 months

    Damn this movie was released in my birth year? Sick

    1 replies
    1. Stickamata8
      3 months


  44. Kyra
    3 months

    A freaking classic ❤️❤️

  45. Dylan
    3 months

    My favorite Pixar movie? Yes please

  46. GreenVampire
    3 months

    Getting some weird Mandela affect because I thought you already reacted to this movie 

    My Mind plays tricks constantly 

  47. Inkasaurus
    3 months

    I highly recommend you guys check out Ice Age!

  48. imrightoverhere
    3 months

    Can't believe we got The Wild Robot AND Finding Nemo in the same week, time to cry some more

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