Star Wars: Episode VII: The Force Awakens Reaction

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  1. angel.nikelle
    22 days

    Wish they'd actually touched on the fact that Han is 100% Force-sensitive.  His reflexes, his around-the-back-no-scopes, and his intuition were such a clutch with the OG trio.

  2. Petrichor12
    2 months

    The Aftermath Trilogy goes into the war on Jakku. I thought the books were alright. It's got Wedge, it's got Wexley, it's got Sloane, it's got a Battle Droid companion (which is fun if you're listening to the audio book). I can't remember if there was a controversy around them? But book's a book I guess. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

  3. William
    2 months

    You guys are the ONLY people that could make me rewatch episodes 7, 8 and 9 😂

    1 replies
    1. Captain
      2 months

      Ive been hemming and hawing for awhile personally. Love these guys and their views on Star Wars but GOD im not happy. I may only watch this one because i honestly will struggle with the next two. 

  4. Phishinabowl
    2 months

    I love how at 1:50:24 Rey is able to use her knowledge of Imperial tech from her scavenging days and her intuitive skill with electronics to IMMEDIATELY figure out the inner workings of the panel. She's able to identify what module to yank out to unlock/open all of the doors in the facility within a few seconds of glancing through the mechanisms in there. Such a cool little attention to detail.

  5. Quin
    3 months

    I disagree about there always being a price for someone to sell the rights to their art. Maybe most people would, but not everyone, and not me. I don't need billions of dollars. I'd much rather be able to tell my stories the way I want to tell them. To me, it's like a less extreme version of saying that everyone would sell their kid if offered enough money. No, not everyone would, because your kid is way more important to you than any amount of money. And for me, my art and stories are extremely important to me in a way reminiscent of that. No amount of money would make me sacrifice something so important to me.

  6. Low
    3 months

    Please watch The Mandalorian!

  7. ChaosDragon
    3 months

    The crackling of the blade on Kylo's saber is because his kyber crystal is cracked.  The vents on the side that form a crossguard are there to expel excess energy and keep the blade stable and prevent the lightsaber from basically just exploding in his hand.

  8. Andre
    3 months

    Its funny that you guys say Chewie looks like Bigfoot, there was a comic that had Han and Chewie crash on Earth and Chewie was the one who started the legend of Bigfoot 

  9. Jakeb
    3 months

    Although this movie has a little more than a fair share of flaws, the ground work laid in this movie could have lead to so much more. It could have been great. 

  10. Connor
    3 months

    Oh boy, here we go. This is I think my third time seeing TFA since it came out. I had fun with it both times and I actually enjoy watching it more than A New Hope just cause of how the OT has aged, but I definitely noticed the flaws on watch #2. Visually the entire sequel trilogy is the best of the franchise, 8 alone has my picks for the top two best shots/scenes in SW from a cinematography perspective. 

    Story-wise the sequels are an absolute roller-coaster. They have some fantastic moments but they also have some GIGANTIC missteps throughout, largely due to the fact that the trilogy had no overarching story in place beforehand, which predictably led to MASSIVE problems when it was decided that they'd swap in a different director for the 8th movie and ONLY THE 8TH MOVIE and that director, not having a plan to follow, took the story in his own direction that ended up being very different than what 7&9's director had originally planned.

    Obviously 8&9 are gonna be the two I have a lot to say on. This one is kinda just a B+ grade A New Hope with massively improved visuals and there's not much to say on it besides that. It never hits lows lower than any of the other SW films up to this point, and it never hits highs higher than any of them either. It's just an enjoyable film.

    1 replies
    1. Connor
      3 months

      Well, I tried to format this to make it more readable but the website said no and I can't edit comments so rip

  11. Paul
    4 months

    Fatigue's a thing, but if episode 9 had been the first Star Wars movie in twenty years, it would have gotten the same reception.  Also people would be confused why it was continuing a storyline that had last been touched on twenty years ago as if no time had passed but the thought experiment sorta breaks down at that point.

  12. PKKite
    4 months

    Anakin and Luke both trained with jedi masters.....

  13. T
    4 months

    I wish I could recommend Star Wars Theory to you guys another great YouTube Channel like yourselves. However I don’t know how you could watch them without being spoiled by stuff you haven’t seen yet. Maybe I could send you guys videos of his older stuff that I know wouldn’t spoil anything you’re about to watch? Do you guys have an email or anything I could send to. Anyways I did want to answer why Disney moved to TV Series focus. There were mixed reactions from fans and critics, particularly regarding the changes in directors and creative directions. J.J. Abrams directed Episodes 7 and 9, while Rian Johnson directed Episode 8. The differing visions led to some controversy and division among fans. 

    1 replies
    1. lightning63
      4 months

      Star Wars Theory is just another one of those garbage Anti Woke drama channels just with a Star Wars theme to it.

  14. Swordfish
    4 months

    As far as I know, the original books, comic books, video games and other content pre-purchase by Disney are still non-canon, or "Legends." It was a smart move as many games and novels had historically (hilariously) contradicted each other. What Disney has been trying to do is slowly reintegrate the "Legends" content into canon, but through discretion and choice use so as to make it make sense with the actually lore of the movies.

    George received a lot of hate in the 90's-2000's because of his changes to the original movies after a decade+ of time and the original "negative" reaction he received for how the Prequels were made and handled. He had plans for a proper sequel but after being "hated" so much, he gave up and sold the rights and the company to Disney, of which he donated I think half of to charity, so he wasn't even doing it for the money, so I've heard.

    The solo movies (not to be confused with the movie "Solo") were their attempt to break from the trilogy motif to create Anthology movies. There was supposedly suppose to be a third and more movies after Rogue One and Solo but because of the fan reaction of the sequels and that they weren't making money from them or Solo, that stopped (covid didn't help either). Mandalorian, however, which came out before Ep 9 showed they could still have power house content but not always big screen. Disney's been resting on their laurels lately though with most of their content that it shows in their productions.

  15. Fries
    4 months

    they "explain" why rey is so powerful either in episode 8 or 9, the reason why her sudden mastery of the force is so weird is because unlike anakin and luke she didn't train and almost instantly learned how to use a force technique. anakin and luke were prodigies and even with untrained force abilities they were able to use it pretty well, however they obviously didn't know how to manipulate minds the moment they came in contact with the force or learn how to force pull in less than a day. 

    my point is that despite being some of the most powerful force users in the galaxy they still needed training before being able to properly use a force technique, so its really weird when rey uses a technique she didn't even know existed (and no what kylo did wasn't manipulation in the same way rey did a few minutes later, they're similar but not the same)

  16. ECB912
    4 months

    “Why is she so powerful?” Was asked repeatedly by Ruff. Boy are they in for a wild ride for the rest of this trilogy lol. 

  17. AussBear
    4 months

    So an interesting fact, Harrison Ford (Han Solo) hated playing his character in Star Wars & only agreed to come back in this movie if they killed him off. He has been very vocal about his distaste for Star Wars which is unfortunate but ultimately can't be helped

  18. thepugprotector
    4 months

    I actually graduated from the same high school that Adam Driver graduated from, so when this movie first came out, as thanks to the thespian society that he was a part of, he gave away 2 free tickets to the movie premiere and an all-inclusive flight and hotel stay for my school to give away to winners from a drawing. Obviously, I didn't win, but I still thought it was super cool then.

  19. Kyle
    4 months

    they should stop making the trilogies and make a new series, make a series about the events of the books and call it Star Wars: Legends. Boom, the material is all already there, adapt it to movie format and make the hardcore fans, like myself, happy. I would love for them to do that with 'The Old Republic' but I know they would likely screw it up or just not do it, so i dont expect to ever see it.

    1 replies
    1. Kate
      4 months

      That’s what George Lucas proposed when he first signed over the franchise, and then Kathleen Kennedy literally went “Hmmm, nah.” It was a big scandal among the fans when that was leaked sometime around Episode 7’s production/trailer release

  20. bbenzo.
    4 months

    7 is definitely the most liked out of this trilogy, I personally loved this movie in my teens.

    2 replies
    1. RoseMetal
      4 months

      Honestly besides the casino bits I feel 8 is stronger 

    2. bbenzo.
      4 months

      When Kylo looked at Finn at the village during the opening of the movie, it was because he had sensed Finn’s internal conflict, and also, semi-spoiler, his force sensitivity.

  21. wikitiki3
    4 months

    I like to imagine BB8 didn’t give Finn the thumbs up when he told the base’s location, but instead that it was giving Fin the finger 😂

  22. sombra_hacker09
    4 months

    Chewie R2 

    Luke and Leia 

    3PO are the only characters to appeare on screen in all 3 trilogys 

  23. Ninjathief
    4 months

    I personally like 7, Rogue one, and Solo. But 8 and 9 have a few too many plot issues for me. Doesn't help that they had alternating writers who disagreed on where to take the story.

    1 replies
    1. Matthew
      4 months

      8 really disappointed me, especially because Luke was my childhood hero growing up. And 9 was just a serious desperate attempt to make things right and it only made things worse. After that, it was all too easy to consider the legends books as the true sequels

      1 replies
      1. Lucy
        4 months

        I like what 8 does with Luke personally - but everything else is still an issue. And 9 I'd uh... a choice 

  24. Black
    4 months

    1:39:00 Avatar live Action Admiral

  25. Brye
    4 months

    I hope they save rouge one and solo for after these 3 

  26. olin616
    4 months

    Snoke is so cool, I wonder what his deal is?😅

  27. Pip
    4 months

    I think this trilogy was fine. Flawed, certainly, but so were the prequels, and I'd even argue that the original trilogy had its flaws as well. But people view those movies with rose tinted glasses these days, and wave away the flaws as part of the charm. I'm sure when ever another trilogy is done, the same thing will happen.

    Also a bit disappointed the gang didn't even up watching the Kylo Ren undercover boss skit, that was a good one.

  28. kid.dyn0mite
    4 months

    For those who don’t know George sold lucasfilm in part because of the backlash the prequels got. It was so severe that he was seriously considering never making another SW film again. Yea, he worked directly on Clone Wars but there was a long time when we fans thought there’d never be a theatrically released SW movie ever again. Even if I have issues with this trilogy I’m thankful that it gave me a SW theater experience. I was a kid when the prequels came out but didn’t get to see them in theaters so Force Awakens was the first time I saw one of these movies on the big screen.

  29. Halcyon Days
    4 months

    We're finally in the sequels/modern SW era LFG I cant wait for you guys to see ROGUE ONE BABYYYY

  30. KingOfRedLions89
    4 months

    Can’t wait for you to see Rogue One and Andor

  31. zaxzumu
    4 months

    For Ruff, Boom, and Eric:  Starkiller base is A) a reference/lazy name recycling of the main character from the super fun Force Unleashed duology, and B) the end result of the planet Ilum from Fallen Order.  The planet where Cal gets his lightsaber crystal that was being mined to fuel the Death Star laser was later just turned into a giant Death Star itself.

    1 replies
    1. Captain
      2 months

      Which his name was also a reference to the original design for Luke, before finalizing on Skywalker. 

  32. beachking815
    4 months

    I don't think this movie is that bad but there is a few parts that I hate. A lot better then the next two.

  33. Alexis
    4 months

    As a pretty hard-core star wars fan I think this trilogy like the prequels gets an unfair amount of hate. There's valid criticisms, but there's also the joke that "no one hates star wars more than star wars fans"

    Overall I'm happy to spend time in the world of Star Wars, and the more stories that I get to see in a galaxy far far away, the better. I think it's become a bit of an unfair metric that every movie needs to be amazing, when i want to revisit the ogs I watch them, I don't need each additional trilogy to recreate it, so I'm very in support of treading new ground, telling different narratives and exploring the world. On a meta level it seems like the balancing act of making old fans happy while trying to tell new stories has been the largest obstacle to the franchise. 

    I'm excited to see you guys continue your star wars journey. I'd personally like to see Darth Bane make it to the big screen but I don't see that happening

  34. beetle
    4 months

    i love how the thing that ruff is wanting is literally the acolyte 

    1 replies
    1. lightning63
      4 months

      I really hope they give The Acolyte a chance, that show was great and is exactly what Ruff wants with a time when the Jedi are plentiful.

  35. mikehawk
    4 months

    tbh out of all the star wars stuff, im most hyped for yall to see the mandalorian & andor

  36. sguy90
    4 months

    One thing I will see about this movie since most everyone has something covered. In my opinion while the original trilogy had the best second movie of all the trilogies and the prequel trilogy had the best third movie if all the trilogies, the sequel trilogy had the best first movie of all the trilogies. The spinoffs are their own separate category but watching in release order is the best for the movies and later tv shows. 

  37. genericgamer283
    4 months

    The reason George Lucas sold Star Wars to Disney was because he wanted to retire after the prequels. That's it. After the vitriolic hate the prequels recieved, he had no more passion to make any more movies.

    “You go to make a movie and all you do is get criticized,” is straight up what he said when asked why he stepped away from Star Wars at the time. So it's not like Disney isn't allowing him to get involved, he actively chooses to distance himself from it. Even then, he's shown up on set many times for various movies and TV shows (he even directed a specific scene in the Solo movie!), and he does help out by answering questions, giving advice, as well as his blessings for any decisions.

    What's good though is that Dave Filoni, the person who made The Clone Wars shows (and directed an episode or two of ATLA), worked directly with George Lucas, and could be considered his protege in a sense. He's still working on Star Wars to this day, and is pretty high up on the totem pole. I think he was recently promoted to Chief Creative Officer of the franchise or something, and he's also writing and/or directing a Star Wars movie as well. There's actually a couple of movies that have been recently announced that we know is on the way.

    As far as the books and stuff be canon, when Disney bought Star Wars, everything before the purchase except the first 6 movies and The Clone Wars (basically whatever George directly worked on) was decanonized, and everything produced afterwards, from movies to shows to comics to books to games and so on, are considered canon. Personally, I think the new Canon has been pretty good. It's a lot easier to get into, and the quality is a lot more consistent. Although Legends (which is what the old canon is officially called) had some banger stories, and some arcs pretty much stopped in their tracks, never to be continued again, so I can understand why people were, and still are, upset about it. Luckily, they've been slowly introducing the best parts of Legends into the new Canon, even in the shows, so I'm pretty happy honestly.

    1 replies
    1. kekkers
      4 months

      I fully admit I was one of those vitrolic Prequel haters.  Though I tried to avoid talking too much about the actors I did go after George a bit.  with the whole Ruined my childhood thing.  And while I don't think I'll ever like the Prequel Films.  I acknowledge that I was overblown not in my dislike for them but how I reacted to them and the people who made them. 

      It's why I have patience for the Sequel trilogy hating nutjobs.  They'll grow out of it and grow up like I did. 

  38. idziman
    4 months

    I'll never forget the hype I felt back in high school when Episode 7 was announced. I was so excited for Star Wars to be back and for a modern take on it after the Prequels. I can't wait to see your reactions to the rest of the trilogy and hear your thoughts. I still really think this movie is great! It really feels like Star Wars.

  39. Tina
    4 months

    I loved this trilogy, flaws and all!

  40. Carlos
    4 months

    Always interesting to see someone fresh to the franchise watch these Disney movies. Honestly I think TFA and TLJ are fine movies, it's the third one that kinda ruins the trilogy for me. It was such a backpedaling mess, but that's my opinion. I'm curious to see how you all will react when you eventually get there. Just please, make sure you watch Rogue One (and Andor) at some point. Those are the absolute best thing to come out of Disney Star Wars

  41. Anthony
    4 months

    The sequel movies aren’t bad movies, they’re just bad additions to what’s already there

    2 replies
    1. zaxzumu
      4 months


      Especially 8.  Cinematically and pace wise, it was a solid space epic.  But as a sequel meant to undo some of the plot points of its predecessor, followed by 9, which in turn ignored most of 8, there felt like no point.  I think that either director could have made a much better trilogy if they'd been given the full trilogy to work direct by themselves, or at least had talked at least once for fifteen minutes about how they wanted the trilogy to go.  By the time you finish 9, the whole trilogy felt like a "nuh-uh! yeah-huh!" between two directors with vastly different styles and visions.  I don't hate it for the 4chan reasons(female lead who is suddenly very strong for no reason, a focus on POC characters in 8 like Rose), though I am disappointed that the entire trilogy started off as a remix of A New Hope, and that Abrams tied his movies down so close to the original trilogy that it just retroactively cheapened the original movies by negating those characters' impact on the world.  Also the decision to make Luke, who famously showed mercy to his genocidal father on the suspicion that he still had a hint of good in him, would-after successfully redeeming said father- somehow become a man who was prepared to kill his innocent nephew because "I had a bad dream".  I actually don't mind Rey (though I admit she's deeply flawed as a byproduct of the same inconsistent writing found throughout the trilogy), and wouldn't mind a new trilogy that would give her the opportunity to actually have to struggle with something (similar to Anakin, it would be a great character building device to take an OP character and make them a mentor who doesn't know how to properly teach).  I just want new properties to actually EXPAND on the universe instead of pigeon-holing themselves into the same 80 year span between episode 3 and episode 7.  Why can't we have a distant (100+ years) future?  Or the birth of the Jedi?  Or Sith?  I'd personally love to see a game of thrones-esque Sith anthology starting with someone like King Adas, and working through some of the characters like Ajunta Pal, Nagga Saddow, Exar Kun, Valkoran, Revan, Malgus and Bane.  Or a series following the first Jedi schism, or their founding as a whole.  Or even the Rakatan empire and their force hounds.  There's so much lore they could expand on that doesn't get locked into a limiting box of "but Stormtroopers and Darth Sidious".

    2. Anthony
      4 months

      At least that’s my opinion

  42. Springtime
    4 months

    To explain Starkiller Base, it’s actually draining the solar and dark energy from the star while using the kyber crystals in the planet to fire a laser through hyperspace to destroy multiple planets at the same time

  43. Matthew
    4 months


  44. Y0GE
    4 months

    These movies are terrible and newer fans like them more than older fans due to older fans having the EU with decades of life and stories and Disney scrapped it all and said in public interviews they had no source material to make new movies right after burning all the books and games lore like Luke with his wife and jedi order and many other stories. 

    2 replies
    1. Matthew
      4 months

      I actually got into the EU after the sequels messed things up so I didn’t have those EU expectations when I first saw the sequels. And it’s too easy for me to consider those legends books as my sequels. For starters, they do right by the OT characters, giving them better storylines, characterizations, and successful lives, rather than regressing or complete character assassinations.

    2. Y0GE
      4 months

      Also the reason Rey is so powerful is because she is a woman. I'm not being sexist here Disney wanted her to be an ultra Mary sue character going so far to say the force is female. It wasn't a problem in this movie but it becomes an issue as the movies go on.

      1 replies
      1. Melly
        4 months

        Dont wanna get into a whole thing, but just for the record in case you honestly dont know, that whole "The Force is Female" thing came purely cause of a photo of KK with some other girls wearing shirts that said that, and the context for the photo was she was at a NIKE event for their shoes and that was the slogan NIKE was using to promote the event. It had nothing to do with Star Wars or Disney funny enough. People just saw KK and ran with it

  45. Andrew
    4 months

    Oh boy here we go the absolute destruction of Star Wars starts with this one and just hasn’t stopped 

    2 replies
    1. Colonel
      4 months

      Nobody cares.

    2. Red
      4 months

      Oh boy here we go with false BS because a bunch of man babies don't like a certain movie. 

      2 replies
      1. Toxic
        4 months

        this movie wasnt as bad but its the next two that really blew the hole in the ship i dont hate the actors cause they were just doing what they were given its more the writing look prequels had some really really bad writing in a lot of cases but it still felt like it was telling a story with it this did not

      2. Y0GE
        4 months

        They ruin established lore, ruin established characters and have no cohesive story that doesn't make sense. They aren't man babies they are just not good star wars movies and this is coming from someone who likes alot of what Disney made like mandolorian, bad batch, Kenobi and visions these movies are not not good.

        1 replies
        1. Residentfan 1
          4 months

          The complete bs is the line “starts with this one and just hasn’t stopped.” Man babies are ignoring all the good Disney Star Wars because of one movie.

          1 replies
          1. Toxic
            4 months

            believe me ill give credit wheres it due but so for stuff like clone wars s7 bad batch rogue one tales of the jedi  but this one was okay and the last two were oh boy 

  46. LaLa
    4 months

    Here's the issue most 'haters' have with this trilogy: Disney bought the franchise that ALREADY had the perfect and extensive sequel novel EU series written over the course of roughly 20ish years and then said FUCK YOU we want to just recycle old storylines and vaguely paint over them to make the 'fresh'.

    So yeah, these movies are aren't terrible because they are more or less the same movies as the first trilogy sprinkled with the prequels and a smidge of Clone Wars. But you can try to pry the EU from my cold lifeless hands all you want, no one will ever take them from me. Not even the mouse. 💀

    1 replies
    1. Matthew
      4 months

      That’s not the case with most/some fans, my relatives and I have been hardcore Star Wars fans since forever, we never got into the EU and we still hate the sequels with a passion, heck one of my uncles did like the sequels at one point, time went by and then he became a hater. Our problems with them is that it has the same overall plot as the original trilogy, wasted character potential, so many plot inconsistencies, a serious disservice to the OT characters, and don’t even get me started on the big bad reveal of episode 9. 

  47. 25redshark
    4 months

    Despite not liking the new trilogy I always enjoyed this movie. The issue is the upcoming ones because each movie in this trilogy has a different director with their own vision so theres little consistency in terms of plot threads/ideas

    1 replies
    1. Matthew
      4 months

      The sad thing is it doesn’t even seem like a trilogy, they seems like individual movies telling three different stories. Heck the trilogy doesn’t even feel like a continuation of the Star Wars story, sometimes it seems like a bad fanfic 

  48. maskedmagician
    4 months

    Rougue One is so good!

  49. Colonel
    4 months


  50. WerewolfF14
    4 months

    as someone who likes these movies more every rewatch im excited to see you go through them. Love them or hate them as long as you're not toxic about it its a-okay with me. People on both sides are often way to horrible to each other. 

  51. ToastMuffin
    4 months

    The first movie of the sequels isn't bad despite its problems. However, I believe the sequel trilogy did the opposite of the prequel trilogy by aging like milk instead of wine. 

  52. Raptor
    4 months

    Disney Star Wars survives off cameos and nostalgia alone.

  53. Curtis
    4 months

    I have to admit I have only ever seen Star Wars episodes 1-3 and 7+, I never could get myself to watch the original trilogy.

  54. Jason
    4 months

    This one was honestly not bad for the first movie but the next two are not it 

  55. Diuque
    4 months

    Episodes VII and VIII are enjoyable to a certain extent, but you realize that they are point-to-point copies of the original scripts, for example IV and VII: the captured rebel, the droid with important information, the teenager in the desert, the smuggler, the space station destroys planets. episode IX is already a pointless nonsense

    2 replies
    1. Matthew
      4 months

      Yeah I have to agree, it’s sad that the entire sequel trilogy is basically a recycle version of the original trilogy. Sure not everything is exactly the same but there are definitely too many similarities

    2. Colonel
      4 months

      Why are you even here then? why do you care about their reaction to this movie? You want to see them hating on it/them?

  56. MephilesNumberOneFan
    4 months

    I love this trilogy of movies a lot.

    I actually remember standing in line when this premiered.

  57. Mr.Maple
    4 months

    As someone who really did not like these movies for what they do, I am super hyped to see you guys watch them. 

    3 replies
    1. Colonel
      4 months

      For real! Let the haters be haters.

    2. Sasha
      4 months

      ^ lol sorry, used my phone to make a comment and it replied to you instead of just being a normal post lmao

    3. Sasha
      4 months

      I genuinely still love this movie, it hold up so well and is by far the most enjoyable to me of the 3 sequels. I really don't like the next two, but I am so pumped to see you guys form your own opinions. I just hope you don't get too entangled with either side of the views people have for these films, both sides are toxic regardless of positive or negative reviews

  58. Matthew
    4 months

    I hope you guys don’t buy into the haters because these are not bad movies. Everyone loved this movie when they first saw it and then changed their minds like a year later. 

    2 replies
    1. Y0GE
      4 months

      I'm sorry but that glorifies what happened. People loved this movie for its potential on who is snoke? The knights of ren? What's Luke doing? All of this has people hyped but after the next 2 movies all the interesting plot points that were set up either flopped or has terrible outcomes as so people's opinions of the first movie soured.

    2. Sasha
      4 months

      I think this movie is amazing and it holds up very well! However, the next two movies have a horrible reputation due to the handling of the characters and lack of a plan (needing to change things last minute or go back on decisions made in previous films). Hatred is different than disliking something so I can't be mad at those for not liking the lack of coherent storytelling and accuracy to the og characters. Just my view

      3 replies
      1. Matthew
        4 months

        Same here, I haven’t seen a sequel movie since TROS was in theaters. Heck every time I have a Star Wars marathon I always stop at episode six or three depending on the order. I just don’t have it in my to put myself through the sequels again. Too much stuff about those movies put me in a bad mood and it’s only gotten worse since I started reading the legends books 

      2. Colonel
        4 months

        This is sadly true. I still enjoy them tho. (Crazy, I know)

      3. Ramba_Ya
        4 months


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